386 lines
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386 lines
13 KiB
import { getRequestDependencies, getPreloadLinks, getPrefetchLinks, createRenderer } from 'vue-bundle-renderer/runtime';
import { e as eventHandler, s as setResponseHeader, a as send, g as getResponseStatus, b as setResponseStatus, c as setResponseHeaders, u as useNitroApp, j as joinURL, d as useRuntimeConfig, f as getQuery, h as createError, i as getRouteRules, k as getResponseStatusText } from '../nitro/node-server.mjs';
import { stringify, uneval } from 'devalue';
import { renderToString } from 'vue/server-renderer';
import { renderSSRHead } from '@unhead/ssr';
import { version, unref } from 'vue';
import { createServerHead as createServerHead$1 } from 'unhead';
import { defineHeadPlugin } from '@unhead/shared';
import 'node:http';
import 'node:https';
import 'fs';
import 'path';
import 'node:fs';
import 'node:url';
function defineRenderHandler(handler) {
return eventHandler(async (event) => {
if (event.path.endsWith("/favicon.ico")) {
setResponseHeader(event, "Content-Type", "image/x-icon");
return send(
const response = await handler(event);
if (!response) {
const _currentStatus = getResponseStatus(event);
setResponseStatus(event, _currentStatus === 200 ? 500 : _currentStatus);
return send(
"No response returned from render handler: " + event.path
const nitroApp = useNitroApp();
await nitroApp.hooks.callHook("render:response", response, { event });
if (response.headers) {
setResponseHeaders(event, response.headers);
if (response.statusCode || response.statusMessage) {
setResponseStatus(event, response.statusCode, response.statusMessage);
return response.body;
const Vue3 = version.startsWith("3");
function resolveUnref(r) {
return typeof r === "function" ? r() : unref(r);
function resolveUnrefHeadInput(ref, lastKey = "") {
if (ref instanceof Promise)
return ref;
const root = resolveUnref(ref);
if (!ref || !root)
return root;
if (Array.isArray(root))
return root.map((r) => resolveUnrefHeadInput(r, lastKey));
if (typeof root === "object") {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(root).map(([k, v]) => {
if (k === "titleTemplate" || k.startsWith("on"))
return [k, unref(v)];
return [k, resolveUnrefHeadInput(v, k)];
return root;
const VueReactivityPlugin = defineHeadPlugin({
hooks: {
"entries:resolve": function(ctx) {
for (const entry of ctx.entries)
entry.resolvedInput = resolveUnrefHeadInput(entry.input);
const headSymbol = "usehead";
function vueInstall(head) {
const plugin = {
install(app) {
if (Vue3) {
app.config.globalProperties.$unhead = head;
app.config.globalProperties.$head = head;
app.provide(headSymbol, head);
return plugin.install;
function createServerHead(options = {}) {
const head = createServerHead$1(options);
head.install = vueInstall(head);
return head;
const unheadPlugins = [];
const appHead = {"meta":[{"name":"viewport","content":"width=device-width, initial-scale=1"},{"charset":"utf-8"}],"link":[],"style":[],"script":[{"src":"https://app.gter.net/bottom?tpl=header&menukey=ask"},{"src":"https://app.gter.net/bottom?tpl=footer","body":true}],"noscript":[]};
const appRootId = "__nuxt";
const appRootTag = "div";
function buildAssetsDir() {
return useRuntimeConfig().app.buildAssetsDir;
function buildAssetsURL(...path) {
return joinURL(publicAssetsURL(), buildAssetsDir(), ...path);
function publicAssetsURL(...path) {
const publicBase = useRuntimeConfig().app.cdnURL || useRuntimeConfig().app.baseURL;
return path.length ? joinURL(publicBase, ...path) : publicBase;
globalThis.__buildAssetsURL = buildAssetsURL;
globalThis.__publicAssetsURL = publicAssetsURL;
const getClientManifest = () => import('../app/client.manifest.mjs').then((r) => r.default || r).then((r) => typeof r === "function" ? r() : r);
