forked from XiaoMo/ChatGPT-Next-Web
479 lines
13 KiB
479 lines
13 KiB
import { getClientConfig } from "../config/client";
import { SubmitKey } from "../store/config";
import { LocaleType } from "./index";
// if you are adding a new translation, please use PartialLocaleType instead of LocaleType
const isApp = !!getClientConfig()?.isApp;
const en: LocaleType = {
WIP: "Coming Soon...",
Error: {
Unauthorized: isApp
? "Invalid API Key, please check it in [Settings](/#/settings) page."
: "Unauthorized access, please enter access code in [auth](/#/auth) page, or enter your OpenAI API Key.",
Auth: {
Title: "Need Access Code",
Tips: "Please enter access code below",
SubTips: "Or enter your OpenAI or Google API Key",
Input: "access code",
Confirm: "Confirm",
Later: "Later",
ChatItem: {
ChatItemCount: (count: number) => `${count} messages`,
Chat: {
SubTitle: (count: number) => `${count} messages`,
EditMessage: {
Title: "Edit All Messages",
Topic: {
Title: "Topic",
SubTitle: "Change the current topic",
Actions: {
ChatList: "Go To Chat List",
CompressedHistory: "Compressed History Memory Prompt",
Export: "Export All Messages as Markdown",
Copy: "Copy",
Stop: "Stop",
Retry: "Retry",
Pin: "Pin",
PinToastContent: "Pinned 1 messages to contextual prompts",
PinToastAction: "View",
Delete: "Delete",
Edit: "Edit",
Commands: {
new: "Start a new chat",
newm: "Start a new chat with mask",
next: "Next Chat",
prev: "Previous Chat",
clear: "Clear Context",
del: "Delete Chat",
InputActions: {
Stop: "Stop",
ToBottom: "To Latest",
Theme: {
auto: "Auto",
light: "Light Theme",
dark: "Dark Theme",
Prompt: "Prompts",
Masks: "Masks",
Clear: "Clear Context",
Settings: "Settings",
UploadImage: "Upload Images",
Rename: "Rename Chat",
Typing: "Typing…",
Input: (submitKey: string) => {
var inputHints = `${submitKey} to send`;
if (submitKey === String(SubmitKey.Enter)) {
inputHints += ", Shift + Enter to wrap";
return inputHints + ", / to search prompts, : to use commands";
Send: "Send",
Config: {
Reset: "Reset to Default",
SaveAs: "Save as Mask",
IsContext: "Contextual Prompt",
Export: {
Title: "Export Messages",
Copy: "Copy All",
Download: "Download",
MessageFromYou: "Message From You",
MessageFromChatGPT: "Message From ChatGPT",
Share: "Share to ShareGPT",
Format: {
Title: "Export Format",
SubTitle: "Markdown or PNG Image",
IncludeContext: {
Title: "Including Context",
SubTitle: "Export context prompts in mask or not",
Steps: {
Select: "Select",
Preview: "Preview",
Image: {
Toast: "Capturing Image...",
Modal: "Long press or right click to save image",
Select: {
Search: "Search",
All: "Select All",
Latest: "Select Latest",
Clear: "Clear",
Memory: {
Title: "Memory Prompt",
EmptyContent: "Nothing yet.",
Send: "Send Memory",
Copy: "Copy Memory",
Reset: "Reset Session",
"Resetting will clear the current conversation history and historical memory. Are you sure you want to reset?",
Home: {
NewChat: "New Chat",
DeleteChat: "Confirm to delete the selected conversation?",
DeleteToast: "Chat Deleted",
Revert: "Revert",
Settings: {
Title: "Settings",
SubTitle: "All Settings",
Danger: {
Reset: {
Title: "Reset All Settings",
SubTitle: "Reset all setting items to default",
Action: "Reset",
Confirm: "Confirm to reset all settings to default?",
Clear: {
Title: "Clear All Data",
SubTitle: "Clear all messages and settings",
Action: "Clear",
Confirm: "Confirm to clear all messages and settings?",
Lang: {
Name: "Language", // ATTENTION: if you wanna add a new translation, please do not translate this value, leave it as `Language`
