#!/bin/bash # Set the pipefail option. set -o pipefail # Get the Vercel API endpoints. GET_DEPLOYMENTS_ENDPOINT="https://api.vercel.com/v6/deployments" DELETE_DEPLOYMENTS_ENDPOINT="https://api.vercel.com/v13/deployments" # Create a list of deployments. # deployments=$(curl -s -X GET "$GET_DEPLOYMENTS_ENDPOINT/?projectId=$VERCEL_PROJECT_ID&teamId=$VERCEL_ORG_ID" -H "Authorization: Bearer $VERCEL_TOKEN ") deployments=$(curl -s -X GET "$GET_DEPLOYMENTS_ENDPOINT/?projectId=$VERCEL_PROJECT_ID" -H "Authorization: Bearer $VERCEL_TOKEN ") # Filter the deployments list by meta.base_hash === meta tag. filtered_deployments=$(echo $deployments | jq --arg META_TAG "$META_TAG" '[.deployments[] | select(.meta.base_hash | type == "string" and contains($META_TAG)) | .uid] | join(",")') filtered_deployments="${filtered_deployments//\"/}" # Remove double quotes # Clears the values from filtered_deployments IFS=',' read -ra values <<<"$filtered_deployments" echo "META_TAG ${META_TAG}" echo "Filtered deployments ${filtered_deployments}" # Iterate over the filtered deployments list. for uid in "${values[@]}"; do echo "Deleting ${uid}" delete_url=${DELETE_DEPLOYMENTS_ENDPOINT}/${uid} echo $delete_url # Make DELETE a request to the /v13/deployments/{id} endpoint. curl -X DELETE $delete_url -H "Authorization: Bearer $VERCEL_TOKEN" echo "Deleted!" done