const getEntryIds = () => getClientManifest().then((r) => Object.values(r).filter(
(r2) => (
// @ts-expect-error internal key set by CSS inlining configuration
).map((r2) => r2.src));
const getServerEntry = () => import('../app/server.mjs').then((r) => r.default || r);
const getSSRStyles = lazyCachedFunction(() => import('../app/styles.mjs').then((r) => r.default || r));
const getSSRRenderer = lazyCachedFunction(async () => {
const manifest = await getClientManifest();
if (!manifest) {
throw new Error("client.manifest is not available");
const createSSRApp = await getServerEntry();
if (!createSSRApp) {
throw new Error("Server bundle is not available");
const options = {
renderToString: renderToString$1,
const renderer = createRenderer(createSSRApp, options);
async function renderToString$1(input, context) {
const html = await renderToString(input, context);
return `<${appRootTag}${` id="${appRootId}"` }>${html}</${appRootTag}>`;
return renderer;
const getSPARenderer = lazyCachedFunction(async () => {
const manifest = await getClientManifest();
const spaTemplate = await import('../rollup/_virtual_spa-template.mjs').then((r) => r.template).catch(() => "");
const options = {
renderToString: () => `<${appRootTag}${` id="${appRootId}"` }>${spaTemplate}</${appRootTag}>`,
const renderer = createRenderer(() => () => {
}, options);
const result = await renderer.renderToString({});
const renderToString = (ssrContext) => {
const config = useRuntimeConfig();
ssrContext.modules = ssrContext.modules || /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
ssrContext.payload = {
_errors: {},
serverRendered: false,
data: {},
state: {}
ssrContext.config = {
public: config.public,
app: config.app
return Promise.resolve(result);
return {
rendererContext: renderer.rendererContext,
const PAYLOAD_URL_RE = /\/_payload(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?.json(\?.*)?$/ ;
const renderer = defineRenderHandler(async (event) => {
const nitroApp = useNitroApp();
const ssrError = event.path.startsWith("/__nuxt_error") ? getQuery(event) : null;
if (ssrError && ssrError.statusCode) {
ssrError.statusCode = parseInt(ssrError.statusCode);
if (ssrError && !("__unenv__" in event.node.req)) {
throw createError({
statusCode: 404,
statusMessage: "Page Not Found: /__nuxt_error"
const islandContext = void 0;
let url = ssrError?.url || islandContext?.url || event.path;
const isRenderingPayload = PAYLOAD_URL_RE.test(url) && !islandContext;
if (isRenderingPayload) {
url = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/")) || "/";
event._path = url;
event.node.req.url = url;
const routeOptions = getRouteRules(event);
const head = createServerHead({
plugins: unheadPlugins
const headEntryOptions = { mode: "server" };
head.push(appHead, headEntryOptions);
const ssrContext = {
runtimeConfig: useRuntimeConfig(),
noSSR: event.context.nuxt?.noSSR || routeOptions.ssr === false && !islandContext || (false),
error: !!ssrError,
nuxt: void 0,
/* NuxtApp */
payload: ssrError ? { error: ssrError } : {},
_payloadReducers: {},
const renderer = ssrContext.noSSR ? await getSPARenderer() : await getSSRRenderer();
const _rendered = await renderer.renderToString(ssrContext).catch(async (error) => {
if (ssrContext._renderResponse && error.message === "skipping render") {
return {};
const _err = !ssrError && ssrContext.payload?.error || error;
await ssrContext.nuxt?.hooks.callHook("app:error", _err);
throw _err;
await ssrContext.nuxt?.hooks.callHook("app:rendered", { ssrContext, renderResult: _rendered });
if (ssrContext._renderResponse) {
return ssrContext._renderResponse;
if (ssrContext.payload?.error && !ssrError) {
throw ssrContext.payload.error;
if (isRenderingPayload) {
const response2 = renderPayloadResponse(ssrContext);
return response2;