All: "All Languages",
Avatar: "Avatar",
FontSize: {
Title: "Font Size",
SubTitle: "Adjust font size of chat content",
InjectSystemPrompts: {
Title: "Inject System Prompts",
SubTitle: "Inject a global system prompt for every request",
InputTemplate: {
Title: "Input Template",
SubTitle: "Newest message will be filled to this template",
Update: {
Version: (x: string) => `Version: ${x}`,
IsLatest: "Latest version",
CheckUpdate: "Check Update",
IsChecking: "Checking update...",
FoundUpdate: (x: string) => `Found new version: ${x}`,
GoToUpdate: "Update",
SendKey: "Send Key",
Theme: "Theme",
TightBorder: "Tight Border",
SendPreviewBubble: {
Title: "Send Preview Bubble",
SubTitle: "Preview markdown in bubble",
AutoGenerateTitle: {
Title: "Auto Generate Title",
SubTitle: "Generate a suitable title based on the conversation content",
Sync: {
CloudState: "Last Update",
NotSyncYet: "Not sync yet",
Success: "Sync Success",
Fail: "Sync Fail",
Config: {
Modal: {
Title: "Config Sync",
Check: "Check Connection",
SyncType: {
Title: "Sync Type",
SubTitle: "Choose your favorite sync service",
Proxy: {
Title: "Enable CORS Proxy",
SubTitle: "Enable a proxy to avoid cross-origin restrictions",
ProxyUrl: {
Title: "Proxy Endpoint",
"Only applicable to the built-in CORS proxy for this project",
WebDav: {
Endpoint: "WebDAV Endpoint",
UserName: "User Name",
Password: "Password",
UpStash: {
Endpoint: "UpStash Redis REST Url",
UserName: "Backup Name",
Password: "UpStash Redis REST Token",
LocalState: "Local Data",
Overview: (overview: any) => {
return `${} chats,${overview.message} messages,${overview.prompt} prompts,${overview.mask} masks`;
ImportFailed: "Failed to import from file",
Mask: {
Splash: {
Title: "Mask Splash Screen",
SubTitle: "Show a mask splash screen before starting new chat",
Builtin: {
Title: "Hide Builtin Masks",
SubTitle: "Hide builtin masks in mask list",
Prompt: {
Disable: {
Title: "Disable auto-completion",
SubTitle: "Input / to trigger auto-completion",
List: "Prompt List",
ListCount: (builtin: number, custom: number) =>
`${builtin} built-in, ${custom} user-defined`,
Edit: "Edit",
Modal: {
Title: "Prompt List",
Add: "Add One",
Search: "Search Prompts",
EditModal: {
Title: "Edit Prompt",
HistoryCount: {
Title: "Attached Messages Count",
SubTitle: "Number of sent messages attached per request",
CompressThreshold: {
Title: "History Compression Threshold",
"Will compress if uncompressed messages length exceeds the value",
Usage: {
Title: "Account Balance",
SubTitle(used: any, total: any) {
return `Used this month $${used}, subscription $${total}`;
IsChecking: "Checking...",
Check: "Check",
NoAccess: "Enter API Key to check balance",
Access: {
AccessCode: {
Title: "Access Code",
SubTitle: "Access control Enabled",
Placeholder: "Enter Code",
CustomEndpoint: {
Title: "Custom Endpoint",
SubTitle: "Use custom Azure or OpenAI service",
Provider: {
Title: "Model Provider",
SubTitle: "Select Azure or OpenAI",
OpenAI: {
ApiKey: {
Title: "OpenAI API Key",
SubTitle: "User custom OpenAI Api Key",
Placeholder: "sk-xxx",
Endpoint: {
Title: "OpenAI Endpoint",
SubTitle: "Must starts with http(s):// or use /api/openai as default",
Azure: {
ApiKey: {
Title: "Azure Api Key",
SubTitle: "Check your api key from Azure console",
Placeholder: "Azure Api Key",
Endpoint: {
Title: "Azure Endpoint",
SubTitle: "Example: ",
ApiVerion: {
Title: "Azure Api Version",
SubTitle: "Check your api version from azure console",
