3577 lines
172 KiB
3577 lines
172 KiB
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<Title>{{ `${seo["title"] || "问答"} - 寄托天下出国留学网` }}</Title>
<Meta name="keyword" :content="seo['keyword']" />
<Meta name="description" :content="seo['description']" />
<div class id="answer-app">
<header class="flexacenter" id="pageHeader">
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<div class="history-item ellipsis" v-for="(item, index) in historicalSearchList" :key="index" @click.stop="handleClickHistoricalItem(item)">{{ item }}</div>
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<div v-if="index !== 0" class="halving-line">|</div>
<div class="item flexcenter" :class="{ pitch: typePitch == it['id'] }" v-for="it in item" :key="it" @click="cutType(it.id)">{{ it["name"] }}</div>
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<div class="main-header" :style="{ paddingLeft: type == 'list' ? 0 : 'calc((100vw - 1200px) / 2)' }">
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<template v-if="myModelState">
<div class="search-keyword flexacenter" @click="closeMyModel()">
<div class="ellipsis">我的收藏/提问/回答</div>
<img class="search-keyword-cross" src="./img/cross-circle-icon.png" />
<template v-else-if="isSearchMode">
<div class="search-keyword flexacenter" @click="handleClickClear()">
<div class="ellipsis">{{ keywordText }}</div>
<img class="search-keyword-cross" src="./img/cross-circle-icon.png" />
<div class="total grid-item" @click="cut">共 {{ total }} 条搜索结果</div>
<div v-else class="total grid-item" @click="cut">共 {{ total }} 条问答</div>
<div class="look-only flexcenter" v-if="type != 'details'" @click="handleLookOnly">
<img class="look-icon" v-if="zeroreply == 0" src="@/img/tick-no.svg" />
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<a v-if="item['isrecom'] && type != 'list'" class="item grid-item flexflex" :style="itemStyle(index, item['content'], item['type'])" :class="{ pitch: index === pitchIndex, upLevel: index === pitchIndex - 1 }" target="_blank" :href="item['url']">
<!-- <a v-if="item['isrecom']" class="item grid-item flexflex" :style="itemStyle(index, item['content'], item['type'])" :class="{ pitch: index === pitchIndex, upLevel: index === pitchIndex - 1 }" target="_blank" :href="item['url']"> -->
<img class="dot" src="./img/dot.svg" />
<div class="content" :style="{ width: type == 'list' ? '531px' : '430px' }">
<div class="issue-title flexcenter">
<div class="recommend flexcenter">推荐阅读</div>
<div class="issue ellipsis flex1">{{ item["title"] }}</div>
<template v-if="item['type'] == 'thread'">
<div class="answer ellipsis" v-if="item['message']">{{ item["message"] }}</div>
<div class="answer" style="height: auto;" v-else-if="item['type'] == 'vote'">
<div v-for="(ite, i) in item['option'].slice(0, 2)" :key="i">{{ replaceNumberObj[i] + ite }}</div>
<div>{{ replaceNumberObj[2] }} …</div>
<template v-else>
<div class="answer ellipsis flexacenter">
<div class="value-value" v-if="item['profession'] || item['professional']">{{ item["profession"] || item["professional"] }}</div>
<div class="value-value" v-if="item['project'] || item['degree']">{{ item["project"] || item["degree"] }}</div>
<div class="value-value" v-if="item['interviewtime'] || item['semester']">{{ item["interviewtime"] || item["semester"] }}</div>
<div class="value-value" v-if="item['apply_results']">{{ item["apply_results"] }}</div>
<div class="bottom flexacenter">
<div class="typename flexcenter">{{ item["typename"] }}</div>
<a v-else class="item grid-item flexflex" :style="itemStyle(index, item['content'])" :class="[{ pitch: index === pitchIndex, upLevel: index === pitchIndex - 1 }, `item${index}`]" :href="setItemUrl(item['uniqid'])" @click.stop.prevent="getDetails(item['uniqid'], index)">
<img class="dot" src="./img/dot.svg" />
<div class="content" :style="{ width: type == 'list' ? '531px' : '430px' }">
<div class="issue-title flexcenter">
<img class="hot-icon" v-if="item['ishot'] == 1" src="./img/hot-icon.png" />
<div class="issue ellipsis flex1">{{ item["title"] }}</div>
<div class="answer ellipsis" v-if="item['content']">{{ item["content"] }}</div>
<div class="bottom flexacenter">
<div class="typename flexcenter" v-if="item['typename']">{{ item["typename"] }}</div>
<div v-else></div>
<div class="flexacenter">
<div class="quantity">{{ handleDate(item.publicationdate, false) }}提问</div>
<div class="longString"></div>
<div class="quantity">{{ item["answers"] == 0 ? "暂无回答" : "共" + item["answers"] + "个回答" }}</div>
<template v-if="type == 'list'">
<div class="longString"></div>
<div class="answer-btn" @click.stop.prevent="openListIAnswer(index)">我来回答</div>
<div class="bottom-tps" :style="bottomTpsStyle()" v-if="inTheEndState">- 到底了 -</div>
<div class="bottom-tps" :style="bottomTpsStyle()" v-if="myModelState"></div>
<div class="empty-box flexcenter" v-if="isListEmptyState && list.length == 0">
<div class="dot-list flexacenter">
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-yellow.svg" />
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-yellow.svg" />
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-yellow.svg" />
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-gray.svg" />
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-gray.svg" />
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-gray.svg" />
<img class="empty-icon" src="./img/empty-icon.svg" />
<div class="empty-hint" v-if="isSearchMode">没有找到相关结果,请更换搜索关键词</div>
<div class="empty-hint" v-else>暂无数据</div>
<div class="details-area-box flexflex" v-if="type == 'details'" @scroll="handleDetailsScroll">
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<div class="loading-bj flexcenter" v-if="detailLoading">
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<div class="details-box flexflex">
<div v-if="emojiState" class="emoji-box-mask" @click="closeEmoji()"></div>
<div class="close-box">
<div class="close-circle flexcenter" @click="closeDetailMode()">
<img class="close-icon" src="./img/close-icon.svg" />
<img class="details-cross-icon" src="./img/cross-icon.png" />
<!-- 提问信息 -->
<div class="details-issue">
<!-- <div class="icon q flexcenter">Q</div> -->
<!-- <img class="qq" src="@/img/Q.png" /> -->
<div class="label">香港</div>
<div class="titletitle">
{{ detailsInfo["title"] }}
<div class="hint" @click="handleAnswerText" v-if="detailsInfo['content']" v-html="detailsInfo['content']"></div>
<div class="info-box flexacenter">
<div class="user-info flexacenter" @click="openUserInfo()">
<img class="avatar" v-if="detailsInfo['avatar']" :src="detailsInfo['avatar']" />
<div class="user-name">{{ detailsInfo["nickname"] }}</div>
<div class="avatar-box flexflex" v-if="avatarState">
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="sendMessage(detailsInfo['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/send-messages-icon.png" />
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="TAHomePage(detailsInfo['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/homepage-icon.png" />
<div class="avatar-mask"></div>
<div class="time">{{ handleDate(detailsInfo["publicationdate"]) }}</div>
<div class="operate-box flexacenter">
<div class="answer-btn flexcenter" :class="{ white: detailsInfo['answers'] == 0 }" @click="openIAnswer()">
<img class="answer-btn-icon answer-icon-edit" src="./img/edit-icon.png" />
<img class="answer-btn-icon answer-icon-white" src="./img/edit-icon-white.svg" />
<div class="operate-list flexacenter">
<div class="operate-item flexacenter" style="cursor: auto;">
<img class="operate-icon operate-collect-icon" style="width: 13px; height: 8px;" src="./img/view-icon.svg" />
{{ detailsInfo["viewnum"] || 0 }}
<div class="operate-item flexacenter" @click="operateCollect()">
<img class="operate-icon operate-collect-icon" v-if="detailsIscollection == 0" src="./img/collect-icon.png" />
<img class="operate-icon operate-collect-icon" v-else src="./img/collect-icon-colours.svg" />
{{ detailsInfo["collectionnum"] > 0 ? detailsInfo["collectionnum"] : "收藏" }}
<div class="operate-item flexacenter operate-transmit" @mouseenter.stop="closeTransmitState()" @mouseleave.stop="closeAllTransmitState()">
<img class="operate-icon operate-transmit-icon" src="./img/transmit-icon.png" />
<div class="transmit-box flexflex" v-if="questionsTransmitState" @click.stop style="z-index: 10;">
<img class="cross-icon" @click.stop="closeAllTransmitState()" src="./img/cross-icon.png" />
<div class="transmit-left transmit-web">
<div class="transmit-title">转发网页版</div>
<div class="transmit-content">
<div class="transmit-headline">{{ detailsInfo["title"] }}</div>
<div class="transmit-url">{{ getCurrentUrl() }}</div>
<div class="transmit-web-btn flexcenter" @click="copyText(detailsInfo['title'] + getCurrentUrl())">复制链接</div>
<div class="transmit-right transmit-mini">
<div class="transmit-title">转发小程序版</div>
<div class="transmit-content flexcenter">
<img class="transmit-mini-img" :src="detailShare['qrcode']" />
<div class="flexcenter">
<img class="give-sweep" src="./img/give-sweep.png" />
<div class="answer-discuss">
<div class="header flexacenter">
<span class="num">{{ 17 }}</span>
<div class="input-box">
<div class="top flexflex">
<img class="avatar" src="https://axure-file.lanhuapp.com/md5__61e148c1ead80d48108f4e5a7f93abc3.svg" />
<div class="input-textarea flex1" :class="{ 'placeholder': isPlaceholderVisible }" contenteditable="true" @focus="clearPlaceholder" @blur="setPlaceholder" @paste="handleInputPaste"></div>
<div class="picture-box" v-if="picture.url">
<div class="picture">
<img class="close" @click="closeFileUpload" src="/img/close-icon.png" />
<img class="img" :src="picture.base64 || picture.url" />
<div class="bottom flexacenter">
<div class="operate flexacenter">
<div class="item" :class="{ 'pitch': emojiState }">
<img class="icon" src="/img/smiling-face.png" @click="openEmoji()" alt="" />
<div class="emoji-box">
<div class="emoji-icon" v-for="item in emojiData" :key="item" @click="selectEmoji(item)">{{ item }}</div>
<div class="item flexacenter">
<input class="file" type="file" @change="handleFileUpload" accept=".png, .jpg, .jpeg" />
<img class="icon" src="/img/picture-icon.png" alt="" />
<span class="file-hint">最多可上传1张图片,支持在输入框中直接粘贴图片。</span>
<div class="btn">发送</div>
<div class="comments-box">
<div class="comments-item" v-for="(item, index) in commentList" :key="index">
<div class="comments-header flexacenter">
<div class="comments-header-left flexacenter">
<img class="comments-avatar" :src="item['avatar']" />
<div class="comments-username">{{ item["nickname"] }}</div>
<div class="comments-time">{{ handleDate(item["timestamp"]) }}</div>
<!-- <div class="comments-identity" v-if="item['questioner'] == 1">提问者</div>
<div class="comments-identity" v-else-if="item['isauthor'] == 1">回答者</div> -->
<div class="comments-identity" v-if="item['isauthor'] == 1">提问者</div>
<div class="avatar-box flexflex" v-if="item['avatarState']">
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="sendMessage(item['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/send-messages-icon.png" />
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="TAHomePage(item['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/homepage-icon.png" />
<div class="avatar-mask"></div>
<div class="comments-header-right flexacenter">
<div class="menu-box flexacenter" @click="handleMenuState(index)">
<img class="menu-icon" src="./img/menu-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="report-box flexcenter">举报</div>
<img class="comment-icon" @click="openAnswerCommentsChild(index)" src="./img/comment-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="flexacenter like-box">
<img class="like-icon" v-if="item['islike'] == 0" src="./img/like-icon-gray.png" />
<img class="like-icon" v-else src="./img/like-icon-colours.png" />
<div class="like-quantity">{{ item["likenum"] || 0 }}</div>
<div class="comments-content">
<div class="comments-text">{{ item["content"] }}</div>
<div class="input-box" v-if="item['childState']">
<img class="cross" @click="closeAnswerCommentsChild(index)" src="/img/cross-icon.png" />
<div class="top flexflex">
<div class="input-textarea flex1" :class="{ 'placeholder': isPlaceholderVisible }" contenteditable="true" @focus="clearPlaceholder" @blur="setPlaceholder" @paste="handleInputPaste(event, index)"></div>
<div class="picture-box" v-if="item.picture?.url">
<div class="picture">
<img class="close" @click="closeFileUpload" src="/img/close-icon.png" />
<img class="img" :src="picture.base64 || picture.url" />
<div class="bottom flexacenter">
<div class="operate flexacenter">
<div class="item" :class="{ 'pitch': emojiState }">
<img class="icon" src="/img/smiling-face.png" @click="openEmoji()" alt="" />
