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var miucms = require('./utils/miucms.js');
// var script = require('./utils/script');
// console.log(script());
var initial_url = 'https://api.gter.net/xiaoapp_offer.init.json';
var __ = require('./utils/miucms.js');
import util from './utils/util'
// 保存原始的Page构造器
const originPage = Page;
// 重写Page构造器
Page = function (pageConfig) {
// 添加全局的onShow逻辑
const originOnLoad = pageConfig.onLoad;
pageConfig.onLoad = function () {
if (originOnLoad) originOnLoad.apply(this, arguments);
const originOnShare = pageConfig.onShareAppMessage;
if (originOnShare) {
pageConfig.onShareAppMessage = function (e) {
name: "share"
return originOnShare.apply(this, [e]);
// 调用原始的Page函数
return originPage(pageConfig);
randomString(n) {
let str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz9876543210';
let tmp = '',
i = 0,
l = str.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
tmp += str.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * l));
return tmp;
onLaunch: function (options) {
data: {
scene: options.scene
path: options.path,
query: options.query,
name: "onLaunch"
const accountInfo = wx.getAccountInfoSync();
const envVersion = accountInfo.miniProgram.envVersion;
this.globalData['envVersion'] = envVersion
this.globalData.options = options;
if (wx.getUserProfile) {
this.globalData.canIUseGetUserProfile = true;
var Authorization = wx.getStorageSync('Authorization');
if (!Authorization) {
Authorization = this.randomString(32);
wx.setStorageSync('Authorization', Authorization)
wx.setStorageSync('session', Authorization)
try {
var systemInfo = wx.getSystemInfoSync();
} catch (e) {
// 获取系统信息失败
this.globalData.screen_data = {
windowHeight: 812,
totalTopHeight: 68,
statusBarHeight: 20,
titleBarHeight: 48,
title: '',
index: false
computeNavigateBarHeight: function () {
var systemInfo = wx.getSystemInfoSync();
if (wx.getSystemInfoSync) {
var data = wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect()
let totalTopHeight = data.bottom;
let windowHeight = systemInfo.windowHeight,
statusBarHeight = data.top,
windowWidth = systemInfo.windowWidth
let platform = systemInfo.platform
this.globalData.platform = platform
if (platform == 'windows' || platform == 'mac') this.globalData.isPC = true
this.globalData.screen_data = {
windowHeight: windowHeight,
totalTopHeight: totalTopHeight + 6,
statusBarHeight: statusBarHeight,
titleBarHeight: data.height,
titleWidth: data.widthinitial,
bottomLift: systemInfo.screenHeight - systemInfo.safeArea.bottom,
isIos: systemInfo.platform === 'ios' ? true : false,
} else {
// 兼容低版本
this.globalData.screen_data = {
windowHeight: systemInfo.windowHeight,
totalTopHeight: systemInfo.statusBarHeight + 48,
statusBarHeight: systemInfo.statusBarHeight,
titleBarHeight: 48,
title: '',
index: false
onShow: function (options) {
// 检查小程序更新问题
/* 版本自动更新代码开始 */
const updateManager = wx.getUpdateManager()
updateManager.onCheckForUpdate(function (res) {
// console.log("新版本信息的回调", res.hasUpdate) // 请求完新版本信息的回调 true说明有更新
updateManager.onUpdateReady(function () {
title: '更新检测', // 此处可自定义提示标题
content: '检测到新版本,是否重启小程序?', // 此处可自定义提示消息内容
success: function (res) {
if (res.confirm) {
// 新的版本已经下载好,调用 applyUpdate 应用新版本并重启
updateManager.onUpdateFailed(function () {
// 新的版本下载失败
title: '更新提示',
content: '新版本下载失败',
showCancel: false
/* 版本自动更新代码结束 */
this.globalData.scene = options.scene
this.globalData.options = options;
__.request('https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/share/overall').then(res => {
if (res.data) {
this.globalData.shareConfig = res.data;
}).catch(res => {})
// 判断socket从后台打开 并且已经断开链接了,需要重启
// if (this.globalData.isHideState && this.globalData.socketTask && this.globalData.socketTask['readyState'] != 1) {
// miucms.useSocket()
// }
miucms.pageStart(this).then(() => {
this.globalData.isHideState = false
onHide: function () {
this.globalData.isHideState = true
