2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
globalThis . _importMeta _ = globalThis . _importMeta _ || { url : "file:///_entry.js" , env : process . env } ; import http , { Server as Server$1 } from 'node:http' ;
import https , { Server } from 'node:https' ;
import { promises , existsSync } from 'fs' ;
import { dirname as dirname$1 , resolve as resolve$1 , join } from 'path' ;
import { promises as promises$1 } from 'node:fs' ;
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' ;
const suspectProtoRx = /"(?:_|\\u0{2}5[Ff]){2}(?:p|\\u0{2}70)(?:r|\\u0{2}72)(?:o|\\u0{2}6[Ff])(?:t|\\u0{2}74)(?:o|\\u0{2}6[Ff])(?:_|\\u0{2}5[Ff]){2}"\s*:/ ;
const suspectConstructorRx = /"(?:c|\\u0063)(?:o|\\u006[Ff])(?:n|\\u006[Ee])(?:s|\\u0073)(?:t|\\u0074)(?:r|\\u0072)(?:u|\\u0075)(?:c|\\u0063)(?:t|\\u0074)(?:o|\\u006[Ff])(?:r|\\u0072)"\s*:/ ;
const JsonSigRx = /^\s*["[{]|^\s*-?\d{1,16}(\.\d{1,17})?([Ee][+-]?\d+)?\s*$/ ;
function jsonParseTransform ( key , value ) {
if ( key === "__proto__" || key === "constructor" && value && typeof value === "object" && "prototype" in value ) {
warnKeyDropped ( key ) ;
return ;
return value ;
function warnKeyDropped ( key ) {
console . warn ( ` [destr] Dropping " ${ key } " key to prevent prototype pollution. ` ) ;
function destr ( value , options = { } ) {
if ( typeof value !== "string" ) {
return value ;
const _value = value . trim ( ) ;
if (
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-at
value [ 0 ] === '"' && value . at ( - 1 ) === '"' && ! value . includes ( "\\" )
) {
return _value . slice ( 1 , - 1 ) ;
if ( _value . length <= 9 ) {
const _lval = _value . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( _lval === "true" ) {
return true ;
if ( _lval === "false" ) {
return false ;
if ( _lval === "undefined" ) {
return void 0 ;
if ( _lval === "null" ) {
return null ;
if ( _lval === "nan" ) {
return Number . NaN ;
if ( _lval === "infinity" ) {
return Number . POSITIVE _INFINITY ;
if ( _lval === "-infinity" ) {
return Number . NEGATIVE _INFINITY ;
if ( ! JsonSigRx . test ( value ) ) {
if ( options . strict ) {
throw new SyntaxError ( "[destr] Invalid JSON" ) ;
return value ;
try {
if ( suspectProtoRx . test ( value ) || suspectConstructorRx . test ( value ) ) {
if ( options . strict ) {
throw new Error ( "[destr] Possible prototype pollution" ) ;
return JSON . parse ( value , jsonParseTransform ) ;
return JSON . parse ( value ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
if ( options . strict ) {
throw error ;
return value ;
const HASH _RE = /#/g ;
const AMPERSAND _RE = /&/g ;
const EQUAL _RE = /=/g ;
const PLUS _RE = /\+/g ;
const ENC _CARET _RE = /%5e/gi ;
const ENC _BACKTICK _RE = /%60/gi ;
const ENC _PIPE _RE = /%7c/gi ;
const ENC _SPACE _RE = /%20/gi ;
const ENC _SLASH _RE = /%2f/gi ;
function encode ( text ) {
return encodeURI ( "" + text ) . replace ( ENC _PIPE _RE , "|" ) ;
function encodeQueryValue ( input ) {
return encode ( typeof input === "string" ? input : JSON . stringify ( input ) ) . replace ( PLUS _RE , "%2B" ) . replace ( ENC _SPACE _RE , "+" ) . replace ( HASH _RE , "%23" ) . replace ( AMPERSAND _RE , "%26" ) . replace ( ENC _BACKTICK _RE , "`" ) . replace ( ENC _CARET _RE , "^" ) ;
function encodeQueryKey ( text ) {
return encodeQueryValue ( text ) . replace ( EQUAL _RE , "%3D" ) ;
function decode ( text = "" ) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent ( "" + text ) ;
} catch {
return "" + text ;
function decodePath ( text ) {
return decode ( text . replace ( ENC _SLASH _RE , "%252F" ) ) ;
function decodeQueryKey ( text ) {
return decode ( text . replace ( PLUS _RE , " " ) ) ;
function decodeQueryValue ( text ) {
return decode ( text . replace ( PLUS _RE , " " ) ) ;
function parseQuery ( parametersString = "" ) {
const object = { } ;
if ( parametersString [ 0 ] === "?" ) {
parametersString = parametersString . slice ( 1 ) ;
for ( const parameter of parametersString . split ( "&" ) ) {