<div class="emoji-box">
<div class="emoji-icon" v-for="item in emojiData" :key="item" @click="selectEmoji(item)">{{ item }}</div>
<div class="item flexacenter">
<input class="file" type="file" @change="handleFileUpload" accept=".png, .jpg, .jpeg" />
<img class="icon" src="/img/picture-icon.png" alt="" />
<span class="file-hint">最多可上传1张图片,支持在输入框中直接粘贴图片。</span>
<div class="btn">发送</div>
<!-- <div class="comments-input-box flexacenter" v-if="item['childState']">
<div class="comments-input flexflex">
<textarea class="flex1" placeholder="回复" v-model="item['commentInput']"></textarea>
<div class="comments-btn flexcenter" @click="submitAnswerComments(index)">发送</div>
<img class="forkfork" src="./img/cross-icon.png" @click="closeAnswerCommentsChild(index)" />
</div> -->
<div class="child-comments" v-if="item['child'].length != 0">
<div class="comments-item" v-for="ite in item['child']" :key="ite.id">
<div class="comments-header flexacenter">
<div class="comments-header-left flexacenter">
<img class="comments-avatar" :src="ite['avatar']" />
<div class="comments-username">{{ ite["nickname"] }}</div>
<div class="comments-time">{{ handleDate(ite["timestamp"]) }}</div>
<div class="comments-identity" v-if="ite['questioner'] == 1">提问者</div>
<div class="comments-identity" v-else-if="ite['isauthor'] == 1">回答者</div>
<div class="avatar-box flexflex" v-if="ite['avatarState']">
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/send-messages-icon.png" />
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/homepage-icon.png" />
<div class="avatar-mask"></div>
<div class="comments-header-right flexacenter">
<div class="menu-box flexacenter">
<img class="menu-icon" src="./img/menu-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="report-box flexcenter">举报</div>
<img class="comment-icon" src="./img/comment-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="flexacenter like-box">
<img class="like-icon" v-if="ite['islike'] == 0" src="./img/like-icon-gray.png" />
<img class="like-icon" v-else src="./img/like-icon-colours.png" />
<div class="like-quantity">{{ ite["likenum"] || 0 }}</div>
<div class="comments-content">
<div class="comments-text">
<div class="comments-reply" v-if="JSON.stringify(ite['reply']) != '[]'">@{{ ite["reply"]["nickname"] }}</div>
{{ ite["content"] }}
<div class="comments-input-box flexacenter" v-if="ite['childState']">
<div class="comments-input flexflex">
<textarea class="flex1" placeholder="回复" v-model="ite['commentInput']"></textarea>
<div class="comments-btn flexcenter">发送</div>
<img class="forkfork" src="./img/cross-icon.png" />
<div class="comments-also flexacenter" v-if="item['childnum'] > item['child'].length" @click="alsoCommentsData(index, ind)">
<div class>还有{{ item["childnum"] - 1 }}条回复</div>
<img class="also-icon" src="./img/arrow-circular-gray.png" />
<!-- 一共多少 -->
<div class="answer-total-amount">共 {{ detailsInfo["answers"] }} 个回答</div>
<!-- 回答-数据 -->
<div class="answer-box-item" v-for="(item, index) in answerList" :key="index">
<img class="aa" src="@/img/A.png" />
<div class="edit-btn flexcenter" v-if="item['ismyself'] == 1" @click="openIAnswer(index)">
<img class="edit-icon" src="./img/edit-icon.png" />
<div class="answer-text" v-html="item['content']" @click="handleAnswerText"></div>
<div class="info-box flexacenter">
<div class="user-info flexacenter" @click="openUserInfo(index)">
<img class="avatar" :src="item['avatar']" />
<div class="user-name">{{ item["nickname"] }}</div>
<img class="homeShare" src="./img/title.png" v-if="item['groupid'] == 14" />
<div class="avatar-box flexflex" v-if="item['avatarState']">
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="sendMessage(item['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/send-messages-icon.png" />
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="TAHomePage(item['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/homepage-icon.png" />
<div class="avatar-mask"></div>
<div class="time">{{ handleDate(item["publicationdate"]) }}</div>
<div class="operate-box flexacenter">
<div class="interaction-box flexacenter flex1">
<div class="interaction-item flexacenter" :class="{ 'pitch': item.tab == 'riposte' }" @click="cutOperate(index, 'riposte')">
<template v-if="item.ripostecount?.total">
<span class="amount">{{ item.ripostecount?.total }}</span>
<template v-else>添加回应</template>
<div class="interaction-item flexacenter" :class="{ 'pitch': item.tab == 'comment' }" @click="cutOperate(index, 'comment')">
<template v-if="item.commentnum != 0">
<span class="amount">{{ item.commentnum }}</span>
<template v-else>添加讨论</template>
<div class="interaction-item flexacenter" :class="{ 'pitch': item.tab == 'coin' }" @click="cutOperate(index, 'coin')">
<template v-if="item.coinnum > 0">
<span class="amount">{{ item.coinnum }}</span>
<template v-else>给TA投币</template>
<div class="operate-list flexacenter">
<div class="operate-item flexacenter" @click="operateCollect(item['token'], index)">
<img class="operate-icon operate-collect-icon" v-if="item['iscollection'] == 1" src="./img/collect-icon-colours.svg" />
<img class="operate-icon operate-collect-icon" v-else src="./img/collect-icon.png" />
{{ item["collectionnum"] == 0 ? "收藏" : item["collectionnum"] }}
<div class="operate-item operate-transmit flexacenter" @click="handleAnswerTransmitList(index)" @mouseenter.stop="handleAnswerTransmitList(index)" @mouseleave.stop="closeAllTransmitState()">
<img class="operate-icon operate-transmit-icon" src="./img/transmit-icon.png" />
<div class="transmit-box flexflex" v-if="item['transmitState']" @click.stop>
<img class="cross-icon" @click.stop="closeAllTransmitState()" src="./img/cross-icon.png" />
<div class="transmit-left transmit-web">
<div class="transmit-title">转发网页版</div>
<div class="transmit-content">
<div class="transmit-headline">{{ detailsInfo["title"] }}</div>
<div class="transmit-url">{{ getCurrentUrl() }}</div>
<div class="transmit-web-btn flexcenter" @click="copyText(detailsInfo['title'] + getCurrentUrl())">复制链接</div>
<div class="transmit-right transmit-mini">
<div class="transmit-title">转发小程序版</div>
<div class="transmit-content flexcenter">
<img class="transmit-mini-img" :src="item['share']['qrcode']" />
<div class="flexcenter">
<img class="give-sweep" src="./img/give-sweep.png" />
<div class="answer-coins" v-if="item.tab == 'coin'">
<div class="coins-show flexacenter">
<img class="coins-icon" src="@/img/bi-icon.png" />
<div class="coins-text flexacenter flex1">
<span class="quantity">{{ item.coinnum }}</span>
<div class="coins-btn flexcenter" @click="openInsert(index)">给TA投币</div>
<div class="answer-coins-list" v-if="item.ranklist?.length > 0">
<div class="answer-coins-item flexacenter" v-for="(item, index) in item.ranklist" :key="index">
<div class="ranking">{{ index + 1 }}</div>
<div class="coins-user flexacenter flex1" @click.stop="TAHomePage(item.uin)">
<img class="coins-user-img" :src="item.avatar" />
<div class="coins-user-name flex1">{{ item.nickname }}</div>
<div class="bi flexacenter">
<div class="bi-amount">{{ item.coinnum }}</div>
<template v-if="item.tab == 'riposte'">
<div class="respond-area">
<div class="respond-already-item flexacenter" :class="{ 'pitch': it.selected }" v-for="(it, i) in item.ripostelist" :key="i" @click="selectEomji(it.item, index)">
<div class="code flexacenter" v-html="jointriposte(it.item)"></div>
{{ it.num }}
<div v-if="item.ripostelist?.length <= 3" class="respond-select flexacenter">
<template v-for="(it, i) in item.randomEmojis.slice(0, item.ripostelist?.length == 0 ? 8 : 5)" :key="i">
<div class="respond-select-item" v-html="jointriposte(it)" @click="selectEomji(it, index)"></div>
<RespondAdd :riposteoptions="item.riposteoptions" @selectEomji="selectEomji" :index="index"></RespondAdd>
<RespondAdd v-else :riposteoptions="item.riposteoptions" :index="index" @selectEomji="selectEomji"></RespondAdd>
<div class="respond-list-btn" v-if="item.ripostecount?.user > 0" @click="openRespondDetails(index)">
<span class="respond-list-btn-amount">{{ item.ripostecount?.user }}</span>
<img class="respond-list-btn-icon" src="@/img/arrowsRight.svg" />
<!-- <template v-if="item['commentState']"> -->
<div class="comments-area" v-if="item.tab == 'comment'">
<div class="post-comment-box">
<div class="post-comment flexacenter" :class="{ 'post-comment-radius': item.commentnum == 0 }">
<textarea class="post-input flex1" placeholder="说点什么…" v-model="item['commentInput']"></textarea>
<div class="post-ok flexcenter" @click="submitAnswerComments(index)">OK</div>
<!-- 评论 -->
<div class="comments-box" :class="{ 'show-one-comment': item['showOneCommentState'] }" v-if="item['commentList'] && item['commentList'].length != 0">
<div class="comments-item" v-for="(it, ind) in item['commentList']" :key="ind">
<div class="comments-header flexacenter">
<div class="comments-header-left flexacenter">
<img class="comments-avatar" :src="it['avatar']" @click="openUserInfo(index, ind)" />
<div class="comments-username" @click="openUserInfo(index, ind)">{{ it["nickname"] }}</div>
<div class="comments-time">{{ handleDate(it["timestamp"]) }}</div>
<div class="comments-identity" v-if="it['questioner'] == 1">提问者</div>
<div class="comments-identity" v-else-if="it['isauthor'] == 1">回答者</div>
<div class="avatar-box flexflex" v-if="it['avatarState']">
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="sendMessage(it['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/send-messages-icon.png" />
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="TAHomePage(it['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/homepage-icon.png" />
<div class="avatar-mask" @click="openUserInfo(index, ind)"></div>
<div class="comments-header-right flexacenter">
<div class="menu-box flexacenter" @click="handleMenuState(index, ind)">
<img class="menu-icon" src="./img/menu-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="report-box flexcenter">举报</div>
<img class="comment-icon" @click="openAnswerCommentsChild(index, ind)" src="./img/comment-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="flexacenter like-box" @click="operateAnswerCommentsLike(it['token'], index, ind)">
<img class="like-icon" v-if="it['islike'] == 0" src="./img/like-icon-gray.png" />
<img class="like-icon" v-else src="./img/like-icon-colours.png" />
<div class="like-quantity">{{ it["likenum"] || 0 }}</div>
<div class="comments-content">
<div class="comments-text">{{ it["content"] }}</div>
<div class="comments-input-box flexacenter" v-if="it['childState']">
<div class="comments-input flexflex">
<textarea class="flex1" placeholder="回复" v-model="it['commentInput']"></textarea>
<div class="comments-btn flexcenter" @click="submitAnswerComments(index, ind)">发送</div>
<img class="forkfork" src="./img/cross-icon.png" @click="closeAnswerCommentsChild(index, ind)" />
<div class="child-comments" v-if="it['child'].length != 0">
<div class="comments-item" v-for="(ite, i) in it['child']" :key="ite.id">
<div class="comments-header flexacenter">
<div class="comments-header-left flexacenter">
<img class="comments-avatar" @click="openUserInfo(index, ind, i)" :src="ite['avatar']" />
<div class="comments-username" @click="openUserInfo(index, ind, i)">{{ ite["nickname"] }}</div>
<div class="comments-time">{{ handleDate(ite["timestamp"]) }}</div>
<div class="comments-identity" v-if="ite['questioner'] == 1">提问者</div>
<div class="comments-identity" v-else-if="ite['isauthor'] == 1">回答者</div>
<div class="avatar-box flexflex" v-if="ite['avatarState']">
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="sendMessage(ite['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/send-messages-icon.png" />
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="TAHomePage(ite['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/img/homepage-icon.png" />
<div class="avatar-mask" @click="openUserInfo(index, ind, i)"></div>
<div class="comments-header-right flexacenter">
<div class="menu-box flexacenter" @click="handleMenuState(index, ind, i)">
<img class="menu-icon" src="./img/menu-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="report-box flexcenter">举报</div>
<img class="comment-icon" @click="openAnswerCommentsChild(index, ind, i)" src="./img/comment-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="flexacenter like-box" @click="operateAnswerCommentsLike(ite['token'], index, ind, i)">
<img class="like-icon" v-if="ite['islike'] == 0" src="./img/like-icon-gray.png" />
<img class="like-icon" v-else src="./img/like-icon-colours.png" />
<div class="like-quantity">{{ ite["likenum"] || 0 }}</div>
<div class="comments-content">
<div class="comments-text">
<div class="comments-reply" v-if="JSON.stringify(ite['reply']) != '[]'">@{{ ite["reply"]["nickname"] }}</div>