CustomModel: {
Title: "Custom Models",
SubTitle: "Custom model options, seperated by comma",
Google: {
ApiKey: {
Title: "API Key",
SubTitle: "Obtain your API Key from Google AI",
Placeholder: "Enter your Google AI Studio API Key",
Endpoint: {
Title: "Endpoint Address",
SubTitle: "Example:",
ApiVersion: {
Title: "API Version (specific to gemini-pro)",
SubTitle: "Select a specific API version",
Model: "Model",
Temperature: {
Title: "Temperature",
SubTitle: "A larger value makes the more random output",
TopP: {
Title: "Top P",
SubTitle: "Do not alter this value together with temperature",
MaxTokens: {
Title: "Max Tokens",
SubTitle: "Maximum length of input tokens and generated tokens",
PresencePenalty: {
Title: "Presence Penalty",
"A larger value increases the likelihood to talk about new topics",
FrequencyPenalty: {
Title: "Frequency Penalty",
"A larger value decreasing the likelihood to repeat the same line",
Store: {
DefaultTopic: "New Conversation",
BotHello: "Hello! How can I assist you today?",
Error: "Something went wrong, please try again later.",
Prompt: {
History: (content: string) =>
"This is a summary of the chat history as a recap: " + content,
"Please generate a four to five word title summarizing our conversation without any lead-in, punctuation, quotation marks, periods, symbols, bold text, or additional text. Remove enclosing quotation marks.",
"Summarize the discussion briefly in 200 words or less to use as a prompt for future context.",
Copy: {
Success: "Copied to clipboard",
Failed: "Copy failed, please grant permission to access clipboard",
Download: {
Success: "Content downloaded to your directory.",
Failed: "Download failed.",
Context: {
Toast: (x: any) => `With ${x} contextual prompts`,
Edit: "Current Chat Settings",
Add: "Add a Prompt",
Clear: "Context Cleared",
Revert: "Revert",
Plugin: {
Name: "Plugin",
FineTuned: {
Sysmessage: "You are an assistant that",
Mask: {
Name: "Mask",
Page: {
Title: "Prompt Template",
SubTitle: (count: number) => `${count} prompt templates`,
Search: "Search Templates",
Create: "Create",
Item: {
Info: (count: number) => `${count} prompts`,
Chat: "Chat",
View: "View",
Edit: "Edit",
Delete: "Delete",
DeleteConfirm: "Confirm to delete?",
EditModal: {
Title: (readonly: boolean) =>
`Edit Prompt Template ${readonly ? "(readonly)" : ""}`,
Download: "Download",
Clone: "Clone",
Config: {
Avatar: "Bot Avatar",
Name: "Bot Name",
Sync: {
Title: "Use Global Config",
SubTitle: "Use global config in this chat",
Confirm: "Confirm to override custom config with global config?",
HideContext: {
Title: "Hide Context Prompts",
SubTitle: "Do not show in-context prompts in chat",
Share: {
Title: "Share This Mask",
SubTitle: "Generate a link to this mask",
Action: "Copy Link",
NewChat: {
Return: "Return",
Skip: "Just Start",
Title: "Pick a Mask",
SubTitle: "Chat with the Soul behind the Mask",
More: "Find More",
NotShow: "Never Show Again",
ConfirmNoShow: "Confirm to disable?You can enable it in settings later.",
UI: {
Confirm: "Confirm",
Cancel: "Cancel",
Close: "Close",
Create: "Create",
Edit: "Edit",
Export: "Export",
Import: "Import",
Sync: "Sync",
Config: "Config",
Exporter: {
Description: {
Title: "Only messages after clearing the context will be displayed",
Model: "Model",
Messages: "Messages",
Topic: "Topic",
Time: "Time",
URLCommand: {
Code: "Detected access code from url, confirm to apply? ",
Settings: "Detected settings from url, confirm to apply?",
export default en;