const s = parameter . match ( /([^=]+)=?(.*)/ ) || [ ] ;
if ( s . length < 2 ) {
continue ;
const key = decodeQueryKey ( s [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( key === "__proto__" || key === "constructor" ) {
continue ;
const value = decodeQueryValue ( s [ 2 ] || "" ) ;
if ( object [ key ] === void 0 ) {
object [ key ] = value ;
} else if ( Array . isArray ( object [ key ] ) ) {
object [ key ] . push ( value ) ;
} else {
object [ key ] = [ object [ key ] , value ] ;
return object ;
function encodeQueryItem ( key , value ) {
if ( typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "boolean" ) {
value = String ( value ) ;
if ( ! value ) {
return encodeQueryKey ( key ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( value ) ) {
return value . map ( ( _value ) => ` ${ encodeQueryKey ( key ) } = ${ encodeQueryValue ( _value ) } ` ) . join ( "&" ) ;
return ` ${ encodeQueryKey ( key ) } = ${ encodeQueryValue ( value ) } ` ;
function stringifyQuery ( query ) {
return Object . keys ( query ) . filter ( ( k ) => query [ k ] !== void 0 ) . map ( ( k ) => encodeQueryItem ( k , query [ k ] ) ) . filter ( Boolean ) . join ( "&" ) ;
const PROTOCOL _STRICT _REGEX = /^[\s\w\0+.-]{2,}:([/\\]{1,2})/ ;
const PROTOCOL _REGEX = /^[\s\w\0+.-]{2,}:([/\\]{2})?/ ;
const PROTOCOL _RELATIVE _REGEX = /^([/\\]\s*){2,}[^/\\]/ ;
function hasProtocol ( inputString , opts = { } ) {
if ( typeof opts === "boolean" ) {
opts = { acceptRelative : opts } ;
if ( opts . strict ) {
return PROTOCOL _STRICT _REGEX . test ( inputString ) ;
return PROTOCOL _REGEX . test ( inputString ) || ( opts . acceptRelative ? PROTOCOL _RELATIVE _REGEX . test ( inputString ) : false ) ;
const PROTOCOL _SCRIPT _RE = /^[\s\0]*(blob|data|javascript|vbscript):$/i ;
function isScriptProtocol ( protocol ) {
return ! ! protocol && PROTOCOL _SCRIPT _RE . test ( protocol ) ;
const TRAILING _SLASH _RE = /\/$|\/\?|\/#/ ;
function hasTrailingSlash ( input = "" , respectQueryAndFragment ) {
if ( ! respectQueryAndFragment ) {
return input . endsWith ( "/" ) ;
return TRAILING _SLASH _RE . test ( input ) ;
function withoutTrailingSlash ( input = "" , respectQueryAndFragment ) {
if ( ! respectQueryAndFragment ) {
return ( hasTrailingSlash ( input ) ? input . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) : input ) || "/" ;
if ( ! hasTrailingSlash ( input , true ) ) {
return input || "/" ;
let path = input ;
let fragment = "" ;
const fragmentIndex = input . indexOf ( "#" ) ;
if ( fragmentIndex >= 0 ) {
path = input . slice ( 0 , fragmentIndex ) ;
fragment = input . slice ( fragmentIndex ) ;
const [ s0 , ... s ] = path . split ( "?" ) ;
return ( s0 . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) || "/" ) + ( s . length > 0 ? ` ? ${ s . join ( "?" ) } ` : "" ) + fragment ;
function withTrailingSlash ( input = "" , respectQueryAndFragment ) {
if ( ! respectQueryAndFragment ) {
return input . endsWith ( "/" ) ? input : input + "/" ;
if ( hasTrailingSlash ( input , true ) ) {
return input || "/" ;
let path = input ;
let fragment = "" ;
const fragmentIndex = input . indexOf ( "#" ) ;
if ( fragmentIndex >= 0 ) {
path = input . slice ( 0 , fragmentIndex ) ;
fragment = input . slice ( fragmentIndex ) ;
if ( ! path ) {
return fragment ;
const [ s0 , ... s ] = path . split ( "?" ) ;
return s0 + "/" + ( s . length > 0 ? ` ? ${ s . join ( "?" ) } ` : "" ) + fragment ;
function hasLeadingSlash ( input = "" ) {
return input . startsWith ( "/" ) ;
function withLeadingSlash ( input = "" ) {
return hasLeadingSlash ( input ) ? input : "/" + input ;
function withBase ( input , base ) {
if ( isEmptyURL ( base ) || hasProtocol ( input ) ) {
return input ;
const _base = withoutTrailingSlash ( base ) ;
if ( input . startsWith ( _base ) ) {
return input ;
return joinURL ( _base , input ) ;
function withoutBase ( input , base ) {
if ( isEmptyURL ( base ) ) {
return input ;
const _base = withoutTrailingSlash ( base ) ;