{{ ite["content"] }}
<div class="comments-input-box flexacenter" v-if="ite['childState']">
<div class="comments-input flexflex">
<textarea class="flex1" placeholder="回复" v-model="ite['commentInput']"></textarea>
<div class="comments-btn flexcenter" @click="submitAnswerComments(index, ind, i)">发送</div>
<img class="forkfork" src="./img/cross-icon.png" @click="closeAnswerCommentsChild(index, ind, i)" />
<div class="comments-also flexacenter" v-if="it['childnum'] > it['child'].length" @click="alsoCommentsData(index, ind)">
<div class>还有{{ it["childnum"] - 1 }}条回复</div>
<img class="also-icon" src="./img/arrow-circular-gray.png" />
<!-- {{ item["commentnum"] + ' ' + item["commentList"].length }} -->
<!-- <div class="reverl-all flexcenter" @click="handleAllComment(index)" v-if="item['commentnum'] != item['commentList'].length"> -->
<!-- <div class="reverl-all flexcenter" @click="handleAllComment(index)" v-if="item['commentCount'] != item['commentList'].length">
<img class="arrow-circular" src="./img/arrow-circular-gray.png" />
</div> -->
<!-- <div class="more-comments flexcenter" @click="showComments(index)"> -->
<div class="more-comments flexcenter" @click="handleAllComment(index)" v-if="item['showOneCommentState'] && item.commentnum > 2">
<img class="more-comments-icon" src="@/img/arrow-circular-gray.png" />
<!-- · 著作权归作者所有 · -->
<div class="copyright flexcenter" v-if="answerList.length > 0">· 著作权归作者所有 ·</div>
<!-- 你的答案 -->
<div class="your-answer-box" v-if="!isNeedLogin">
<div class="your-answer-header flexacenter">您的答案</div>
<div class="your-answer-textarea" :class="{ placeholder: yourAnswerPlaceholderState }" contenteditable="true" @paste="handlePaste($event, 'you')" v-html="yourAnswer['text']" @input="handleInputYou"></div>
<div class="flexacenter your-answer-bottom">
<div class="option-box flexacenter" @click="cutYourAnswerAnonymous()">
<img class="option-icon" v-if="yourAnswer['anonymous'] == 0" src="./img/tick-no.svg" />
<img class="option-icon" v-else src="./img/tick-option.svg" />
<div class="your-answer-submit flexcenter" @click="handleYourAnswer">提交回答</div>
<!-- 回答-没有数据 -->
<div class="answer-empty-box flexcenter" v-if="isNeedLogin && answerList.length == 0">
<div class="empty-box flexcenter">
<div class="dot-list flexacenter">
<img class="dot-item" src="./img/dot-yellow.svg" v-for="item in 3" :key="item" />
<img class="dot-item" src="./img/dot-gray.svg" v-for="item in 3" :key="item" />
<img class="empty-icon" src="./img/empty-icon.svg" />
<div class="empty-hint">我在等待你的回答</div>
<div class="mobile-phone-check flexcenter">
<img class="QRCode-icon" src="./img/QRCode-icon.svg" alt />
<div class="QRCode-pop flexcenter">
<img class="offer-mini-QRcode" :src="detailShare['qrcode']" />
<div class="QRCode-hint flexacenter">
<img class="QRCode-img" src="./img/give-sweep.png" />
<!-- 我的弹窗 -->
<div class="popover-mask my-popover flexcenter" v-if="myType">
<div class="popover-box flexflex">
<img class="cross-icon" src="./img/cross-icon.png" @click="myType = ''" />
<div class="tab-list flexcenter">
<div class="tab-item flexacenter" :class="{ pitch: myType == 'collect' }" @click="handleMy('collect')">
<div class="quantity">{{ myCollectionCount || myCount["collect"] || 0 }}</div>
<div class="long-string"></div>
<div class="tab-item flexacenter" :class="{ pitch: myType == 'questions' }" @click="handleMy('questions')">
<div class="quantity">{{ myQuestionsCount || myCount["questions"] || 0 }}</div>
<div class="long-string"></div>
<div class="tab-item flexacenter" :class="{ pitch: myType == 'answers' }" @click="handleMy('answers')">
<div class="quantity">{{ myAnswerCount || myCount["answer"] || 0 }}</div>
<div class="empty-box flexcenter" v-if="(myType == 'collect' && myCollectionList.length == 0) || (myType == 'answers' && myAnswerList.length == 0) || (myType == 'questions' && myQuestionsList.length == 0)">
<div class="dot-list flexacenter">
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-yellow.svg" />
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-yellow.svg" />
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-yellow.svg" />
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-gray.svg" />
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-gray.svg" />
<img class="item" src="./img/dot-gray.svg" />
<img class="empty-icon" src="./img/empty-icon.svg" />
<div class="empty-hint">暂无内容</div>
<div class="content-box collect-list" v-if="myType == 'collect' && myCollectionList.length != 0" @scroll="handleCollectionScroll">
<div class="item flexflex" v-for="(item, index) in myCollectionList" :key="item" @click.stop="myOpenDetails(item.data['uniqid'])">
<template v-if="item.type == 'askanswercollection'">
<div class="icon a flexcenter">A</div>
<div class="centre flexflex flex1">
<div class="titletitle ellipsis" v-html="item['data']['content']"></div>
<div class="text ellipsis">提问:{{ item["data"]["title"] }}</div>
<div class="delete-box flexacenter">
<img class="delete-icon" @click.stop="cancelCollection(item['token'], index)" src="./img/delete-icon.svg" />
<template v-else>
<div class="icon q flexcenter">Q</div>
<div class="centre flexflex flex1">
<div class="titletitle ellipsis">{{ item["data"]["title"] }}</div>
<div class="text ellipsis">
{{ item["data"]["answers"] > 0 ? "共" + item["data"]["answers"] + "个回答" : "暂无回答" }}
<div class="delete-box flexacenter">
<img class="delete-icon" @click.stop="cancelCollection(item['token'], index)" src="./img/delete-icon.svg" />
<div class="content-box answers-list" v-if="myType == 'answers' && myAnswerList.length != 0" @scroll="handleAnswersScroll">
<div class="item flexflex" v-for="(item, index) in myAnswerList" :key="item" @click.stop="myOpenDetails(item['uniqid'])">
<div class="icon a flexcenter">A</div>
<div class="centre flexflex flex1">
<div class="info flexacenter">
<div class="name">{{ item["nickname"] }}</div>
<div class="time">{{ handleDate(item["publicationdate"]) }}</div>
<div class="titletitle ellipsis" v-html="item['content']"></div>
<div class="text ellipsis">提问:{{ item["title"] }}</div>
<div class="operate-box flexacenter">
<div class="state-box flexacenter" @click.stop="cutAnswerPopupState(index)">
<div class="text">{{ item["anonymous"] == 0 ? "公开" : "匿名" }}</div>
<img class="arrows" src="./img/arrows-icon.svg" />
<div class="state-popup flexflex" v-if="item['popupState']">
<!-- <div class="state-popup-mask" @click.stop="cutAnswerPopupState(index)"></div> -->
<div class="state-popup-item flexacenter flex1" :class="{ pitch: item['anonymous'] == 0 }" @click.stop="changeAnonymous(item['token'], 0, index)">
<div class>公开发表</div>
<img class="state-popup-icon" src="./img/tick-orange.svg" />
<div class="state-popup-item flexacenter flex1" :class="{ pitch: item['anonymous'] == 1 }" @click.stop="changeAnonymous(item['token'], 1, index)">
<div class>匿名发表</div>
<img class="state-popup-icon" src="./img/tick-orange.svg" />
<img class="edit-icon" @click.stop="openIAnswer(index, 'my')" src="./img/edit-icon.png" />
<div class="content-box questions-list" v-if="myType == 'questions' && myQuestionsList.length != 0" @scroll="handleQuestionsScroll">
<div class="item flexflex" v-for="(item, index) in myQuestionsList" :key="item" @click.stop="myOpenDetails(item['uniqid'])">
<div class="icon q flexcenter">Q</div>
<div class="centre flexflex flex1">
<div class="info flexacenter">
<div class="name">{{ item["nickname"] }}</div>
<div class="time">{{ handleDate(item["publicationdate"]) }}</div>
<div class="titletitle ellipsis">{{ item["title"] }}</div>
<div class="text flexacenter">
<div class="new-answer flexacenter" v-if="item['authornewnum'] > 0">
有{{ item["authornewnum"] }}个新回答
<div class="long-string"></div>
{{ item["answers"] == 0 ? "暂无回答" : "共" + item["answers"] + "个回答" }}
<div class="operate-box flexacenter">
<div class="state-box flexacenter" @click.stop="cutQuestionsPopupState(index)">
<div class="text">{{ item["anonymous"] == 0 ? "公开" : "匿名" }}</div>
<img class="arrows" src="./img/arrows-icon.svg" />
<div class="state-popup flexflex" v-if="item['popupState']">
<div class="state-popup-item flexacenter flex1" :class="{ pitch: item['anonymous'] == 0 }" @click.stop="changeAnonymousQuestions(item['token'], 0, index)">
<div class>公开发表</div>
<img class="state-popup-icon" src="./img/tick-orange.svg" />
<div class="state-popup-item flexacenter flex1" :class="{ pitch: item['anonymous'] == 1 }" @click.stop="changeAnonymousQuestions(item['token'], 1, index)">
<div class>匿名发表</div>
<img class="state-popup-icon" src="./img/tick-orange.svg" />
<!-- 我要提问 -->
<div class="popover-mask flexcenter issue-box" v-if="questionsSetp" @click="cutQuestionsSetp(0)">
<!-- 第一步 -->
<div class="choosing-theme" v-if="questionsSetp == 1" @click.stop>
<div class="titletitle">选择提问所属主题</div>
<div class="theme-list flexflex">
<div class="theme-stair-box flexflex" v-for="(item, index) in questionsTypeList" :key="index">
<div class="theme-item flexcenter" v-for="item in item" :key="item.id" @click="choosingTheme(item.id)">{{ item.name }}</div>
<!-- 第二步 -->
<div class="issue-form" v-else @click.stop>
<img class="issue-bj" src="./img/issue-bj.svg" />
<div class="flexcenter q">Q</div>
<img class="cross-icon" @click="cutQuestionsSetp(0)" src="./img/cross-icon.png" />
<div class="issue-input">
<textarea v-model="questionsObj.title" placeholder="一句话描述问题,以问号结尾"></textarea>
<textarea class="issue-replenish" v-model="questionsObj.content" placeholder="欢迎补充,清晰表达问题的关键点,可获得更有效的解答(非必填)"></textarea>
<div class="issue-bottom flexacenter">
<div class="option-box flexacenter" @click="cutAnonymous" style="color: #333;">
<img class="option-icon" v-if="questionsObj.anonymous == 0" src="./img/tick-no.svg" />
<img class="option-icon" v-else src="./img/tick-option.svg" />
<div class style="color: #aaa;">(发布后只能修改是否匿名)</div>
<div class="issue-btn flexcenter" @click="postingIssue">发布问题</div>
<!-- 编辑回答 -->
<div class="popover-mask flexcenter" v-if="IAnswerEditState">
<div class="edit-answers">
<img class="close-icon" src="./img/cross-icon.png" @click="closeIAnswer" />
<div class="titletitle">编辑回答</div>
<div class="question-textarea" :class="{ placeholder: questionPlaceholderState }" contenteditable="true" @paste="handlePaste($event)" v-html="IAnswerInfo['text']" @input="handleInput"></div>
<div class="issue-bottom flexacenter">
<div class="option-box flexacenter" @click="amendIAnswer">
<img class="option-icon" v-if="IAnswerInfo['anonymous'] == 0" src="./img/tick-no.svg" />
<img class="option-icon" v-else src="./img/tick-option.svg" />
<div class="issue-btn flexcenter" @click="submitAnswer">提交回答</div>
<!-- 我来回答 -->
<div class="popover-mask flexcenter" v-if="IAnswerState">
<div class="i-answer-box flexflex">
<img class="close-icon" src="./img/cross-icon.png" @click="closeIAnswer" />
<div class="question-header">
<div class="question-title flexflex">
<div class="question-icon flexcenter">Q</div>
<div class="flex1" v-html="IAnswerInfo['title']"></div>
<div class="question-replenish" v-if="IAnswerInfo['content']" v-html="IAnswerInfo['content']"></div>
<div class="question-middle flexflex">
<div class="question-icon flexcenter">A</div>
<div class="question-textarea" :class="{ placeholder: questionPlaceholderState }" contenteditable="true" @paste="handlePaste($event)" v-html="IAnswerInfo['text']" @input="handleInput"></div>
<div class="issue-bottom flexacenter">
<div class="option-box flexacenter" @click="amendIAnswer">
<img class="option-icon" v-if="IAnswerInfo['anonymous'] == 0" src="./img/tick-no.svg" />
<img class="option-icon" v-else src="./img/tick-option.svg" />
<div class="issue-btn flexcenter" @click="submitAnswer">提交回答</div>
<!-- 提示框 -->
<transition name="msg" appear v-show="msg['state']">
<div class="box-item" :class="boxClass()" :style="{ top: 20 + 'px' }">
<div class="msg-container">{{ msg["text"] }}</div>
<!-- 大图 -->
<div class="detail-image-mask flexcenter" v-if="dialogSrc" @click="dialogSrc = ''">
<div class="detail-image flexcenter">
<img class="detail-img" :src="dialogSrc" />
<!-- 举报 -->
<div class="alert-form" v-show="alertShow">
<div class="comments reports">
<div class="head">
<span style="display: flex; align-items: center;">
<img style="width: 25px; margin-right: 7px;" src="//app.gter.net/image/gter/offer/img/exclamationpoint.png?v=4.2.08_331040000" />
<div class="close icon-close iconfont" @click="alertShow = false"></div>
<div class="form">
<div class="radio-area flexacenter">
<div class="radio-area-item flexacenter" :class="{ pitch: checkList.includes(s) }" v-for="(s, i) in reasonList" :key="i" @click="selectRadio(s)">
<div cdivlass="radio-area-frame"></div>
{{ s }}
<div class="text-box">