const source = ssrContext.modules ?? ssrContext._registeredComponents;
if (source) {
for (const id of await getEntryIds()) {
const inlinedStyles = await renderInlineStyles(ssrContext.modules ?? ssrContext._registeredComponents ?? []) ;
const NO_SCRIPTS = routeOptions.experimentalNoScripts;
const { styles, scripts } = getRequestDependencies(ssrContext, renderer.rendererContext);
head.push({ style: inlinedStyles });
link: Object.values(styles).map(
(resource) => ({ rel: "stylesheet", href: renderer.rendererContext.buildAssetsURL(resource.file) })
}, headEntryOptions);
if (!NO_SCRIPTS) {
link: getPreloadLinks(ssrContext, renderer.rendererContext)
}, headEntryOptions);
link: getPrefetchLinks(ssrContext, renderer.rendererContext)
}, headEntryOptions);
script: renderPayloadJsonScript({ id: "__NUXT_DATA__", ssrContext, data: ssrContext.payload })
}, {
// this should come before another end of body scripts
tagPosition: "bodyClose",
tagPriority: "high"
if (!routeOptions.experimentalNoScripts) {
script: Object.values(scripts).map((resource) => ({
type: resource.module ? "module" : null,
src: renderer.rendererContext.buildAssetsURL(resource.file),
defer: resource.module ? null : true,
crossorigin: ""
}, headEntryOptions);
const { headTags, bodyTags, bodyTagsOpen, htmlAttrs, bodyAttrs } = await renderSSRHead(head);
const htmlContext = {
island: Boolean(islandContext),
htmlAttrs: [htmlAttrs],
head: normalizeChunks([headTags, ssrContext.styles]),
bodyAttrs: [bodyAttrs],
bodyPrepend: normalizeChunks([bodyTagsOpen, ssrContext.teleports?.body]),
body: [_rendered.html],
bodyAppend: [bodyTags]
await nitroApp.hooks.callHook("render:html", htmlContext, { event });
const response = {
body: renderHTMLDocument(htmlContext),
statusCode: getResponseStatus(event),
statusMessage: getResponseStatusText(event),
headers: {
"content-type": "text/html;charset=utf-8",
"x-powered-by": "Nuxt"
return response;
function lazyCachedFunction(fn) {
let res = null;
return () => {
if (res === null) {
res = fn().catch((err) => {
res = null;
throw err;
return res;
function normalizeChunks(chunks) {
return chunks.filter(Boolean).map((i) => i.trim());
function joinTags(tags) {
return tags.join("");
function joinAttrs(chunks) {
return chunks.join(" ");
function renderHTMLDocument(html) {
return `<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ${joinAttrs(html.htmlAttrs)}>
<body ${joinAttrs(html.bodyAttrs)}>${joinTags(html.bodyPrepend)}${joinTags(html.body)}${joinTags(html.bodyAppend)}</body>
async function renderInlineStyles(usedModules) {
const styleMap = await getSSRStyles();
const inlinedStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
for (const mod of usedModules) {
if (mod in styleMap) {
for (const style of await styleMap[mod]()) {
return Array.from(inlinedStyles).map((style) => ({ innerHTML: style }));
function renderPayloadResponse(ssrContext) {
return {
body: stringify(splitPayload(ssrContext).payload, ssrContext._payloadReducers) ,
statusCode: getResponseStatus(ssrContext.event),
statusMessage: getResponseStatusText(ssrContext.event),
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8" ,
"x-powered-by": "Nuxt"
function renderPayloadJsonScript(opts) {
const contents = opts.data ? stringify(opts.data, opts.ssrContext._payloadReducers) : "";
const payload = {
type: "application/json",
id: opts.id,
innerHTML: contents,
"data-ssr": !(opts.ssrContext.noSSR)
if (opts.src) {
payload["data-src"] = opts.src;
return [
innerHTML: `window.__NUXT__={};window.__NUXT__.config=${uneval(opts.ssrContext.config)}`
function splitPayload(ssrContext) {
const { data, prerenderedAt, ...initial } = ssrContext.payload;
return {
initial: { ...initial, prerenderedAt },
payload: { data, prerenderedAt }
export { renderer as default };
//# sourceMappingURL=renderer.mjs.map