if ( ! input . startsWith ( _base ) ) {
return input ;
const trimmed = input . slice ( _base . length ) ;
return trimmed [ 0 ] === "/" ? trimmed : "/" + trimmed ;
function withQuery ( input , query ) {
const parsed = parseURL ( input ) ;
const mergedQuery = { ... parseQuery ( parsed . search ) , ... query } ;
parsed . search = stringifyQuery ( mergedQuery ) ;
return stringifyParsedURL ( parsed ) ;
function getQuery$1 ( input ) {
return parseQuery ( parseURL ( input ) . search ) ;
function isEmptyURL ( url ) {
return ! url || url === "/" ;
function isNonEmptyURL ( url ) {
return url && url !== "/" ;
const JOIN _LEADING _SLASH _RE = /^\.?\// ;
function joinURL ( base , ... input ) {
let url = base || "" ;
for ( const segment of input . filter ( ( url2 ) => isNonEmptyURL ( url2 ) ) ) {
if ( url ) {
const _segment = segment . replace ( JOIN _LEADING _SLASH _RE , "" ) ;
url = withTrailingSlash ( url ) + _segment ;
} else {
url = segment ;
return url ;
function isEqual ( a , b , options = { } ) {
if ( ! options . trailingSlash ) {
a = withTrailingSlash ( a ) ;
b = withTrailingSlash ( b ) ;
if ( ! options . leadingSlash ) {
a = withLeadingSlash ( a ) ;
b = withLeadingSlash ( b ) ;
if ( ! options . encoding ) {
a = decode ( a ) ;
b = decode ( b ) ;
return a === b ;
function parseURL ( input = "" , defaultProto ) {
const _specialProtoMatch = input . match (
) ;
if ( _specialProtoMatch ) {
const [ , _proto , _pathname = "" ] = _specialProtoMatch ;
return {
protocol : _proto . toLowerCase ( ) ,
pathname : _pathname ,
href : _proto + _pathname ,
auth : "" ,
host : "" ,
search : "" ,
hash : ""
} ;
if ( ! hasProtocol ( input , { acceptRelative : true } ) ) {
return defaultProto ? parseURL ( defaultProto + input ) : parsePath ( input ) ;
const [ , protocol = "" , auth , hostAndPath = "" ] = input . replace ( /\\/g , "/" ) . match ( /^[\s\0]*([\w+.-]{2,}:)?\/\/([^/@]+@)?(.*)/ ) || [ ] ;
const [ , host = "" , path = "" ] = hostAndPath . match ( /([^#/?]*)(.*)?/ ) || [ ] ;
const { pathname , search , hash } = parsePath (
path . replace ( /\/(?=[A-Za-z]:)/ , "" )
) ;
return {
protocol : protocol . toLowerCase ( ) ,
auth : auth ? auth . slice ( 0 , Math . max ( 0 , auth . length - 1 ) ) : "" ,
host ,
pathname ,
search ,
} ;
function parsePath ( input = "" ) {
const [ pathname = "" , search = "" , hash = "" ] = ( input . match ( /([^#?]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/ ) || [ ] ) . splice ( 1 ) ;
return {
pathname ,
search ,
} ;
function stringifyParsedURL ( parsed ) {
const pathname = parsed . pathname || "" ;
const search = parsed . search ? ( parsed . search . startsWith ( "?" ) ? "" : "?" ) + parsed . search : "" ;
const hash = parsed . hash || "" ;
const auth = parsed . auth ? parsed . auth + "@" : "" ;
const host = parsed . host || "" ;
const proto = parsed . protocol ? parsed . protocol + "//" : "" ;
return proto + auth + host + pathname + search + hash ;
const NODE _TYPES = {
NORMAL : 0 ,
} ;
function createRouter$1 ( options = { } ) {
const ctx = {
options ,
rootNode : createRadixNode ( ) ,
staticRoutesMap : { }
} ;
const normalizeTrailingSlash = ( p ) => options . strictTrailingSlash ? p : p . replace ( /\/$/ , "" ) || "/" ;
if ( options . routes ) {
for ( const path in options . routes ) {
insert ( ctx , normalizeTrailingSlash ( path ) , options . routes [ path ] ) ;
return {
ctx ,
// @ts-ignore
lookup : ( path ) => lookup ( ctx , normalizeTrailingSlash ( path ) ) ,
insert : ( path , data ) => insert ( ctx , normalizeTrailingSlash ( path ) , data ) ,
remove : ( path ) => remove ( ctx , normalizeTrailingSlash ( path ) )
} ;
function lookup ( ctx , path ) {
const staticPathNode = ctx . staticRoutesMap [ path ] ;
if ( staticPathNode ) {
return staticPathNode . data ;
const sections = path . split ( "/" ) ;
const params = { } ;
let paramsFound = false ;
let wildcardNode = null ;
let node = ctx . rootNode ;
