forked from XiaoMo/ChatGPT-Next-Web
[+] fix(exporter.tsx): add async keyword to download function [+] feat(exporter.tsx): add support for saving image file using window.__TAURI__ API [+] feat(global.d.ts): add types for window.__TAURI__ API methods [+] feat(locales): add translations for download success and failure messages [+] feat(sync.ts): add support for generating backup file name with date and time [+] fix(utils.ts): add async keyword to downloadAs function and add support for saving file using window.__TAURI__ API
428 lines
12 KiB
428 lines
12 KiB
import { getClientConfig } from "../config/client";
import { SubmitKey } from "../store/config";
const isApp = !!getClientConfig()?.isApp;
const cn = {
WIP: "该功能仍在开发中……",
Error: {
Unauthorized: isApp
? "检测到无效 API Key,请前往[设置](/#/settings)页检查 API Key 是否配置正确。"
: "访问密码不正确或为空,请前往[登录](/#/auth)页输入正确的访问密码,或者在[设置](/#/settings)页填入你自己的 OpenAI API Key。",
Auth: {
Title: "需要密码",
Tips: "管理员开启了密码验证,请在下方填入访问码",
Input: "在此处填写访问码",
Confirm: "确认",
Later: "稍后再说",
ChatItem: {
ChatItemCount: (count: number) => `${count} 条对话`,
Chat: {
SubTitle: (count: number) => `共 ${count} 条对话`,
EditMessage: {
Title: "编辑消息记录",
Topic: {
Title: "聊天主题",
SubTitle: "更改当前聊天主题",
Actions: {
ChatList: "查看消息列表",
CompressedHistory: "查看压缩后的历史 Prompt",
Export: "导出聊天记录",
Copy: "复制",
Stop: "停止",
Retry: "重试",
Pin: "固定",
PinToastContent: "已将 1 条对话固定至预设提示词",
PinToastAction: "查看",
Delete: "删除",
Edit: "编辑",
Commands: {
new: "新建聊天",
newm: "从面具新建聊天",
next: "下一个聊天",
prev: "上一个聊天",
clear: "清除上下文",
del: "删除聊天",
InputActions: {
Stop: "停止响应",
ToBottom: "滚到最新",
Theme: {
auto: "自动主题",
light: "亮色模式",
dark: "深色模式",
Prompt: "快捷指令",
Masks: "所有面具",
Clear: "清除聊天",
Settings: "对话设置",
Rename: "重命名对话",
Typing: "正在输入…",
Input: (submitKey: string) => {
var inputHints = `${submitKey} 发送`;
if (submitKey === String(SubmitKey.Enter)) {
inputHints += ",Shift + Enter 换行";
return inputHints + ",/ 触发补全,: 触发命令";
Send: "发送",
Config: {
Reset: "清除记忆",
SaveAs: "存为面具",
IsContext: "预设提示词",
Export: {
Title: "分享聊天记录",
Copy: "全部复制",
Download: "下载文件",
Share: "分享到 ShareGPT",
MessageFromYou: "来自你的消息",
MessageFromChatGPT: "来自 ChatGPT 的消息",
Format: {
Title: "导出格式",
SubTitle: "可以导出 Markdown 文本或者 PNG 图片",
IncludeContext: {
Title: "包含面具上下文",
SubTitle: "是否在消息中展示面具上下文",
Steps: {
Select: "选取",
Preview: "预览",
Image: {
Toast: "正在生成截图",
Modal: "长按或右键保存图片",
Select: {
Search: "搜索消息",
All: "选取全部",
Latest: "最近几条",
Clear: "清除选中",
Memory: {
Title: "历史摘要",
