2 template_message_service
TheNorthMemory edited this page 2015-06-13 19:07:38 +08:00

Template Message


  1. The feature is only enabled for the account which is named as "服务号";
  2. The "服务号" account needs certificated by the Wechat offcial;
  3. Other mentioned rules please checking the Wechat Official Wiki (chinese version)

Usage Memo

The template message is hosted by the Overtrue\Wechat\Notice class.

instance demo


use Overtrue\Wechat\Notice;

$appId  = 'wx3cf0f39249eb0e60';
$secret = 'f1c242f4f28f735d4687abb469072a29';

$notice = new Notice($appId, $secret);


  • boolean setIndustry($industryId1, $industryId2)

    toggle the industry from $industryId1 to $industryId2, once/month

  • array industries()

    Fetching all of supported industries list;

  • string addTemplate($shortId)

    add the message template and returned the template ID;

  • int send($to = null, $templateId = null, array $data = array(), $url = null, $color = '#FF0000')

    send a template message and returned the message ID;

None-Chained Method usage:

$messageId = $notice->send($to, $templateId, array $data, $url, $color);

Chained Method usage:

  1. setter the template ID: template / templateId / uses
  2. setter the receiver openId: to / receiver
  3. setter the temlate header color: color / topColor
  4. setter the detail page URL: url / link / linkTo
  5. setter the template data: data / with
  6. send

all of above are both supported withXXX and or andXXX method chain

$messageId = $notice->uses($templateId)->andUrl($url)->withColor($color)->data($data)->send();
// or
$messageId = $notice->to($userOpenId)->url($url)->template($templateId)->andData($data)->send();
// or
$messageId = $notice->withTo($userOpenId)->withUrl($url)->withTemplate($templateId)->withData($data)->send();
// or
$messageId = $notice->to($userOpenId)->color('#ff0000')->url($url)->withTemplateId($templateId)->send();
// ... ...


$userId     = 'OPENID';
$templateId = 'ngqIpbwh8bUfcSsECmogfXcV14J0tQlEpBO27izEYtY';
$url        = 'http://overtrue.me';
$color      = '#FF0000';
$data = array(
        "first"    => "CHECKOUTED",
        "keynote1" => "Chocolates",
        "keynote2" => "39.8 RMB",
        "keynote3" => "2014/9/16",
        "remark"   => "Have a nice day!",

$messageId = $notice->uses($templateId)->withUrl($url)->andData($data)->andReceiver($userId)->send();

The Template Data

The following data structures were wrapped and tested by this SDK, others should made the RPC call failed Possibly

  • all of the columns' colors are sample (simple way):

    $data = array(
        "first"    => "CHECKOUTED",
        "keynote1" => "Chocolates",
        "keynote2" => "39.8 RMB",
        "keynote3" => "2014/9/16",
        "remark"   => "Have a nice day!",

    The default color is '#173177', and it can be reset by the defaultColor($color) method;

  • setter each of the columns' colors:

    • Fast-way type:

      $data = array(
          "first"    => array("CHECKOUTED", '#555555'),
          "keynote1" => array("Chocolates", "#336699"),
          "keynote2" => array("39.8 RMB", "#FF0000"),
          "keynote3" => array("2014/9/16", "#888888"),
          "remark"   => array("Have a nice day!", "#5599FF"),
    • Official-way types:

      $data = array(
          "first"    => array("value" => "CHECKOUTED", "color" => '#555555'),
          "keynote1" => array("value" => "Chocolates", "color" => "#336699"),
          "keynote2" => array("value" => "39.8 RMB","color" => "#FF0000"),
          "keynote3" => array("value" => "2014/9/16", "color" => "#888888"),
          "remark"   => array("value" => "Have a nice day!", "color" => "#5599FF"),