let wildCardParam = null ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < sections . length ; i ++ ) {
const section = sections [ i ] ;
if ( node . wildcardChildNode !== null ) {
wildcardNode = node . wildcardChildNode ;
wildCardParam = sections . slice ( i ) . join ( "/" ) ;
const nextNode = node . children . get ( section ) ;
if ( nextNode !== void 0 ) {
node = nextNode ;
} else {
node = node . placeholderChildNode ;
if ( node !== null ) {
params [ node . paramName ] = section ;
paramsFound = true ;
} else {
break ;
if ( ( node === null || node . data === null ) && wildcardNode !== null ) {
node = wildcardNode ;
params [ node . paramName || "_" ] = wildCardParam ;
paramsFound = true ;
if ( ! node ) {
return null ;
if ( paramsFound ) {
return {
... node . data ,
params : paramsFound ? params : void 0
} ;
return node . data ;
function insert ( ctx , path , data ) {
let isStaticRoute = true ;
const sections = path . split ( "/" ) ;
let node = ctx . rootNode ;
let _unnamedPlaceholderCtr = 0 ;
for ( const section of sections ) {
let childNode ;
if ( childNode = node . children . get ( section ) ) {
node = childNode ;
} else {
const type = getNodeType ( section ) ;
childNode = createRadixNode ( { type , parent : node } ) ;
node . children . set ( section , childNode ) ;
if ( type === NODE _TYPES . PLACEHOLDER ) {
childNode . paramName = section === "*" ? ` _ ${ _unnamedPlaceholderCtr ++ } ` : section . slice ( 1 ) ;
node . placeholderChildNode = childNode ;
isStaticRoute = false ;
} else if ( type === NODE _TYPES . WILDCARD ) {
node . wildcardChildNode = childNode ;
childNode . paramName = section . slice (
/* "**:" */
) || "_" ;
isStaticRoute = false ;
node = childNode ;
node . data = data ;
if ( isStaticRoute === true ) {
ctx . staticRoutesMap [ path ] = node ;
return node ;
function remove ( ctx , path ) {
let success = false ;
const sections = path . split ( "/" ) ;
let node = ctx . rootNode ;
for ( const section of sections ) {
node = node . children . get ( section ) ;
if ( ! node ) {
return success ;
if ( node . data ) {
const lastSection = sections [ sections . length - 1 ] ;
node . data = null ;
if ( Object . keys ( node . children ) . length === 0 ) {
const parentNode = node . parent ;
parentNode . children . delete ( lastSection ) ;
parentNode . wildcardChildNode = null ;
parentNode . placeholderChildNode = null ;
success = true ;
return success ;
function createRadixNode ( options = { } ) {
return {
type : options . type || NODE _TYPES . NORMAL ,
parent : options . parent || null ,
children : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map ( ) ,
data : options . data || null ,
paramName : options . paramName || null ,
wildcardChildNode : null ,
placeholderChildNode : null
} ;
function getNodeType ( str ) {
if ( str . startsWith ( "**" ) ) {
if ( str [ 0 ] === ":" || str === "*" ) {
function toRouteMatcher ( router ) {
const table = _routerNodeToTable ( "" , router . ctx . rootNode ) ;
return _createMatcher ( table ) ;
function _createMatcher ( table ) {
return {
ctx : { table } ,
matchAll : ( path ) => _matchRoutes ( path , table )
} ;
function _createRouteTable ( ) {
return {
static : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map ( ) ,
wildcard : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map ( ) ,
dynamic : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map ( )
} ;
function _matchRoutes ( path , table ) {
const matches = [ ] ;
for ( const [ key , value ] of _sortRoutesMap ( table . wildcard ) ) {
if ( path . startsWith ( key ) ) {
matches . push ( value ) ;
for ( const [ key , value ] of _sortRoutesMap ( table . dynamic ) ) {
if ( path . startsWith ( key + "/" ) ) {
const subPath = "/" + path . slice ( key . length ) . split ( "/" ) . splice ( 2 ) . join ( "/" ) ;
matches . push ( ... _matchRoutes ( subPath , value ) ) ;
const staticMatch = table . static . get ( path ) ;
if ( staticMatch ) {
matches . push ( staticMatch ) ;