<textarea placeholder="请输入举报原因" v-model="alertText" maxlength="200"></textarea>
<div class="text-num">{{ 200 - alertText.length }}</div>
<div class="footer">
<button type="button" @click="alertShow = false">取消</button>
<button type="submit" :disabled="checkList.length == 0" @click="alertSubmit">提交</button>
<RespondPop v-if="respondPopState" :respondDetail="respondDetail" :respondPopObj="respondPopObj" @closePopList="closePopList" @selectEomji="selectEomji"></RespondPop>
<div class="respond-pop-mask" v-if="insertcoinsState">
<div class="slit-pop-box">
<div class="slit-left">
<img class="slit-left-icon" src="@/img/bi-icon.png" />
<div class="slit-box">
<div class="slit-head" style="">
<div class="slit-head-title flexflex" style="">
<a target="_blank" :href="insert.coinConfig.strategy.url" style="">{{ insert.coinConfig.strategy.button }}</a>
<div class="in-all">
<span>{{ insert.coinMybalance }}</span>
<div class="coin-quantity flex-items">
<div class="coin-quantity-item" :class="{ 'coin-pitch': coinAmount == item }" v-for="item in insert.coinConfig.list" :key="item" @click="coinSelectAmountDispose(item)">
{{ item }}
<span>{{ insert.coinConfig.unit }}</span>
<input class="slit-input" type="number" v-model="coinAmount" placeholder="自定义投币金额" />
<div class="message-box">
<div class="message-hint">顺便说点什么</div>
<!-- <el-input class="slit-input" style="font-size: 15px;" v-model="coinMessage" placeholder="请输入" maxlength="500" show-word-limit> </el-input> -->
<input class="slit-input" v-model="coinMessage" placeholder="请输入" maxlength="500" />
<div class="operation">
<div class="operation-item flexcenter" @click="closeInsert()">取消</div>
<div class="operation-item flexcenter greenBj" @click="postCoinSbmit()">确定</div>
<div class="respond-pop-mask" v-if="insertcoinsNoState">
<div class="no-jituobi-pop-box">
<img class="no-jituobi-close" @click="closeInsert()" src="@/img/cross-gray.svg" />
<div class="no-jituobi-head flexacenter">
<img class="bi-icon" src="@/img/bi-icon.png" style="margin-right: 12px;" />
<span style="margin-top: 10px;">
{{ insert.coinConfig.strategy.tips }}
<a :href="insert.coinConfig.strategy.url" target="_blank">
<div class="strategy-btn greenBj flexcenter">
{{ insert.coinConfig.strategy.button }}
<img class="strategy-icon" src="@/img/arrows-black.svg" />
// let userInfoWin = {
// "username": "",
// "uid": 256624,
// "uin": 4171117,
// "avatar": "https://oss.gter.net/avatar/97KwEWQHYuMQGDnFqkimXF9SHKuGwVV5zW-tYWFjYQ~~?istype=1&random=nDW5aKmb89WC",
// "messagenum": 0,
// "newprompt": 0,
// "todaysigned": 0
// }
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref, nextTick, watchEffect, watch, provide } from "vue"
import axios from "axios"
export default {
name: "#answer-app",
async setup() {
const author = "0803d96d8d50aa0cda2cf1678d828179"
const $ajax = (url, data) => {
url = url.indexOf("//") > -1 ? url : baseURL + url
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.post(url, data, {
emulateJSON: true,
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
authorization: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && author, // 头部标记
.then(function (res) {
var data = null
try {
data = typeof res.data == "string" ? JSON.parse(res.data) : res.data
if (data["code"] == 401) {
// isNeedLogin.value = true;
if (data["code"] != 200) handleMsg("error", data["message"] || "报错了,请重试!!!")
} catch (error) {}
.catch(err => {
if (err.response.status == 401) {
// isNeedLogin.value = true;
const $ajaxGET = (url, data) => {
url = url.indexOf("//") > -1 ? url : baseURL + url
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.get(url, data, {
emulateJSON: true,
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
authorization: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && author, // 头部标记
.then(function (res) {
var data = null
try {
data = typeof res.data == "string" ? JSON.parse(res.data) : res.data
if (data["code"] == 401) {
// isNeedLogin.value = true;
if (data["code"] != 200) handleMsg("error", data["message"] || "报错了,请重试!!!")
} catch (error) {}
.catch(err => {
if (err.response.status == 401) {
// isNeedLogin.value = true;
let isNeedLogin = ref(true) // 是否需要有登录
// 跳转登录
const goLogin = () => {
if (typeof window === "undefined") return
if (Object.keys(window["userInfoWin"]).length !== 0) {
if (window["userInfoWin"]["uid"]) isNeedLogin.value = false
else if (!document.querySelector("#append_parent #fwin_login")) ajax_login()
} else if (!document.querySelector("#append_parent #fwin_login")) ajax_login()
const route = useRoute()
let detailsInfoDataVuex = useState("detailsInfoData", () => {})
const baseURL = "https://ask.gter.net"
let type = ref("list") // list details
onMounted(() => {
// setTimeout(() => {
// window["userInfoWin"] = {
// "username": "",
// "uid": 256624,
// "uin": 4171117,
// "avatar": "https://oss.gter.net/avatar/97KwEWQHYuMQGDnFqkimXF9SHKuGwVV5zW-tYWFjYQ~~?istype=1&random=nDW5aKmb89WC",
// "messagenum": 0,
// "newprompt": 0,
// "todaysigned": 0
// }
// }, 400);
// 判断一下是否登录
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") isNeedLogin.value = false
else determineIsLogin()
window.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll)
if (isNeedScrollMiddle) scrollLeftInMiddle()
if (process.client) originUrl.value = window.location.origin
if (detailsInfoDataVuex.value) hanleServerRequestData()
const params = route.query
if (params["uniqid"]) getDetails(params["uniqid"])
// console.log(params);
// getDetails(params.uniqid)
// 是否直接打开提问
setTimeout(() => {
if (params["ispublish"]) questionsInit()
}, 500)
// 处理在服务端已经请求了详情接口 数据
const hanleServerRequestData = () => {
const params = route.query
type.value = "details"
let data = detailsInfoDataVuex.value
detailsInfo.value = data["info"] || {}
detailsIsanswered.value = data["isanswered"] || 0
detailsIscollection.value = data["iscollection"] || 0
detailsIsmyself.value = data["ismyself"] || 0
detailsToken = data["token"] || ""
detailShare.value = data["share"] || {}
type.value = "details"
answerList.value = []
answerPage.value = 1
replaceState({ uniqid: params["uniqid"] })
seo.value = data.seo
// 是否是后退 状态
let isBackState = false
// 监听页面后退效果 重新获取 url 请求
const listenPageBack = () => {
window.addEventListener("popstate", function (event) {
const params = route.query
if (params["keyword"]) keyword.value = params["keyword"]
if (params["tid"]) typePitch.value = params["tid"]
if (params["uniqid"]) {
isBackState = true
} else {
type.value = "list"
pitchIndex.value = null
seo.value = {}
// 判断是否登录状态
const determineIsLogin = () => {
let count = 0
let timer = setInterval(() => {
if (Object.keys(window["userInfoWin"]).length !== 0) {
if (window["userInfoWin"]["uid"] || window["userInfoWin"]["uin"]) isNeedLogin.value = false
if (count >= 10) clearInterval(timer)
}, 100)
let originUrl = ref("")
onUnmounted(() => {
window.removeEventListener("keydown", handleKeydown)
window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll)
// 获取当前url 专门 分享的url
const getCurrentUrl = () => {
return `${window.location["origin"]}?uniqid=${detailsInfo.value["uniqid"] || ""}`
// 我的 数据 数量
let myCount = ref({}) //
// 获取用户数据
const getUserData = key => {
$ajax("/api/user").then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
console.log("data", data)
myCount.value = data.count
// 是否是搜索模式
let isSearchMode = ref(false)
// 获取历史记录方法
const getHistoricalSearchList = () => {
const list = localStorage.getItem("historical-Search")
if (list) historicalSearchList.value = JSON.parse(list) || []
else historicalSearchList.value = []
// 存入历史记录 随便去重 和 限制长度 方法
const setHistoricalSearchList = () => {
if (!keyword.value) return
historicalSearchList.value = [...new Set(historicalSearchList.value)]
historicalSearchList.value = historicalSearchList.value.slice(0, 10)
localStorage.setItem("historical-Search", JSON.stringify(historicalSearchList.value))
// 搜索点击事件
const searchClick = () => {
page = 1
list.value = []
backupsList = []
listHeight.value = 0
type.value = "list"
pitchIndex.value = null
myModelState.value = false
keyword: keyword.value,
// 搜索获取焦点
const searchFocus = () => {
if (historicalSearchList.value.length == 0) return
historicalSearchState.value = true
// 搜索失去焦点
const searchBlur = () => {
setTimeout(() => (historicalSearchState.value = false), 300)
// 点击历史记录 item
const handleClickHistoricalItem = value => {
keyword.value = value
// 点击清除搜索
const handleClickClear = () => {
keyword.value = ""
page = 1
list.value = []
backupsList = []
listHeight.value = 0
type.value = "list"
pitchIndex.value = null
let historicalSearchState = ref(false) // 历史记录弹窗状态
let historicalSearchList = ref([]) // 历史记录数据
let tabListFixeState = ref(false) // 顶部 类型的 固定状态
const handleScroll = () => {
const scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop
const scrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight
const clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight
// 列表下 滑动到底部 获取新数据
if (scrollTop + clientHeight >= scrollHeight - 40 && type.value == "list") getList()
// 列表下 滚动到顶部 触发类型的固定状态
if (scrollTop > 115) tabListFixeState.value = true
else tabListFixeState.value = false
let keyword = ref("") // 搜索的值
let keywordText = ref("") // 搜索的文本
let list = ref([]) // 列表数据
let backupsList = [] // 备份列表数据
let page = 1
let total = ref(0) // 回答总数
let loading = ref(false)
let inTheEndState = ref(false) // 到底了状态
let isListEmptyState = ref() // 列表是否为空的状态
let zeroreply = ref(0) // 只看0条回答状态
// 获取列表数据
const getList = () => {
if (page == 0 || loading.value) return
loading.value = true
$ajax("/api/lists", {
limit: 20,
keyword: keyword.value,
type: typePitch.value,
zeroreply: zeroreply.value,
.then(res => {
if (res.code == 401) goLogin()
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
data.data.forEach(element => {
element["content"] = element["content"].replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "")
element["content"] = element["content"].replace(/ /g, "")
list.value = list.value.concat(data.data || [])
backupsList = backupsList.concat(data.data || [])
total.value = data.count || 0
keywordText.value = keyword.value || ""
// page++
if (list.value.length >= data["count"]) page = 0
else page++
if (page == 0 && list.value.length != 0) inTheEndState.value = true
else inTheEndState.value = false
if (list.value.length == 0) isListEmptyState.value = true
else isListEmptyState.value = false
if (keyword.value) isSearchMode.value = true
else isSearchMode.value = false
if (type.value == "details") handleInsertRelatedlist()
if (list.value.length == 0) type.value = "list"
.finally(() => (loading.value = false))
let typeList = ref([])
let typePitch = ref(null)
// 获取分类数据 列表分类
const getListClass = () => {
typeList.value = []
$ajaxGET("/api/common/typeList").then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
typeList.value = data
typeList.value.unshift([{ id: null, name: "All" }])
let pageHeaderHeight = ref(0) // 头部的高度
let pageListHeight = ref(0) // 底部列表的高度
const getPageHeight = () => {
let pageHeader = document.querySelector("#pageHeader")
pageHeaderHeight.value = pageHeader.clientHeight + 10
pageListHeight.value = window.innerHeight - pageHeaderHeight.value
let detailsInfo = ref({}) // 详情信息
let detailsIsanswered = ref(0) // 详情信息
let detailsIscollection = ref(0) // 详情信息
let detailsIsmyself = ref(0) // 详情信息
let detailsToken = "" // 详情信息
let detailShare = ref({}) // 详情信息
let detailLoading = ref(false) // 详情加载
// 获取详情
const getDetails = (uniqid, index, isOpenAnswer) => {
if (detailLoading.value) return
detailLoading.value = true
// process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (uniqid = "fCSyLDDa0r1q") // 标记1一下 8yr1m1fOH5CS fubm5CnD05qj fCSyLDDa0r1q
detailsInfo.value = {}
answerList.value = []
answerPage.value = 0
$ajax("/api/details", { uniqid })
.then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) {
type.value = "list"
pitchIndex.value = null
let data = res.data
console.log("data", data)
data["info"]["uniqid"] = uniqid
detailsInfo.value = data["info"] || {}
detailsIsanswered.value = data["isanswered"] || 0
detailsIscollection.value = data["iscollection"] || 0
detailsIsmyself.value = data["ismyself"] || 0
detailsToken = data["token"] || ""
detailShare.value = data["share"] || {}
islike.value = data["islike"] || 0
type.value = "details"
if (index !== null && index !== undefined) cut(index)
else calculateListIndex(data.info, uniqid)
answerList.value = []
answerPage.value = 1
if (isOpenAnswer) openIAnswer()
// 非后退状态才可以 修改 url
if (!isBackState) replaceState({ uniqid })
isBackState = false
seo.value = data.seo
// 初始化 我来回答的框
yourAnswer.value = {
text: "",
anonymous: 0,
// 默认 详情 div 滚动到顶部
nextTick(() => detailsAreaScrollTop())
.finally(() => (detailLoading.value = false))
// 默认 详情 div 滚动到顶部 预防用户在 列表重复点击
