2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
import { mergeProps, withCtx, createTextVNode, toDisplayString, useSSRContext, defineComponent, computed, ref, h, resolveComponent } from 'vue';
import { l as hasProtocol, j as joinURL, p as parseURL, v as parseQuery, x as withTrailingSlash, y as withoutTrailingSlash } from '../../nitro/node-server.mjs';
import { _ as _export_sfc, b as useHead, u as useRouter, a as useRuntimeConfig, n as navigateTo } from '../server.mjs';
import { ssrRenderAttrs, ssrInterpolate, ssrRenderComponent } from 'vue/server-renderer';
import 'node:http';
import 'node:https';
import 'fs';
import 'path';
import 'node:fs';
import 'node:url';
import 'unhead';
import '@unhead/shared';
import 'axios';
const nuxtLinkDefaults = { "componentName": "NuxtLink" };
const firstNonUndefined = (...args) => args.find((arg) => arg !== void 0);
const DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_REL_ATTRIBUTE = "noopener noreferrer";
/*! @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */
function defineNuxtLink(options) {
const componentName = options.componentName || "NuxtLink";
const resolveTrailingSlashBehavior = (to, resolve) => {
if (!to || options.trailingSlash !== "append" && options.trailingSlash !== "remove") {
return to;
const normalizeTrailingSlash = options.trailingSlash === "append" ? withTrailingSlash : withoutTrailingSlash;
if (typeof to === "string") {
return normalizeTrailingSlash(to, true);
const path = "path" in to ? to.path : resolve(to).path;
return {
name: void 0,
// named routes would otherwise always override trailing slash behavior
path: normalizeTrailingSlash(path, true)
return defineComponent({
name: componentName,
props: {
// Routing
to: {
type: [String, Object],
default: void 0,
required: false
href: {
type: [String, Object],
default: void 0,
required: false
// Attributes
target: {
type: String,
default: void 0,
required: false
rel: {
type: String,
default: void 0,
required: false
noRel: {
type: Boolean,
default: void 0,
required: false
// Prefetching
prefetch: {
type: Boolean,
default: void 0,
required: false
noPrefetch: {
type: Boolean,
default: void 0,
required: false
// Styling
activeClass: {
type: String,
default: void 0,
required: false
exactActiveClass: {
type: String,
default: void 0,
required: false
prefetchedClass: {
type: String,
default: void 0,
required: false
// Vue Router's `<RouterLink>` additional props
replace: {
type: Boolean,
default: void 0,
required: false
ariaCurrentValue: {
type: String,
default: void 0,
required: false
// Edge cases handling
external: {
type: Boolean,
default: void 0,
required: false
// Slot API
custom: {
type: Boolean,
default: void 0,
required: false
setup(props, { slots }) {
const router = useRouter();
const config = useRuntimeConfig();
const to = computed(() => {
const path = props.to || props.href || "";
return resolveTrailingSlashBehavior(path, router.resolve);
const isProtocolURL = computed(() => typeof to.value === "string" && hasProtocol(to.value, { acceptRelative: true }));
const isExternal = computed(() => {
if (props.external) {
return true;
if (props.target && props.target !== "_self") {
return true;
if (typeof to.value === "object") {
return false;
return to.value === "" || isProtocolURL.value;
const prefetched = ref(false);
const el = void 0;
const elRef = void 0;
return () => {
var _a2;
var _a, _b;
if (!isExternal.value) {
const routerLinkProps = {
ref: elRef,
to: to.value,
activeClass: props.activeClass || options.activeClass,
exactActiveClass: props.exactActiveClass || options.exactActiveClass,
replace: props.replace,
ariaCurrentValue: props.ariaCurrentValue,
custom: props.custom
if (!props.custom) {
if (prefetched.value) {
routerLinkProps.class = props.prefetchedClass || options.prefetchedClass;
routerLinkProps.rel = props.rel;
return h(
const href = typeof to.value === "object" ? (_a2 = (_a = router.resolve(to.value)) == null ? void 0 : _a.href) != null ? _a2 : null : to.value && !props.external && !isProtocolURL.value ? resolveTrailingSlashBehavior(joinURL(config.app.baseURL, to.value), router.resolve) : to.value || null;