return matches . filter ( Boolean ) ;
function _sortRoutesMap ( m ) {
return [ ... m . entries ( ) ] . sort ( ( a , b ) => a [ 0 ] . length - b [ 0 ] . length ) ;
function _routerNodeToTable ( initialPath , initialNode ) {
const table = _createRouteTable ( ) ;
function _addNode ( path , node ) {
if ( path ) {
if ( node . type === NODE _TYPES . NORMAL && ! ( path . includes ( "*" ) || path . includes ( ":" ) ) ) {
table . static . set ( path , node . data ) ;
} else if ( node . type === NODE _TYPES . WILDCARD ) {
table . wildcard . set ( path . replace ( "/**" , "" ) , node . data ) ;
} else if ( node . type === NODE _TYPES . PLACEHOLDER ) {
const subTable = _routerNodeToTable ( "" , node ) ;
if ( node . data ) {
subTable . static . set ( "/" , node . data ) ;
table . dynamic . set ( path . replace ( /\/\*|\/:\w+/ , "" ) , subTable ) ;
return ;
for ( const [ childPath , child ] of node . children . entries ( ) ) {
_addNode ( ` ${ path } / ${ childPath } ` . replace ( "//" , "/" ) , child ) ;
_addNode ( initialPath , initialNode ) ;
return table ;
function _defu ( baseObject , defaults , namespace = "." , merger ) {
if ( ! _isPlainObject ( defaults ) ) {
return _defu ( baseObject , { } , namespace , merger ) ;
const object = Object . assign ( { } , defaults ) ;
for ( const key in baseObject ) {
if ( key === "__proto__" || key === "constructor" ) {
continue ;
const value = baseObject [ key ] ;
if ( value === null || value === void 0 ) {
continue ;
if ( merger && merger ( object , key , value , namespace ) ) {
continue ;
if ( Array . isArray ( value ) && Array . isArray ( object [ key ] ) ) {
object [ key ] = [ ... value , ... object [ key ] ] ;
} else if ( _isPlainObject ( value ) && _isPlainObject ( object [ key ] ) ) {
object [ key ] = _defu (
value ,
object [ key ] ,
( namespace ? ` ${ namespace } . ` : "" ) + key . toString ( ) ,
) ;
} else {
object [ key ] = value ;
return object ;
function _isPlainObject ( value ) {
if ( value === null || typeof value !== "object" ) {
return false ;
const prototype = Object . getPrototypeOf ( value ) ;
return ( prototype === null || prototype === Object . prototype || Object . getPrototypeOf ( prototype ) === null ) && ! ( Symbol . toStringTag in value ) && ! ( Symbol . iterator in value ) ;
function createDefu ( merger ) {
return ( ... arguments _ ) => (
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-reduce
arguments _ . reduce ( ( p , c ) => _defu ( p , c , "" , merger ) , { } )
) ;
const defu = createDefu ( ) ;
const defuFn = createDefu ( ( object , key , currentValue ) => {
if ( object [ key ] !== void 0 && typeof currentValue === "function" ) {
object [ key ] = currentValue ( object [ key ] ) ;
return true ;
} ) ;
function rawHeaders ( headers ) {
const rawHeaders2 = [ ] ;
for ( const key in headers ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( headers [ key ] ) ) {
for ( const h of headers [ key ] ) {
rawHeaders2 . push ( key , h ) ;
} else {
rawHeaders2 . push ( key , headers [ key ] ) ;
return rawHeaders2 ;
function mergeFns ( ... functions ) {
return function ( ... args ) {
for ( const fn of functions ) {
fn ( ... args ) ;
} ;
function createNotImplementedError ( name ) {
throw new Error ( ` [unenv] ${ name } is not implemented yet! ` ) ;
let defaultMaxListeners = 10 ;
let EventEmitter$1 = class EventEmitter {
_ _unenv _ _ = true ;
_events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object . create ( null ) ;
_maxListeners ;
static get defaultMaxListeners ( ) {
return defaultMaxListeners ;
static set defaultMaxListeners ( arg ) {
if ( typeof arg !== "number" || arg < 0 || Number . isNaN ( arg ) ) {
throw new RangeError (
'The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + arg + "."
) ;
defaultMaxListeners = arg ;
setMaxListeners ( n ) {
if ( typeof n !== "number" || n < 0 || Number . isNaN ( n ) ) {
throw new RangeError (
'The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + n + "."