EmptyContent: "对话内容过短,无需总结",
Send: "自动压缩聊天记录并作为上下文发送",
Copy: "复制摘要",
Reset: "[unused]",
ResetConfirm: "确认清空历史摘要?",
Home: {
NewChat: "新的聊天",
DeleteChat: "确认删除选中的对话?",
DeleteToast: "已删除会话",
Revert: "撤销",
Settings: {
Title: "设置",
SubTitle: "所有设置选项",
Danger: {
Reset: {
Title: "重置所有设置",
SubTitle: "重置所有设置项回默认值",
Action: "立即重置",
Confirm: "确认重置所有设置?",
Clear: {
Title: "清除所有数据",
SubTitle: "清除所有聊天、设置数据",
Action: "立即清除",
Confirm: "确认清除所有聊天、设置数据?",
Lang: {
Name: "Language", // ATTENTION: if you wanna add a new translation, please do not translate this value, leave it as `Language`
All: "所有语言",
Avatar: "头像",
FontSize: {
Title: "字体大小",
SubTitle: "聊天内容的字体大小",
InjectSystemPrompts: {
Title: "注入系统级提示信息",
SubTitle: "强制给每次请求的消息列表开头添加一个模拟 ChatGPT 的系统提示",
InputTemplate: {
Title: "用户输入预处理",
SubTitle: "用户最新的一条消息会填充到此模板",
Update: {
Version: (x: string) => `当前版本:${x}`,
IsLatest: "已是最新版本",
CheckUpdate: "检查更新",
IsChecking: "正在检查更新...",
FoundUpdate: (x: string) => `发现新版本:${x}`,
GoToUpdate: "前往更新",
SendKey: "发送键",
Theme: "主题",
TightBorder: "无边框模式",
SendPreviewBubble: {
Title: "预览气泡",
SubTitle: "在预览气泡中预览 Markdown 内容",
AutoGenerateTitle: {
Title: "自动生成标题",
SubTitle: "根据对话内容生成合适的标题",
Sync: {
CloudState: "云端数据",
NotSyncYet: "还没有进行过同步",
Success: "同步成功",
Fail: "同步失败",
Config: {
Modal: {
Title: "配置云同步",
Check: "检查可用性",
SyncType: {
Title: "同步类型",
SubTitle: "选择喜爱的同步服务器",
Proxy: {
Title: "启用代理",
SubTitle: "在浏览器中同步时,必须启用代理以避免跨域限制",
ProxyUrl: {
Title: "代理地址",
SubTitle: "仅适用于本项目自带的跨域代理",
WebDav: {
Endpoint: "WebDAV 地址",
UserName: "用户名",
Password: "密码",
UpStash: {
Endpoint: "UpStash Redis REST Url",
UserName: "备份名称",
Password: "UpStash Redis REST Token",
LocalState: "本地数据",
Overview: (overview: any) => {
return `${} 次对话,${overview.message} 条消息,${overview.prompt} 条提示词,${overview.mask} 个面具`;
ImportFailed: "导入失败",
Mask: {
Splash: {
Title: "面具启动页",
SubTitle: "新建聊天时,展示面具启动页",
Builtin: {
Title: "隐藏内置面具",
SubTitle: "在所有面具列表中隐藏内置面具",
Prompt: {
Disable: {
Title: "禁用提示词自动补全",
SubTitle: "在输入框开头输入 / 即可触发自动补全",
List: "自定义提示词列表",
ListCount: (builtin: number, custom: number) =>
`内置 ${builtin} 条,用户定义 ${custom} 条`,
Edit: "编辑",
Modal: {
Title: "提示词列表",
Add: "新建",
Search: "搜索提示词",
EditModal: {
Title: "编辑提示词",
HistoryCount: {
Title: "附带历史消息数",
SubTitle: "每次请求携带的历史消息数",
CompressThreshold: {
Title: "历史消息长度压缩阈值",
SubTitle: "当未压缩的历史消息超过该值时,将进行压缩",
Token: {
Title: "API Key",
SubTitle: "使用自己的 Key 可绕过密码访问限制",
Placeholder: "OpenAI API Key",
Usage: {
Title: "余额查询",