const target = props.target || null;
const rel = props.noRel ? null : firstNonUndefined(props.rel, options.externalRelAttribute, href ? DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_REL_ATTRIBUTE : "") || null;
const navigate = () => navigateTo(href, { replace: props.replace });
if (props.custom) {
if (!slots.default) {
return null;
return slots.default({
get route() {
if (!href) {
return void 0;
const url = parseURL(href);
return {
path: url.pathname,
fullPath: url.pathname,
get query() {
return parseQuery(url.search);
hash: url.hash,
// stub properties for compat with vue-router
params: {},
name: void 0,
matched: [],
redirectedFrom: void 0,
meta: {},
isExternal: isExternal.value,
isActive: false,
isExactActive: false
return h("a", { ref: el, href, rel, target }, (_b = slots.default) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(slots));
const __nuxt_component_0 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineNuxtLink(nuxtLinkDefaults);
const _sfc_main = {
__name: "error-404",
__ssrInlineRender: true,
props: {
appName: {
type: String,
default: "Nuxt"
version: {
type: String,
default: ""
statusCode: {
type: Number,
default: 404
statusMessage: {
type: String,
default: "Not Found"
description: {
type: String,
default: "Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found."
backHome: {
type: String,
default: "Go back home"
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
title: `${props.statusCode} - ${props.statusMessage} | ${props.appName}`,
script: [],
style: [
children: `*,:before,:after{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;border-width:0;border-style:solid;border-color:#e0e0e0}*{--tw-ring-inset:var(--tw-empty, );--tw-ring-offset-width:0px;--tw-ring-offset-color:#fff;--tw-ring-color:rgba(14, 165, 233, .5);--tw-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 #0000;--tw-ring-shadow:0 0 #0000;--tw-shadow:0 0 #0000}:root{-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4}a{color:inherit;text-decoration:inherit}body{margin:0;font-family:inherit;line-height:inherit}html{-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;font-family:ui-sans-serif,system-ui,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica Neue,Arial,Noto Sans,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji",Segoe UI Symbol,"Noto Color Emoji";line-height:1.5}h1,p{margin:0}h1{font-size:inherit;font-weight:inherit}`
return (_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) => {
const _component_NuxtLink = __nuxt_component_0;
_push(`<div${ssrRenderAttrs(mergeProps({ class: "font-sans antialiased bg-white dark:bg-black text-black dark:text-white grid min-h-screen place-content-center overflow-hidden" }, _attrs))} data-v-ccd3db62><div class="fixed left-0 right-0 spotlight z-10" data-v-ccd3db62></div><div class="max-w-520px text-center z-20" data-v-ccd3db62><h1 class="text-8xl sm:text-10xl font-medium mb-8" data-v-ccd3db62>${ssrInterpolate(__props.statusCode)}</h1><p class="text-xl px-8 sm:px-0 sm:text-4xl font-light mb-16 leading-tight" data-v-ccd3db62>${ssrInterpolate(__props.description)}</p><div class="w-full flex items-center justify-center" data-v-ccd3db62>`);
_push(ssrRenderComponent(_component_NuxtLink, {
to: "/",
class: "gradient-border text-md sm:text-xl py-2 px-4 sm:py-3 sm:px-6 cursor-pointer"
}, {
default: withCtx((_, _push2, _parent2, _scopeId) => {
if (_push2) {
} else {
return [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(__props.backHome), 1)
_: 1
}, _parent));
const _sfc_setup = _sfc_main.setup;
_sfc_main.setup = (props, ctx) => {
const ssrContext = useSSRContext();
(ssrContext.modules || (ssrContext.modules = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set())).add("node_modules/@nuxt/ui-templates/dist/templates/error-404.vue");
return _sfc_setup ? _sfc_setup(props, ctx) : void 0;
const error404 = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-v-ccd3db62"]]);
export { error404 as default };
2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
//# sourceMappingURL=error-404-b567fef8.mjs.map