) ;
this . _maxListeners = n ;
return this ;
getMaxListeners ( ) {
return _getMaxListeners ( this ) ;
emit ( type , ... args ) {
if ( ! this . _events [ type ] || this . _events [ type ] . length === 0 ) {
return false ;
if ( type === "error" ) {
let er ;
if ( args . length > 0 ) {
er = args [ 0 ] ;
if ( er instanceof Error ) {
throw er ;
const err = new Error (
"Unhandled error." + ( er ? " (" + er . message + ")" : "" )
) ;
err . context = er ;
throw err ;
for ( const _listener of this . _events [ type ] ) {
( _listener . listener || _listener ) . apply ( this , args ) ;
return true ;
addListener ( type , listener ) {
return _addListener ( this , type , listener , false ) ;
on ( type , listener ) {
return _addListener ( this , type , listener , false ) ;
prependListener ( type , listener ) {
return _addListener ( this , type , listener , true ) ;
once ( type , listener ) {
return this . on ( type , _wrapOnce ( this , type , listener ) ) ;
prependOnceListener ( type , listener ) {
return this . prependListener ( type , _wrapOnce ( this , type , listener ) ) ;
removeListener ( type , listener ) {
return _removeListener ( this , type , listener ) ;
off ( type , listener ) {
return this . removeListener ( type , listener ) ;
removeAllListeners ( type ) {
return _removeAllListeners ( this , type ) ;
listeners ( type ) {
return _listeners ( this , type , true ) ;
rawListeners ( type ) {
return _listeners ( this , type , false ) ;
listenerCount ( type ) {
return this . rawListeners ( type ) . length ;
eventNames ( ) {
return Object . keys ( this . _events ) ;
} ;
function _addListener ( target , type , listener , prepend ) {
_checkListener ( listener ) ;
if ( target . _events . newListener !== void 0 ) {
target . emit ( "newListener" , type , listener . listener || listener ) ;
if ( ! target . _events [ type ] ) {
target . _events [ type ] = [ ] ;
if ( prepend ) {
target . _events [ type ] . unshift ( listener ) ;
} else {
target . _events [ type ] . push ( listener ) ;
const maxListeners = _getMaxListeners ( target ) ;
if ( maxListeners > 0 && target . _events [ type ] . length > maxListeners && ! target . _events [ type ] . warned ) {
target . _events [ type ] . warned = true ;
const warning = new Error (
` [unenv] Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. ${ target . _events [ type ] . length } ${ type } listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit `
) ;
warning . name = "MaxListenersExceededWarning" ;
warning . emitter = target ;
warning . type = type ;
warning . count = target . _events [ type ] ? . length ;
console . warn ( warning ) ;
return target ;
function _removeListener ( target , type , listener ) {
_checkListener ( listener ) ;
if ( ! target . _events [ type ] || target . _events [ type ] . length === 0 ) {
return target ;
const lenBeforeFilter = target . _events [ type ] . length ;
target . _events [ type ] = target . _events [ type ] . filter ( ( fn ) => fn !== listener ) ;
if ( lenBeforeFilter === target . _events [ type ] . length ) {
return target ;
if ( target . _events . removeListener ) {
target . emit ( "removeListener" , type , listener . listener || listener ) ;
if ( target . _events [ type ] . length === 0 ) {
delete target . _events [ type ] ;
return target ;
function _removeAllListeners ( target , type ) {
if ( ! target . _events [ type ] || target . _events [ type ] . length === 0 ) {
return target ;
if ( target . _events . removeListener ) {
for ( const _listener of target . _events [ type ] ) {
target . emit ( "removeListener" , type , _listener . listener || _listener ) ;
delete target . _events [ type ] ;
return target ;
function _wrapOnce ( target , type , listener ) {
let fired = false ;
const wrapper = ( ... args ) => {
if ( fired ) {
return ;
target . removeListener ( type , wrapper ) ;
fired = true ;
return args . length === 0 ? listener . call ( target ) : listener . apply ( target , args ) ;
} ;
wrapper . listener = listener ;
return wrapper ;
function _getMaxListeners ( target ) {
return target . _maxListeners ? ? EventEmitter$1 . defaultMaxListeners ;
function _listeners ( target , type , unwrap ) {
let listeners = target . _events [ type ] ;
if ( typeof listeners === "function" ) {
listeners = [ listeners ] ;
return unwrap ? listeners . map ( ( l ) => l . listener || l ) : listeners ;