onError: function () {
// 这里回调错误信息
// console.log('onError')
// get: function () {
// return this.globalData.config;
// },
return_data: function (res) {
var json = res.data;
if (typeof json != 'object') {
if (json != null) {
json = json.replace("\ufeff", "");
var jj = JSON.parse(json);
res.data = jj;
var data = res.data;
return data;
// 判断微信提醒弹窗请求
judgeWechatAlertsPop() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
util.wxpost("/miniprogram/user/getPopup").then(res => {
// res.data.iswechatmessagepush = 0
let iswechatmessagepush = res.data.iswechatmessagepush
this.globalData.iswechatmessagepush = iswechatmessagepush
}).finally(() => {
this.globalData.iswechatmessagepushState = false
watch: function (method) {
var obj = this.globalData;
let setSate = obj['setSate']
Object.defineProperty(this.globalData, "setSate", { //这里的 globalData对应 上面 globalData
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
set: function (value) { //动态赋值,传递对象,为 globalData 中对应变量赋值
setSate = value
get: function () { //获取全局变量值,直接返回全部
return setSate;
globalData: {
setSate: false,
baseURL: "https://offer.gter.net",
token: null,
title: null,
session: null,
code: null,
user: {},
userInfo: {},
options: {},
config: {
follow: {
init: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/follow/init",
lists: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/follow/lists",
professionSearch: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/follow/professionSearch",
schoolSearch: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/follow/schoolSearch",
interviewExperience: {
details: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/interviewExperience/details",
lists: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/interviewExperience/lists"
offer: {
details: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/offer/details",
lists: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/offer/lists"
thread: {
lists: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/thread/lists",
reply: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/thread/reply"
vote: {
commentList: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/vote/commentList",
commentPost: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/vote/commentPost",
create: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/vote/create",
delete: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/vote/delete",
details: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/vote/details",
lists: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/vote/lists",
operation: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/vote/operation",
unvote: "https://offer.gter.net/miniprogram/vote/unvote"
source: '',
header: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain',
'Cookie': '_miucms_session_gter=' + wx.getStorageSync('_miucms_session')
new_reply: false,
// 寄托租房独有字段
choose: {},
kw: '',
status: 0,
screen_data: {},
canGetData: false, //是否可以开始获取数据
StudentapartmentNew: null,
isUserAuthorization: 0, //用户点击授权:0未知1未授权2已授权
follow_data: {},
ischangeFollow: false, //是否有更新关注列表
shareConfig: {},
canIUseGetUserProfile: false,
// 优惠券的隐藏与否
iscoupon: false,
isgetinit: false,
mysquareAsk: {},
favUpdateList: [],
isPC: false,
platform: {},
initializeLoginState: false, // 初始化登录状态
iswechatmessagepush: null,
iswechatmessagepushState: -1,
socketTask: null, // 全局的 socket 值
isHideState: true, // 判断是否 隐藏了 在 onshow 为 true 是代表小程序后台打开
messageData: [], // 全局的私信信息
messageSendData: [], // 全局的 发送新消息的返回
unreadMessageCount: 0, // 未读消息数量
onMessage: res => {
// console.log("res拿到的信息", res);
postList: [], // 一级页面的 发布 列表
navigation: [], // 一级页面的 导航栏 列表
voteAmend: {}, // 新投票列表的详情和列表交互数据
signInState: 0, // 签到状态
getSignInState: false, // 获取完签到状态
popup: undefined, // 全局弹窗数据 undefined 是还没获取到 null 是没有弹窗 {} 是数据
offerkaipingadvertisement: {}, // 开屏广告 数据
offerkaipingadvertisementState: false, // 开屏广告 状态
isConnected: false,