const detailsAreaScrollTop = () => {
let detailsArea = document.querySelector(".details-area-box")
top: 0,
behavior: "smooth",
const calculateListIndex = (info, uniqid) => {
let targetList = [...list.value]
if (targetList.length == 0 && isSearchMode.value == false && myModelState.value == false) {
setTimeout(() => calculateListIndex(info, uniqid), 200)
let valve = false
list.value.forEach((element, index) => {
if (element["uniqid"] == uniqid) {
pitchIndex.value = index
valve = true
if (!valve) {
let content = ""
if (info["content"].indexOf("<img") == -1) content = info["content"]
content = content.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "")
content = content.replace(/ /g, "")
const obj = {
answers: info["answers"],
publicationdate: info["publicationdate"],
title: info["title"],
typename: info["typename"],
if (!myModelState.value) backupsList.unshift(obj)
let answerList = ref([]) // 回答列表数据
let answerPage = ref(1) // 回答列表页数
let answerLoading = false // 回答列表加载
// 获取详情的回答数据
const getAnswerList = () => {
if (answerLoading || answerPage.value == 0) return
answerLoading = true
$ajax("/api/details/answerList", {
token: detailsToken,
limit: 20,
page: answerPage.value,
.then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
data.data.forEach((element, index) => {
// console.log("element", element)
element.coinnum = element.reward
element["commentList"] = []
// if (element["commentnum"] > 0) {
// element["showOneCommentState"] = true
// nextTick(() => {
// openCommentState(index)
// })
// } else element["commentState"] = true
element["tab"] = "riposte"
nextTick(() => {
answerList.value = answerList.value.concat(data.data)
if (answerList.value.length == data["count"]) answerPage.value = 0
else answerPage.value++
detailsInfo.value["answers"] = data["count"]
if (pitchIndex.value !== null) list.value[pitchIndex.value]["answers"] = data["count"]
.finally(() => (answerLoading = false))
// 操作 - 点赞
const operateLike = (token, index) => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
$ajax("/api/operate/like", { token }).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
answerList.value[index]["islike"] = data["status"]
answerList.value[index]["likenum"] = data["count"]
handleMsg("success", res["message"] || "操作成功")
let isNeedNewColletData = false // 是否需要获取新的收藏数据 ,顶部的我的弹窗需要
// 操作 - 收藏
const operateCollect = (token = detailsToken, index) => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
$ajax("/api/operate/collect", {
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
isNeedNewColletData = true
myCollectionPage = 1
myCollectionList.value = []
if (data["type"] == "askquestioncollection") {
detailsIscollection.value = data["status"]
detailsInfo.value["collectionnum"] = data["count"]
} else {
answerList.value[index]["iscollection"] = data["status"]
answerList.value[index]["collectionnum"] = data["count"]
handleMsg("success", res["message"] || "操作成功")
if (data["status"]) myCount.value["collect"]++
else myCount.value["collect"]--
let IAnswerState = ref(false) // 我来回答-弹窗的状态
let IAnswerEditState = ref(false) // 编辑回答-弹窗的状态
let IAnswerInfo = ref({}) // 我来回答-弹窗的信息
// 开启我来回答 type: my 表示
const openIAnswer = (index, type) => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
if (index == null) {
IAnswerInfo.value = {
title: detailsInfo.value["title"],
content: detailsInfo.value["content"],
anonymous: 0,
IAnswerState.value = true
nextTick(() => handleInput())
} else {
if (type == "my") {
IAnswerInfo.value = {
title: detailsInfo.value["title"],
text: myAnswerList.value[index]["content"],
content: detailsInfo.value["content"],
myType.value = ""
} else {
IAnswerInfo.value = {
title: detailsInfo.value["title"],
text: answerList.value[index]["content"],
content: detailsInfo.value["content"],
IAnswerEditState.value = true
nextTick(() => handleInput())
// 关闭我来回答
const closeIAnswer = () => {
IAnswerState.value = false
IAnswerEditState.value = false
isDirectlyListIAnswer = false
// 修改我来回答的匿名状态
const amendIAnswer = () => {
IAnswerInfo.value["anonymous"] = IAnswerInfo.value["anonymous"] == 0 ? 1 : 0
// 提交回答
const submitAnswer = type => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
let questionTextarea = null
if (type == "you") questionTextarea = document.querySelector(".your-answer-textarea")
else questionTextarea = document.querySelector(".question-textarea")
if (questionTextarea) IAnswerInfo.value["text"] = questionTextarea.innerHTML
$ajax("/api/publish/answerSubmit", {
token: IAnswerInfo.value["token"] || detailsToken,
anonymous: IAnswerInfo.value["anonymous"] || 0,
content: IAnswerInfo.value["text"],
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
if (isDirectlyListIAnswer) {
getDetails(IAnswerInfo.value["uniqid"], IAnswerInfo.value["index"])
IAnswerState.value = false
} else {
answerList.value = []
answerPage.value = 1
if (!IAnswerInfo.value["token"]) myCount.value["answer"]++
if (type == "you") questionTextarea.innerHTML = ""
handleMsg("success", res["message"] || "操作成功")
// 打开回答的评论
const openCommentState = index => {
if (answerList.value[index]["commentState"]) answerList.value[index]["commentState"] = false
else answerList.value[index]["commentState"] = true
if (answerList.value[index]["commentList"].length == 0 && answerList.value[index]["commentnum"] != 0) getAnswerCommentList(index)
let answerCommentLimit = 3
// 获取回答评论的数据
const getAnswerCommentList = index => {
getAnswerCommentPublic(index, 2).then(res => {
let data = res.data
answerList.value[index]["commentList"] = answerList.value[index]["commentList"].concat(data.data)
answerList.value[index]["commentCount"] = data["count"]
// 获取全部评论
const handleAllComment = index => {
answerCommentLimit = 1000
getAnswerCommentPublic(index, 1000).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
let slice3 = data.data.slice(1)
let merged1 = [...answerList.value[index]["commentList"], ...slice3.filter(item2 => !answerList.value[index]["commentList"].find(item1 => item1.id == item2.id))]
answerList.value[index]["commentList"] = merged1
answerList.value[index]["showOneCommentState"] = false
// 获取评论数据的公共接口
const getAnswerCommentPublic = (index, limit) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
$ajax("/api/comment/lists", {
token: answerList.value[index]["token"],
childlimit: 1,
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
// 提交回答-评论
const submitAnswerComments = (index, ind, i) => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
const targetAnswerList = [...answerList.value]
let content = ""
let parentid = null
let token = targetAnswerList[index]["token"]
if (i != null) {
content = targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["child"][i]["commentInput"]
parentid = targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["child"][i]["id"]
} else if (ind != null) {
content = targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["commentInput"]
parentid = targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["id"]
} else content = targetAnswerList[index]["commentInput"]
$ajax("/api/comment/submit", {
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
if (i != null) {
let targetData = {
id: data["commentid"],
isauthor: 1,
islike: 0,
likenum: 0,
reply: {
nickname: targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["child"][i]["nickname"],
targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["child"][i]["commentInput"] = ""
} else if (ind != null) {
let targetData = {
id: data["commentid"],
isauthor: 1,
islike: 0,
likenum: 0,
reply: [],
targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["commentInput"] = ""
} else {
let targetData = {
id: data["commentid"],
isauthor: 1,
islike: 0,
likenum: 0,
child: [],
targetAnswerList[index]["commentInput"] = ""
targetAnswerList[index]["commentnum"] = data["count"]
handleMsg("success", res["message"] || "操作成功")
// 回答-评论 点赞
const operateAnswerCommentsLike = (token, index, ind, i) => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
$ajax("/api/comment/like", {
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
const targetAnswerList = [...answerList.value]
if (i == null) {
targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["islike"] = data["status"]
targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["likenum"] = data["likenum"]
} else {
targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["child"][i]["islike"] = data["status"]
targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["child"][i]["likenum"] = data["likenum"]
answerList.value = targetAnswerList
handleMsg("success", res["message"] || "操作成功")
// 打开 回答-评论 的子评论
const openAnswerCommentsChild = (index, i) => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
if (i == null) commentList.value[index]["childState"] = true
else commentList.value[index]["child"][i]["childState"] = true
// 关闭 回答-评论 的子评论
const closeAnswerCommentsChild = () => {
const targetAnswerList = [...answerList.value]
commentList.value.forEach(ele => {
ele["childState"] = false
if (ele["child"] && ele["child"].length != 0) {
ele["child"].forEach(el => {
el["childState"] = false
answerList.value = targetAnswerList
// 获取剩下的子评论
const alsoCommentsData = (index, ind) => {
const targetAnswerList = [...answerList.value]
const parentid = targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["id"]
const token = targetAnswerList[index]["token"]
$ajax("/api/comment/childrenList", {
limit: 20,
page: 1,
childlimit: 1,
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
let merged1 = [...targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["child"], ...data.data.filter(item2 => !targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["child"].find(item1 => item1.id == item2.id))]
targetAnswerList[index]["commentList"][ind]["child"] = merged1
answerList.value = targetAnswerList
let myType = ref("") // collect answers questions
// 专门处理 我的 弹窗数据
const handleMy = key => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
if (Object.keys(myCount.value).length === 0) {
if (key == "collect") {
myCollectionList.value = []
myCollectionPage = 1
} else if (key == "answers") {
myAnswerList.value = []
myAnswerPage = 1
} else if (key == "questions") {
myQuestionsList.value = []
myQuestionsPage = 1
let myCollectionList = ref([]) // 我的收藏列表
let myCollectionCount = ref(0) // 我的收藏数量
let myCollectionPage = 1 // 我的收藏页数
let myCollectionLading = false // 我的收藏加载中
// 获取我的收藏
const getMyCollection = () => {
if (myCollectionPage == 0 || myCollectionLading) return
myCollectionLading = true
$ajax("/api/user/collect", {
limit: 20,
page: myCollectionPage,
.then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
myType.value = "collect"
isNeedNewColletData = false
data.data.forEach(element => {
if (element["type"] == "askanswercollection") {
let content = element["data"]["content"]
element["data"]["content"] = processHtml(content)
myCollectionList.value = myCollectionList.value.concat(data.data)
myCollectionCount.value = data.count
if (myCollectionList.value.length != data["count"]) myCollectionPage++
else myCollectionPage = 0
.finally(() => (myCollectionLading = false))
const processHtml = html => {
var parser = new DOMParser()
var doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html")
var img = doc.querySelector("img")
if (img) return `<img src="${img.src}">`
else return doc.body.textContent
// 取消收藏
const cancelCollection = (token, index) => {
$ajax("/api/user/deleteCollect", { token }).then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
myCollectionList.value.splice(index, 1)
handleMsg("success", res["message"] || "操作成功")
// 监听 我的收藏滚动到底部
const handleCollectionScroll = e => {
const el = e.target
if (el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop >= el.clientHeight + 10) return
let myAnswerList = ref([]) // 我的回答数据
let myAnswerCount = ref(0) // 我的回答数量
let myAnswerPage = 1
let myAnswerloadimg = false
// 获取我的回答
const getMyAnswer = () => {
if (myAnswerPage == 0 || myAnswerloadimg) return
myAnswerloadimg = true
$ajax("/api/user/answer", {
limit: 20,
page: myAnswerPage,
.then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
data.data.forEach(element => {
element["popupState"] = false
data.data.forEach(element => {
let content = element["content"]
element["content"] = processHtml(content)
myAnswerList.value = myAnswerList.value.concat(data.data)
myAnswerCount.value = data.count
if (myAnswerList.value.length != data["count"]) myAnswerPage++
else myAnswerPage = 0
myType.value = "answers"
.finally(() => (myAnswerloadimg = false))
// 我的回答 的滚动到底部事件
const handleAnswersScroll = e => {
const el = e.target
// 判断滚动到底部
if (el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop >= el.clientHeight + 10) return
let answerIndexOld = null