function _checkListener ( listener ) {
if ( typeof listener !== "function" ) {
throw new TypeError (
'The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof listener
) ;
const EventEmitter = globalThis . EventEmitter || EventEmitter$1 ;
class _Readable extends EventEmitter {
_ _unenv _ _ = true ;
readableEncoding = null ;
readableEnded = true ;
readableFlowing = false ;
readableHighWaterMark = 0 ;
readableLength = 0 ;
readableObjectMode = false ;
readableAborted = false ;
readableDidRead = false ;
closed = false ;
errored = null ;
readable = false ;
destroyed = false ;
static from ( _iterable , options ) {
return new _Readable ( options ) ;
constructor ( _opts ) {
super ( ) ;
_read ( _size ) {
read ( _size ) {
setEncoding ( _encoding ) {
return this ;
pause ( ) {
return this ;
resume ( ) {
return this ;
isPaused ( ) {
return true ;
unpipe ( _destination ) {
return this ;
unshift ( _chunk , _encoding ) {
wrap ( _oldStream ) {
return this ;
push ( _chunk , _encoding ) {
return false ;
_destroy ( _error , _callback ) {
this . removeAllListeners ( ) ;
destroy ( error ) {
this . destroyed = true ;
this . _destroy ( error ) ;
return this ;
pipe ( _destenition , _options ) {
return { } ;
compose ( stream , options ) {
throw new Error ( "[unenv] Method not implemented." ) ;
[ Symbol . asyncDispose ] ( ) {
this . destroy ( ) ;
return Promise . resolve ( ) ;
async * [ Symbol . asyncIterator ] ( ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.asyncIterator" ) ;
iterator ( options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.iterator" ) ;
map ( fn , options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.map" ) ;
filter ( fn , options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.filter" ) ;
forEach ( fn , options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.forEach" ) ;
reduce ( fn , initialValue , options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.reduce" ) ;
find ( fn , options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.find" ) ;
findIndex ( fn , options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.findIndex" ) ;
some ( fn , options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.some" ) ;
toArray ( options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.toArray" ) ;
every ( fn , options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.every" ) ;
flatMap ( fn , options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.flatMap" ) ;
drop ( limit , options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.drop" ) ;
take ( limit , options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.take" ) ;
asIndexedPairs ( options ) {
throw createNotImplementedError ( "Readable.asIndexedPairs" ) ;
const Readable = globalThis . Readable || _Readable ;
class _Writable extends EventEmitter {
_ _unenv _ _ = true ;
writable = true ;
writableEnded = false ;
writableFinished = false ;
writableHighWaterMark = 0 ;
writableLength = 0 ;
writableObjectMode = false ;
writableCorked = 0 ;
closed = false ;
errored = null ;
writableNeedDrain = false ;
destroyed = false ;
_data ;
_encoding = "utf-8" ;
constructor ( _opts ) {
super ( ) ;
pipe ( _destenition , _options ) {
return { } ;
_write ( chunk , encoding , callback ) {
if ( this . writableEnded ) {
if ( callback ) {
callback ( ) ;
return ;
if ( this . _data === void 0 ) {
this . _data = chunk ;
} else {
const a = typeof this . _data === "string" ? Buffer . from ( this . _data , this . _encoding || encoding || "utf8" ) : this . _data ;
const b = typeof chunk === "string" ? Buffer . from ( chunk , encoding || this . _encoding || "utf8" ) : chunk ;
this . _data = Buffer . concat ( [ a , b ] ) ;
this . _encoding = encoding ;
if ( callback ) {
callback ( ) ;
_writev ( _chunks , _callback ) {
_destroy ( _error , _callback ) {
_final ( _callback ) {
write ( chunk , arg2 , arg3 ) {
const encoding = typeof arg2 === "string" ? this . _encoding : "utf-8" ;
const cb = typeof arg2 === "function" ? arg2 : typeof arg3 === "function" ? arg3 : void 0 ;
this . _write ( chunk , encoding , cb ) ;
return true ;
setDefaultEncoding ( _encoding ) {
return this ;
end ( arg1 , arg2 , arg3 ) {
const callback = typeof arg1 === "function" ? arg1 : typeof arg2 === "function" ? arg2 : typeof arg3 === "function" ? arg3 : void 0 ;
if ( this . writableEnded ) {
if ( callback ) {