SubTitle(used: any, total: any) {
return `本月已使用 $${used},订阅总额 $${total}`;
IsChecking: "正在检查…",
Check: "重新检查",
NoAccess: "输入 API Key 或访问密码查看余额",
AccessCode: {
Title: "访问密码",
SubTitle: "管理员已开启加密访问",
Placeholder: "请输入访问密码",
Endpoint: {
Title: "接口地址",
SubTitle: "除默认地址外,必须包含 http(s)://",
CustomModel: {
Title: "自定义模型名",
SubTitle: "增加自定义模型可选项,使用英文逗号隔开",
Model: "模型 (model)",
Temperature: {
Title: "随机性 (temperature)",
SubTitle: "值越大,回复越随机",
TopP: {
Title: "核采样 (top_p)",
SubTitle: "与随机性类似,但不要和随机性一起更改",
MaxTokens: {
Title: "单次回复限制 (max_tokens)",
SubTitle: "单次交互所用的最大 Token 数",
PresencePenalty: {
Title: "话题新鲜度 (presence_penalty)",
SubTitle: "值越大,越有可能扩展到新话题",
FrequencyPenalty: {
Title: "频率惩罚度 (frequency_penalty)",
SubTitle: "值越大,越有可能降低重复字词",
Store: {
DefaultTopic: "新的聊天",
BotHello: "有什么可以帮你的吗",
Error: "出错了,稍后重试吧",
Prompt: {
History: (content: string) => "这是历史聊天总结作为前情提要:" + content,
"简要总结一下对话内容,用作后续的上下文提示 prompt,控制在 200 字以内",
Copy: {
Success: "已写入剪切板",
Failed: "复制失败,请赋予剪切板权限",
Download: {
Success: "内容已下载到您的目录。",
Failed: "下载失败。",
Context: {
Toast: (x: any) => `包含 ${x} 条预设提示词`,
Edit: "当前对话设置",
Add: "新增一条对话",
Clear: "上下文已清除",
Revert: "恢复上下文",
Plugin: {
Name: "插件",
FineTuned: {
Sysmessage: "你是一个助手",
Mask: {
Name: "面具",
Page: {
Title: "预设角色面具",
SubTitle: (count: number) => `${count} 个预设角色定义`,
Search: "搜索角色面具",
Create: "新建",
Item: {
Info: (count: number) => `包含 ${count} 条预设对话`,
Chat: "对话",
View: "查看",
Edit: "编辑",
Delete: "删除",
DeleteConfirm: "确认删除?",
EditModal: {
Title: (readonly: boolean) =>
`编辑预设面具 ${readonly ? "(只读)" : ""}`,
Download: "下载预设",
Clone: "克隆预设",
Config: {
Avatar: "角色头像",
Name: "角色名称",
Sync: {
Title: "使用全局设置",
SubTitle: "当前对话是否使用全局模型设置",
Confirm: "当前对话的自定义设置将会被自动覆盖,确认启用全局设置?",
HideContext: {
Title: "隐藏预设对话",
SubTitle: "隐藏后预设对话不会出现在聊天界面",
Share: {
Title: "分享此面具",
SubTitle: "生成此面具的直达链接",
Action: "复制链接",
NewChat: {
Return: "返回",
Skip: "直接开始",
NotShow: "不再展示",
ConfirmNoShow: "确认禁用?禁用后可以随时在设置中重新启用。",
Title: "挑选一个面具",
SubTitle: "现在开始,与面具背后的灵魂思维碰撞",
More: "查看全部",
URLCommand: {
Code: "检测到链接中已经包含访问码,是否自动填入?",
Settings: "检测到链接中包含了预制设置,是否自动填入?",
UI: {
Confirm: "确认",
Cancel: "取消",
Close: "关闭",
Create: "新建",
Edit: "编辑",
Export: "导出",
Import: "导入",
Sync: "同步",
Config: "配置",
Exporter: {
Model: "模型",
Messages: "消息",
Topic: "主题",
Time: "时间",
type DeepPartial<T> = T extends object
? {
[P in keyof T]?: DeepPartial<T[P]>;
: T;
export type LocaleType = typeof cn;
export type PartialLocaleType = DeepPartial<typeof cn>;
export default cn;