// 切换 我的提问的公开匿名 弹窗状态
const cutAnswerPopupState = index => {
myAnswerList.value[index]["popupState"] = true
if (answerIndexOld == index) {
myAnswerList.value[index]["popupState"] = false
answerIndexOld = null
} else {
myAnswerList.value[index]["popupState"] = true
if (answerIndexOld != null) myAnswerList.value[answerIndexOld]["popupState"] = false
answerIndexOld = index
// 更改匿名状态
const changeAnonymous = (token, anonymous, index) => {
$ajax("/api/publish/changeAnonymous", {
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
myAnswerList.value[index]["anonymous"] = anonymous
handleMsg("success", res["message"] || "操作成功")
let myQuestionsList = ref([]) // 我的提问数据
let myQuestionsCount = ref(0) // 我的提问数量
let myQuestionsPage = 0 // 我的提问页数
let myQuestionsloading = false // 我的提问页数
// 获取我的提问
const getMyQuestions = () => {
if (myQuestionsPage == 0 || myQuestionsloading) return
myQuestionsloading = true
$ajax("/api/user/questions", {
limit: 20,
page: myQuestionsPage,
.then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
myQuestionsList.value = myQuestionsList.value.concat(data.data)
myQuestionsCount.value = data.count
myType.value = "questions"
if (myQuestionsList.value.length != data["count"]) myQuestionsPage++
else myQuestionsPage = 0
.finally(() => (myQuestionsloading = false))
// 我的提问 的滚动到底部 事件
const handleQuestionsScroll = e => {
const el = e.target
// 判断滚动到底部
if (el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop >= el.clientHeight + 10) return
let questionsIndexOld = null
// 切换 我的提问的公开匿名 弹窗状态
const cutQuestionsPopupState = index => {
myQuestionsList.value[index]["popupState"] = true
if (questionsIndexOld == index) {
myQuestionsList.value[index]["popupState"] = false
questionsIndexOld = null
} else {
myQuestionsList.value[index]["popupState"] = true
if (questionsIndexOld != null) myQuestionsList.value[questionsIndexOld]["popupState"] = false
questionsIndexOld = index
// 更改匿名状态
const changeAnonymousQuestions = (token, anonymous, index) => {
$ajax("/api/publish/changeAnonymous", {
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
myQuestionsList.value[index]["anonymous"] = anonymous
handleMsg("success", res["message"] || "操作成功")
let questionsSetp = ref(0) // 提问的步骤
// 切换提问步骤
const cutQuestionsSetp = value => (questionsSetp.value = value)
let questionsTypeList = ref([]) // 提问的类型主题
let questionsObj = ref({
// 提问的内容
token: "",
title: "",
content: "",
tags: "",
tid: "",
anonymous: 0,
// 报 提问的初始化
const questionsInit = () => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
$ajax("/api/publish/questions").then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
questionsObj.value["token"] = data["token"]
questionsTypeList.value = data["typeList"] || []
// 选择提问主题
const choosingTheme = id => {
questionsObj.value.tid = id
// 切换匿名状态
const cutAnonymous = () => {
questionsObj.value.anonymous = questionsObj.value.anonymous == 0 ? 1 : 0
// 发布问题
const postingIssue = () => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
$ajax("/api/publish/questionsSubmit", questionsObj.value).then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
questionsSetp.value = 0
questionsObj.value = {
token: "",
title: "",
content: "",
tags: "",
tid: "",
anonymous: 0,
handleMsg("success", res["message"] || "操作成功")
let data = res.data
handleMsg("error", res["message"] || "刷新重试!!!")
let pitchIndex = ref(null) // 选中的下标
// 切换 滚动列表
const cut = index => {
pitchIndex.value = index
setTimeout(() => scrollLeftInMiddle(), 350)
// 是否需要在 onMounted 滚动左边在中间
let isNeedScrollMiddle = false
// 滚动左边在中间
const scrollLeftInMiddle = () => {
if (typeof document === "undefined") {
isNeedScrollMiddle = true
let list = document.querySelector(".list-box")
let item = list.querySelector(`.item${pitchIndex.value}`)
// 136 分为 两个68,一个是item高度的一半,另一个是列表顶部的 数量
let top = item.offsetTop - pageListHeight.value / 2 + 136
behavior: "smooth",
isNeedScrollMiddle = false
const listStyle = () => {
const newtype = type.value
let width = ""
let margin = ""
let height = ""
if (newtype == "list") {
width = "1200px"
margin = "0 auto"
} else {
width = "calc((100vw - 1200px) / 2 + 512px)"
margin = "initial"
return {
let listHeight = ref(0)
let itemHeightLeft = 0
let itemHeightRight = 0
const itemStyle = (index, content, typetype) => {
if (index == 0) {
itemHeightLeft = 0
itemHeightRight = 0
const newtype = type.value
// let itemHeight = content == "" ? 107 : 128
let obj = {}
if (newtype == "list") {
// let top = Math.floor(index / 2) * 128 + "px"
// obj["top"] = Math.floor(index / 2) * 128 + "px"
// obj["top"] = Math.floor(index / 2) * 128 + "px"
if (itemHeightLeft <= itemHeightRight) {
obj["top"] = itemHeightLeft + "px"
itemHeightLeft += content == "" ? 107 : 137
obj["left"] = 0
} else {
obj["top"] = itemHeightRight + "px"
itemHeightRight += content == "" ? 107 : 137
obj["left"] = 649 + "px"
} else {
// obj["top"] = itemHeightLeft + "px";
obj["position"] = "relative"
// position: static;
if (!typetype) {
itemHeightLeft += content == "" ? 107 : 137
obj["height"] = content == "" ? 107 + "px" : 137 + "px"
} else {
itemHeightLeft += typetype == "vote" ? 170 : 137
obj["height"] = typetype == "vote" ? 170 + "px" : 137 + "px"
// obj["left"] = 0;
obj["width"] = "100%"
obj["paddingLeft"] = "calc((100vw - 1200px) / 2)"
// 通过最后一个 算 列表的高度
if (index + 1 == list.value.length) listHeight.value = Math.max(itemHeightLeft, itemHeightRight)
return obj
const bottomTpsStyle = (index, content) => {
const newtype = type.value
let obj = {}
if (newtype == "list") {
} else {
obj["width"] = "calc(50vw - 88px)"
obj["height"] = `calc(100vh - ${list.value.length * 128}px - 268px)`
obj["paddingLeft"] = "calc((100vw - 1200px) / 2)"
obj["borderRight"] = "1px solid #ebebeb"
obj["borderRight"] = "1px solid #ebebeb"
obj["background"] = "#fff"
return obj
// list-box
const listBoxStyle = () => {
const newtype = type.value
let obj = {}
if (newtype == "list") obj["overflow"] = "visible"
else obj["height"] = pageListHeight.value + "px"
return obj
// 处理时间
const handleDate = (dateTimeStamp = new Date(), ishour = true) => {
dateTimeStamp = dateTimeStamp ? dateTimeStamp : null
var timestamp = new Date(dateTimeStamp)
timestamp = timestamp.getTime()
var minute = 1000 * 60
var hour = minute * 60
var day = hour * 24
var now = new Date().getTime()
var diffValue = now - timestamp
var result
if (diffValue < 0) return "刚刚"
var dayC = diffValue / day
var hourC = diffValue / (hour + 1)
var minC = diffValue / minute
if (dayC >= 7) {
let date = new Date(timestamp)
let Y = date.getFullYear() + "-"
let M = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? "0" + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1) + "-"
let D = (date.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + date.getDate() : date.getDate()) + " "
let h = (date.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + date.getHours() : date.getHours()) + ":"
let m = date.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes()
if (ishour) result = "" + Y + M + D + h + m
else result = "" + Y + M + D
} else if (dayC >= 1) result = "" + Math.round(dayC) + "天前"
else if (hourC >= 1) result = "" + Math.round(hourC) + "小时前"
else if (minC >= 1) result = "" + Math.round(minC) + "分钟前"
else result = "刚刚"
return result
let questionsTransmitState = ref(false) // 问题的转发 弹窗状态
let questionsTransmitMaskState = ref(false) // 问题的转发 弹窗蒙版状态状态
// 关闭转发状态
const closeTransmitState = () => {
questionsTransmitState.value = true
questionsTransmitMaskState.value = true
// 关闭全部转发状态
const closeAllTransmitState = () => {
answerList.value.forEach(element => {
element["transmitState"] = false
questionsTransmitState.value = false
questionsTransmitMaskState.value = false
// 开启和关闭回答的转发状态 type open close
const handleAnswerTransmitList = (Iindex, type) => {
answerList.value[Iindex]["transmitState"] = true
questionsTransmitMaskState.value = true
// 统计转发次数
const countForwardingTimes = token => {
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" && $ajaxGET("/api/operate/share?token=" + token)
// 关闭详情模式
const closeDetailMode = () => {
if (myModelState.value) {
type.value = "list"
pitchIndex.value = null
seo.value = {}
list.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(backupsList))
// 全部的启动到底部
const handleListScroll = e => {
const el = e.target
if (el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop >= el.clientHeight + 40 || myModelState.value) return
// 处理 回答弹窗的复制图片 type:you 为 您的答案
const handlePaste = (event, type) => {
const items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items
for (const item of items) {
if (item.type.indexOf("image") === 0) {
// 如果包含图片,阻止默认行为
handleMsg("warning", "上传图片中")
const file = item.getAsFile()
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = e => {
const base64 = e.target.result
uploadImg(base64).then(res => {
let questionTextarea = null
if (type == "you") questionTextarea = document.querySelector(".your-answer-textarea")
else questionTextarea = document.querySelector(".question-textarea")
let imgNode = document.createElement("img")
imgNode.setAttribute("src", res.url)
imgNode.setAttribute("data-aid", res.aid)
if (type == "you") handleInputYou()
else handleInput()
handleMsg("success", "上传成功")
// 上传图片 获取图片url
const uploadImg = base64 => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
$ajax("/api/common/upload", {
data: base64,
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
// 回答 的 placeholder 状态
let questionPlaceholderState = ref(false)
let yourAnswerPlaceholderState = ref(true) // 您的答案的 placeholder 状态
// 回答的输入事件 判断是否显示 placeholder 用
const handleInput = () => {
const questionTextarea = document.querySelector(".question-textarea")
const html = questionTextarea.innerHTML
if (html) questionPlaceholderState.value = false
else questionPlaceholderState.value = true
const handleInputYou = () => {
const questionTextarea = document.querySelector(".your-answer-textarea")
const html = questionTextarea.innerHTML
if (html) yourAnswerPlaceholderState.value = false
else yourAnswerPlaceholderState.value = true
let msg = ref({}) // 提示文本的对象 state 类型 type success warning error 显示状态 text 内容
// 调用 提示框方法
const handleMsg = (type, text) => {
msg.value["state"] = true
msg.value["type"] = type
msg.value["text"] = text
// 修改提示框类型
const boxClass = () => {
return type ? `box-item-${msg.value["type"]}` : ""
let msgTimer = null
const msgShowTimer = () => {
msgTimer = setTimeout(() => {
msg.value["state"] = false
}, 1000)
// 复制
let copyText = text => {
if (navigator.clipboard) {
copyText = () => {
handleMsg("success", "复制成功")
} else {
copyText = () => {
var tempInput = document.createElement("input")
tempInput.value = text
handleMsg("success", "复制成功")
// 修改 url
const replaceState = (obj = {}) => {
if (typeof window === "undefined") return
// 获取当前URL参数
let params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
for (const key in obj) {
params.set(key, obj[key])
// 替换当前URL,但不刷新页面
if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("index.html") == -1) window.history.pushState({}, "", `${window.location.pathname}index.html?${params}`)
else window.history.pushState({}, "", `${window.location.pathname}?${params}`)
let location = window.location
let contentUrl = location.pathname + location.search
if (window._hmt) window._hmt.push(["_trackPageview", contentUrl])
// 用于发送某个URL的PV统计请求
if (window._czc) window._czc.push(["_trackPageview", contentUrl])
// 删除 url 参数的key
const deleteState = (keys = []) => {
if (typeof window === "undefined") return
let params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
keys.forEach(key => {
window.history.pushState({}, "", `${window.location.pathname}?${params}`)
let myModelState = ref(false) // 我的模式状态
let myModelList = ref([]) // 我的模式列表
let temporaryData = {} // 临时存放
// 我的打开 详情
const myOpenDetails = uniqid => {
if (!uniqid) {
handleMsg("error", "没有找到相关提问")
if (!myModelState.value) {
temporaryData = {
total: total.value,
keywordText: keywordText.value,
isSearchMode: isSearchMode.value,
inTheEndState: inTheEndState.value,
type: type.value,
pitchIndex: pitchIndex.value,
listlist: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(list.value)),
isSearchMode.value = false
inTheEndState.value = false
keyword.value = ""
list.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(myModelList.value))
myModelState.value = true
pitchIndex.value = null
myType.value = ""
// 关闭我的模式
const closeMyModel = () => {
myModelList.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(list.value))
isSearchMode.value = temporaryData["isSearchMode"]
keywordText.value = temporaryData["keywordText"]
keyword.value = temporaryData["keywordText"]
total.value = temporaryData["total"]
type.value = temporaryData["type"]
pitchIndex.value = temporaryData["pitchIndex"]
inTheEndState.value = temporaryData["inTheEndState"]
list.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(temporaryData.listlist))
myModelState.value = false
if (pitchIndex.value !== null && pitchIndex.value !== undefined) {
let uniqid = list.value[pitchIndex.value]["uniqid"]
// 详情页滚动事件
const handleDetailsScroll = e => {
const el = e.target
// 判断滚动到底部
if (el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop !== el.clientHeight) return
let dialogSrc = ref("") // 大图的src
// 处理点击答案图片 展开大图
const handleAnswerText = e => {
if (e.target.tagName === "IMG") {
var src = e.target.getAttribute("src")
dialogSrc.value = src
window.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeydown)
// 大图的监听 esc 键盘按钮
const handleKeydown = event => {
if (event.key !== "Escape") return
dialogSrc.value = ""
window.removeEventListener("keydown", handleKeydown) // 取消监听
// 切换顶部的 type
const cutType = id => {
typePitch.value = id
page = 1
list.value = []
backupsList = []
listHeight.value = 0
myModelState.value = false
type.value = "list"
pitchIndex.value = null
if (id != null) {
tid: id,
} else deleteState(["tid", "uniqid"])
// 创新请求 设置列表的高度 为0
listHeight.value = 0
// 打开举报
const handleMenuState = (index, i) => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
if (i === undefined) reportToken = commentList.value[index]["token"]
else reportToken = commentList.value[index]["child"][i]["token"]
alertShow.value = true
// 举报 token
let reportToken = ""
const reasonList = ["广告", "辱骂", "重复发送", "不良信息", "其他"]
let checkList = ref([])
let alertShow = ref(false)
let alertText = ref("")
const selectRadio = value => {
const index = checkList.value.indexOf(value)
if (index === -1) checkList.value.push(value)
else checkList.value.splice(index, 1)
// 举报提交
const alertSubmit = () => {
$ajax("/api/operate/report", {
message: checkList.value,
token: reportToken,
}).then(res => {
checkList.value = []
reportToken = ""
alertShow.value = false
handleMsg("success", "举报成功")
onMounted(() => {
watchEffect(() => {
if (questionsSetp.value || myType.value || IAnswerEditState.value || IAnswerState.value || dialogSrc.value) document.body.style.overflow = "hidden"
else document.body.style.overflow = "auto"
let recommendList = [] // 推荐相关的数据
let recommendPage = 1
// 获取推荐数据
const getRecommend = uniqid => {
$ajax("/api/details/relatedlist", {
page: recommendPage,
limit: 20,
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let obj = {
offer: "Offer",
mj: "面经",
vote: "投票",
thread: "帖子",
let data = res.data
// 替换 类名
data.forEach(element => {
element["typename"] = obj[element["type"]]
element["isrecom"] = true
recommendList = recommendList.concat(data)
// 处理插入推荐数据
const handleInsertRelatedlist = uniqid => {
if (myModelState.value) return
// 计算需要插入元素的数量
let insertCount = Math.ceil(backupsList.length / 5)
// 检查数组B的长度是否足够
if (recommendList.length < insertCount) {
let target = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(backupsList))
let result = []
let j = 0
for (let i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {
if ((i + 1) % 4 === 0 && j < recommendList.length) {
list.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result))
// 加入 推荐阅读后 重新计算下标 和 滚动
nextTick(() => {
if (uniqid) {
result.forEach((element, index) => {
if (element["uniqid"] == uniqid) {
pitchIndex.value = index
const replaceNumberObj = {
0: "①",
1: "②",
2: "③",
let seo = ref({})
let initState = ref(0)
let arrr = []
let islike = ref(0) // 是否点赞
try {
// 这是一个 等待的方法 如果复制后 会 多次等待
// await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000))
const params = route.query
if (params["keyword"]) keyword.value = params["keyword"]
if (params["tid"]) typePitch.value = params["tid"]
// if (process.server && params["uniqid"]) {
// await axios
// .post(baseURL + "/api/details", { uniqid: params["uniqid"] })
// .then(response => {
// let res = response.data
// let data = res.data
// console.log("data", data)
// data["info"]["uniqid"] = params["uniqid"]
// detailsInfoDataVuex.value = data
// detailsInfo.value = data["info"] || {}
// detailsIsanswered.value = data["isanswered"] || 0
// detailsIscollection.value = data["iscollection"] || 0
// detailsIsmyself.value = data["ismyself"] || 0
// detailsToken = data["token"] || ""
// detailShare.value = data["share"] || {}
// islike.value = data["islike"] || 0
// type.value = "details"
// // calculateListIndex(data.info, params["uniqid"]);
// answerList.value = []
// answerPage.value = 1
// getAnswerList()
// closeAllTransmitState()
// replaceState({ uniqid: params["uniqid"] })
// seo.value = data.seo
// })
// .catch(error => console.error(error))
// }
await $ajax("/api/lists", {
limit: 20,
keyword: keyword.value,
type: typePitch.value,
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
data.data.forEach(element => {
element["content"] = element["content"].replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "")
element["content"] = element["content"].replace(/ /g, "")
list.value = data.data
backupsList = data.data
total.value = data.count || 0
keywordText.value = keyword.value || ""
if (list.value.length != data["count"]) page++
else page = 0
if (page == 0 && list.value.length != 0) inTheEndState.value = true
else inTheEndState.value = false
if (list.value.length == 0) isListEmptyState.value = true
else isListEmptyState.value = false
if (keyword.value) isSearchMode.value = true
else isSearchMode.value = false
nextTick(() => {
if (list.value.length == 0) type.value = "list"
// if (!process.server && params["uniqid"]) handleInsertRelatedlist()
await $ajax("/api/details/relatedlist", { page: 1, limit: 20 }).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let obj = {
offer: "Offer",
mj: "面经",
vote: "投票",
thread: "帖子",
let data = res.data
// // 替换 类名
data.forEach(element => {
element["typename"] = obj[element["type"]]
element["isrecom"] = true
recommendList = recommendList.concat(data)
if (params["uniqid"]) {
let target = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(backupsList))
let result = []
let j = 0
for (let i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {
if ((i + 1) % 4 === 0 && j < recommendList.length) {
list.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result))
} catch (error) {
// 这个是监听 初始化的 推荐接口 和 onmount 都运行完成后 滚动 item ,不让冲突
watch(initState, (newValue, oldValue) => {
if (newValue === 2) {
const params = route.query
calculateListIndex(detailsInfo.value, params["uniqid"])
const setItemUrl = uniqid => {
let url = `./index.html?uniqid=${uniqid}`
let query = route.query
for (const key in query) {
if (key != "uniqid") url += `&${key}=${query[key]}`
return url
// 处理点击 logo
const handleLogo = () => {
window.location.href = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname
// 您的答案
let yourAnswer = ref({
text: "",
anonymous: 0,
// 切换您的答案 匿名状态
const cutYourAnswerAnonymous = () => {
yourAnswer.value["anonymous"] = yourAnswer.value["anonymous"] ? 0 : 1
// 处理 您的答案的点击提交
const handleYourAnswer = () => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
IAnswerInfo.value = { ...yourAnswer.value }
yourAnswer.value = {
text: "",
anonymous: 0,
let isDirectlyListIAnswer = false // 是否是直接打开列表的我来回答
// 专门处理列表状态的 我来回答
const openListIAnswer = index => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
let targetData = list.value[index]
IAnswerInfo.value = {
title: targetData["title"],
content: targetData["content"],
token: targetData["token"],
uniqid: targetData["uniqid"],
anonymous: 0,
isDirectlyListIAnswer = true
IAnswerState.value = true
nextTick(() => handleInput())
// 头像框的状态
let avatarState = ref(false)
// 开启头像框
const openUserInfo = (index, ind, i) => {
if (i != null) {
if (answerList.value[index].commentList[ind]["child"][i]["uin"] > 0) answerList.value[index].commentList[ind]["child"][i]["avatarState"] = !answerList.value[index].commentList[ind]["child"][i]["avatarState"]
} else if (ind != null) {
if (answerList.value[index].commentList[ind]["uin"] > 0) answerList.value[index].commentList[ind]["avatarState"] = !answerList.value[index].commentList[ind]["avatarState"]
} else if (index != null) {
if (answerList.value[index]["uin"] > 0) answerList.value[index]["avatarState"] = !answerList.value[index]["avatarState"]
} else {
if (detailsInfo.value["uin"] > 0) avatarState.value = !avatarState.value
// 点击发送信息
const sendMessage = uin => {
if (uin && typeof messagePrivateItem == "function") {
messagePrivateItem({ uin: uin })
} else redirectToExternalWebsite(`https://bbs.gter.net/home.php?mod=space&showmsg=1&uid=${uin}`)
// 点击ta的主页
const TAHomePage = uin => {
// 跳转 url
const redirectToExternalWebsite = url => {
const link = document.createElement("a")
link.href = url
link.target = "_blank"
// 详情模式下关闭底部
const closeBottom = () => {
if (process.server) return
const footer = document.querySelector("body .index-footer")
if (footer) footer.style.display = "none"
else setTimeout(() => closeBottom(), 1000)
const openBottom = () => {
const footer = document.querySelector("body .index-footer")
if (footer) footer.style.display = "block"
else setTimeout(() => openBottom(), 1000)
// 处理点击 只看
const handleLookOnly = () => {
zeroreply.value = zeroreply.value == 0 ? 1 : 0
page = 1
list.value = []
backupsList = []
listHeight.value = 0
// 问答的评论 点击显示全部的第一页数据
const showComments = index => {
answerList.value[index]["showOneCommentState"] = false
// 拼接 回应需要的 字符
const jointriposte = item => {
return `&#x${item};`
const cutOperate = (index, key) => {
let target = answerList.value[index]
target["tab"] = key
if (key == "coin" && !answerList.value[index].config) {
if (key == "comment" && target["commentnum"] > 0) {
target["showOneCommentState"] = true
target["commentList"] = []
nextTick(() => {
const getRiposte = index => {
let target = answerList.value[index]
$ajax("/api/riposte/riposteGet", { token: target.token }).then(res => {
// console.log("res", res)
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
target.ripostecount = data.count || {}
target.ripostelist = data.list || []
target.riposteoptions = data.options || []
answerList.value[index] = target
if (target.ripostelist.length <= 3) randomEmoji(index)
let randomEmojis = ref(["c150", "c167", "c002", "c162", "c157", "c133", "c011", "c004"]) // 随机 五个 emoji
// 随机 7 个Emoji
const randomEmoji = index => {
let emojiList = answerList.value[index].ripostelist
let riposteoptions = answerList.value[index].riposteoptions || []
// 需要排除的 Emoji
let exclude = []
emojiList.forEach(element => {
let selectedList = [] // 待选择 Emoji To be selected
// 默认是有点赞的
for (const key in riposteoptions[0].data) {
if (key != "c150") selectedList.push(key)
const random = []
if (!exclude.includes("c150")) random.push("c150") // 添加第一个点赞 emoji
selectedList = selectedList.filter(itemB => !exclude.includes(itemB))
// 生成随机索引,确保不重复
let indexes = []
while (indexes.length < 7) {
let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * selectedList.length)
if (indexes.indexOf(randomIndex) === -1) {
answerList.value[index]["randomEmojis"] = random
let riposteSubmitState = false
const selectEomji = (code, index, ispop = false, islist = false) => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
if (riposteSubmitState) return
riposteSubmitState = true
let target = answerList.value[index]
let ispitch = false
let isindex = target.ripostelist.findIndex(element => element.item === code)
if (isindex >= 0) ispitch = target.ripostelist[isindex].selected
if (ispitch && ispop) {
riposteSubmitState = false
riposteSubmit(code, target.token)
.then(res => {
const data = res.data
target.ripostecount = data.count
if (isindex >= 0) {
target.ripostelist[isindex].num += ispitch ? -1 : 1
target.ripostelist[isindex].selected = !ispitch && target.ripostelist[isindex].num !== 0
if (target.ripostelist[isindex].num === 0) {
target.ripostelist.splice(isindex, 1)
} else {
item: code,
num: 1,
selected: true,
if (target.ripostelist.length <= 3) randomEmoji(index)
if (islist) handleRiposteListData(code, data)
.finally(() => {
riposteSubmitState = false
// 处理回应列表 数据
const handleRiposteListData = (code, data) => {
let target = respondDetail.value
if (target[code].selected) {
target[code].user = target[code].user.filter(item => item.uin != data.uin)
if (target[code].user.length == 0) delete target[code]
} else {
avatar: data.avatar,
nickname: data.username,
uid: data.uid,
uin: data.uin,
// console.log(target[code].selected);
if (target.hasOwnProperty(code)) {
target[code].selected = !target[code].selected
// target[code].selected = !target[code].selected
const riposteSubmit = (item, token) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
$ajax("/api/riposte/riposteSubmit", { token, item }).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) {
handleMsg("error", res["message"] || "报错了,请重试!!!")
} else {
// handleMsg("success", res["message"] || "回应成功")
let respondDetail = ref({})
let respondPopState = ref(false)
let respondPopObj = ref({})
// 打开回应详情
const openRespondDetails = index => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
let target = answerList.value[index]
respondPopObj.value.index = index
respondPopObj.value.user = target.ripostecount?.user
$ajax("/api/riposte/riposteDetail", { token: target.token }).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
respondDetail.value = res.data
respondPopState.value = true
const closePopList = () => {
respondPopState.value = false
// 获取币配置
const getCoinConfig = index => {
let target = answerList.value[index]
$ajax("/api/operate/coin", {
token: target.token,
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
if (res.data.coinnumpeople > 3) {
getCoinranking(answerList.value[index].token).then(data => {
target["ranklist"] = data
answerList.value[index] = Object.assign({}, target, res.data)
// 打开投币
const openInsert = index => {
let target = answerList.value[index]
insert.value = {
token: target.token,
coinConfig: target.config,
coinMybalance: target.mybalance,
ranklist: target.ranklist,
// 判断 币 是否足够
if (target.mybalance == 0) insertcoinsNoState.value = true
else insertcoinsState.value = true
// 关闭投币
const closeInsert = () => {
coinAmount.value = ""
coinMessage.value = ""
insertcoinsState.value = false
insertcoinsNoState.value = false
insert.value = {}
let coinAmount = ref("") // 投币数量
let coinMessage = ref("") // 投币 说点什么
let insertcoinsState = ref(false) // 投币弹窗状态
let insertcoinsNoState = ref(false) // 币不够弹窗状态
let insert = ref({}) // 投币弹窗数据
// 处理投币的选择选项
const coinSelectAmountDispose = amount => {
coinAmount.value = amount
let postCoinSbmitState = false
// 提交投币
const postCoinSbmit = () => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
if (postCoinSbmitState) return
postCoinSbmitState = true
let targetInsert = insert.value
$ajax("/api/operate/coinsubmit", {
token: targetInsert.token,
coinnum: coinAmount.value,
message: coinMessage.value,
.then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) {
handleMsg("error", res?.message || "投币失败")
const data = res.data
answerList.value.forEach(element => {
element.mybalance = data.mybalance
let target = answerList.value[targetInsert.index || 0] || {}
target.coinnum += data.coinnum
// 重新获取 投币列表
getCoinranking(targetInsert.token).then(data => {
target["ranklist"] = data
// 如果 带有 message 那个 评论数量加等于一
if (coinMessage.value) target["commentnum"] += 1
handleMsg("success", res?.message || "操作成功")
.finally(() => {
postCoinSbmitState = false
// 获取全部的投币 排行榜
const getCoinranking = token => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
$ajax("/api/operate/coinranking", { token }).then(res => {
// console.log(res)
if (res.code != 200) {
handleMsg("error", res?.message || "请求失败")
const commentList = ref([])
let commentCount = ref(0)
let commentTotalCount = ref(0)
let commentPage = ref(1)
let isgetCommentSate = false // 请求评论状态
let alreadyCommentIdList = []
const getComment = () => {
if (commentPage.value == 0 || isgetCommentSate) return
isgetCommentSate = true
// https://offer.gter.net/miniprogramApi/offer/comments/lists
$ajax("/api/comment/lists", {
token: detailsToken,
page: commentPage.value,
limit: 1000,
.then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
data.data.forEach((element, index) => {
element["isReplyBoxShow"] = 0
// element.timestamp = util.timeformat(element.timestamp, 2)
if (element.child.length > 0) {
element.child.forEach(el => {
// el.timestamp = util.timeformat(el.timestamp, 2)
el["isReplyBoxShow"] = 0
if (commentPage.value > 1) {
let alreadyCommentIdList = alreadyCommentIdList
for (let index = 0; index < data.data.length; index++) {
if (alreadyCommentIdList.includes(data.data[index].id)) {
data.data.splice(index, 1)
commentList.value = commentList.value.concat(data.data)
console.log("commentList", commentList.value)
commentCount.value = data.count
commentTotalCount.value = data.comments
commentPage.value = data.count > commentList.length ? commentPage.value + 1 : 0
// console.log("commentList", commentList)
// this.setData({
// commentList,
// commentCount: data.count,
// commentTotalCount: data.comments,
// commentPage: data.count > commentList.length ? this.data.commentPage + 1 : 0,
// })
.finally(() => {
isgetCommentSate = false
let picture = ref({})
const handleFileUpload = event => {
const file = event.target.files[0] // 获取选择的文件
if (file) {
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = e => {
const base64 = e.target.result
uploadImg(base64).then(res => {
picture.value = {
handleMsg("success", "上传成功")
// 删除上传的图片
const closeFileUpload = () => {
picture.value = {}
let emojiState = ref(false)
const emojiData = ["😀", "😁", "😆", "😅", "😂", "😉", "😍", "🥰", "😋", "😜", "🤪", "😎", "🤩", "🥳", "😔", "🙁", "😭", "😡", "😳", "🤗", "🤔", "🤭", "🤫", "😯", "😵", "🙄", "🥴", "🤢", "🤑", "🤠", "👌", "✌️", "🤟", "🤘", "🤙", "👍", "👎", "✊", "👏", "🤝", "🙏", "💪", "❤️", "💔", "🌹", "🥀", "🎉", "🎁", "🧧", "🌙", "⭐", "🌍", "💌", "📬", "🚗", "🚕", "🚲", "🛵", "🚀", "🚁", "⛵", "🚢", "🍎", "🍐", "🍊", "🍉", "🍓", "🍑", "🍔", "🍟", "🍕", "🥪", "🍜", "🍡", "🍨", "🍦", "🎂", "🍰", "🍭", "🍿", "🍩", "🧃", "🍹"]
// 打开 Emoji
const openEmoji = () => {
emojiState.value = true
// 关闭 Emoji
const closeEmoji = () => {
emojiState.value = false
// 选择 Emoji
const selectEmoji = key => {
console.log("key", key)
let isPlaceholderVisible = ref(true)
const clearPlaceholder = () => {
isPlaceholderVisible.value = false // 聚焦时隐藏占位符
const setPlaceholder = event => {
if (event.target.innerHTML == "<br>") event.target.innerHTML = ""
const html = event.target.innerHTML
if (!html) isPlaceholderVisible.value = true
const handleInputPaste = (event, index, i) => {
const items = event.clipboardData.items // 获取粘贴的内容
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const item = items[i]
if (item.type.startsWith("image/")) {
// 检查是否为图片
const file = item.getAsFile() // 获取文件
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = e => {
const base64 = e.target.result
uploadImg(base64).then(res => {
const obj = {
if (index == undefined) {
picture.value = obj
} else if (i >= 0) {
commentList.value[index].child[i]["picture"] = obj
} else {
commentList.value[index]["picture"] = obj
handleMsg("success", "上传成功")
// const selectEomji = key => {}
return { handleInputPaste, setPlaceholder, clearPlaceholder, isPlaceholderVisible, openEmoji, emojiState, closeEmoji, selectEmoji, emojiData, closeFileUpload, picture, handleFileUpload, commentList, islike, handleLookOnly, zeroreply, replaceNumberObj, closeMyModel, myModelList, myModelState, listHeight, bottomTpsStyle, TAHomePage, sendMessage, avatarState, openUserInfo, isNeedLogin, handleInputYou, openListIAnswer, isListEmptyState, cutYourAnswerAnonymous, handleYourAnswer, yourAnswer, handleLogo, inTheEndState, setItemUrl, seo, originUrl, handleMenuState, reasonList, checkList, alertShow, alertText, selectRadio, alertSubmit, cutType, dialogSrc, answerPage, handleDetailsScroll, replaceState, copyText, boxClass, questionPlaceholderState, yourAnswerPlaceholderState, handleInput, handlePaste, itemStyle, listStyle, listBoxStyle, myType, type, pitchIndex, cut, list, keyword, keywordText, getList, total, typeList, typePitch, getDetails, detailsInfo, detailsIsanswered, detailsIscollection, detailsIsmyself, detailShare, detailLoading, answerList, operateLike, operateCollect, IAnswerState, IAnswerEditState, IAnswerInfo, amendIAnswer, openIAnswer, closeIAnswer, submitAnswer, openCommentState, submitAnswerComments, operateAnswerCommentsLike, openAnswerCommentsChild, closeAnswerCommentsChild, alsoCommentsData, handleAllComment, myCollectionList, myCollectionCount, myQuestionsList, myQuestionsCount, myAnswerList, myAnswerCount, cutAnswerPopupState, handleDate, handleCollectionScroll, handleAnswersScroll, handleQuestionsScroll, cancelCollection, getMyCollection, questionsSetp, questionsObj, cutAnonymous, cutQuestionsSetp, cutQuestionsPopupState, questionsTypeList, postingIssue, choosingTheme, handleMy, changeAnonymous, changeAnonymousQuestions, pageHeaderHeight, pageListHeight, questionsTransmitState, questionsTransmitMaskState, closeAllTransmitState, closeTransmitState, handleAnswerTransmitList, closeDetailMode, tabListFixeState, handleListScroll, historicalSearchState, historicalSearchList, searchFocus, searchBlur, searchClick, handleClickHistoricalItem, handleClickClear, isSearchMode, questionsInit, myCount, msg, myOpenDetails, handleAnswerText, getCurrentUrl, loading, showComments, jointriposte, randomEmojis, selectEomji, openRespondDetails, respondPopState, respondDetail, respondPopObj, closePopList, coinAmount, openInsert, insertcoinsState, insert, coinMessage, coinSelectAmountDispose, closeInsert, postCoinSbmit, cutOperate, insertcoinsNoState }
@import url(/css/index.css);
@import url(/css/indexVice.css);