callback ( ) ;
return this ;
const data = arg1 === callback ? void 0 : arg1 ;
if ( data ) {
const encoding = arg2 === callback ? void 0 : arg2 ;
this . write ( data , encoding , callback ) ;
this . writableEnded = true ;
this . writableFinished = true ;
this . emit ( "close" ) ;
this . emit ( "finish" ) ;
return this ;
cork ( ) {
uncork ( ) {
destroy ( _error ) {
this . destroyed = true ;
delete this . _data ;
this . removeAllListeners ( ) ;
return this ;
compose ( stream , options ) {
throw new Error ( "[h3] Method not implemented." ) ;
const Writable = globalThis . Writable || _Writable ;
const _ _Duplex = class {
allowHalfOpen = true ;
_destroy ;
constructor ( readable = new Readable ( ) , writable = new Writable ( ) ) {
Object . assign ( this , readable ) ;
Object . assign ( this , writable ) ;
this . _destroy = mergeFns ( readable . _destroy , writable . _destroy ) ;
} ;
function getDuplex ( ) {
Object . assign ( _ _Duplex . prototype , Readable . prototype ) ;
Object . assign ( _ _Duplex . prototype , Writable . prototype ) ;
return _ _Duplex ;
const _Duplex = /* @__PURE__ */ getDuplex ( ) ;
const Duplex = globalThis . Duplex || _Duplex ;
class Socket extends Duplex {
_ _unenv _ _ = true ;
bufferSize = 0 ;
bytesRead = 0 ;
bytesWritten = 0 ;
connecting = false ;
destroyed = false ;
pending = false ;
localAddress = "" ;
localPort = 0 ;
remoteAddress = "" ;
remoteFamily = "" ;
remotePort = 0 ;
autoSelectFamilyAttemptedAddresses = [ ] ;
readyState = "readOnly" ;
constructor ( _options ) {
super ( ) ;
write ( _buffer , _arg1 , _arg2 ) {
return false ;
connect ( _arg1 , _arg2 , _arg3 ) {
return this ;
end ( _arg1 , _arg2 , _arg3 ) {
return this ;
setEncoding ( _encoding ) {
return this ;
pause ( ) {
return this ;
resume ( ) {
return this ;
setTimeout ( _timeout , _callback ) {
return this ;
setNoDelay ( _noDelay ) {
return this ;
setKeepAlive ( _enable , _initialDelay ) {
return this ;
address ( ) {
return { } ;
unref ( ) {
return this ;
ref ( ) {
return this ;
destroySoon ( ) {
this . destroy ( ) ;
resetAndDestroy ( ) {
const err = new Error ( "ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED" ) ;
err . code = "ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED" ;
this . destroy ( err ) ;
return this ;
class IncomingMessage extends Readable {
_ _unenv _ _ = { } ;
aborted = false ;
httpVersion = "1.1" ;
httpVersionMajor = 1 ;
httpVersionMinor = 1 ;
complete = true ;
connection ;
socket ;
headers = { } ;
trailers = { } ;
method = "GET" ;
url = "/" ;
statusCode = 200 ;
statusMessage = "" ;
closed = false ;
errored = null ;
readable = false ;
constructor ( socket ) {
super ( ) ;
this . socket = this . connection = socket || new Socket ( ) ;
get rawHeaders ( ) {
return rawHeaders ( this . headers ) ;
get rawTrailers ( ) {
return [ ] ;
setTimeout ( _msecs , _callback ) {
return this ;
get headersDistinct ( ) {
return _distinct ( this . headers ) ;
get trailersDistinct ( ) {
return _distinct ( this . trailers ) ;
function _distinct ( obj ) {
const d = { } ;
for ( const [ key , value ] of Object . entries ( obj ) ) {
if ( key ) {
d [ key ] = ( Array . isArray ( value ) ? value : [ value ] ) . filter (
) ;
return d ;
class ServerResponse extends Writable {
_ _unenv _ _ = true ;
statusCode = 200 ;
statusMessage = "" ;
upgrading = false ;
chunkedEncoding = false ;
shouldKeepAlive = false ;
useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false ;
sendDate = false ;
finished = false ;
headersSent = false ;
strictContentLength = false ;
connection = null ;
socket = null ;
req ;
_headers = { } ;
constructor ( req ) {
super ( ) ;
this . req = req ;
assignSocket ( socket ) {
socket . _httpMessage = this ;
this . socket = socket ;
this . connection = socket ;
this . emit ( "socket" , socket ) ;
this . _flush ( ) ;
_flush ( ) {
this . flushHeaders ( ) ;
detachSocket ( _socket ) {
writeContinue ( _callback ) {
writeHead ( statusCode , arg1 , arg2 ) {
if ( statusCode ) {
this . statusCode = statusCode ;
if ( typeof arg1 === "string" ) {
this . statusMessage = arg1 ;
arg1 = void 0 ;
const headers = arg2 || arg1 ;
if ( headers ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( headers ) ) ; else {
for ( const key in headers ) {
this . setHeader ( key , headers [ key ] ) ;
this . headersSent = true ;
return this ;
writeProcessing ( ) {
setTimeout ( _msecs , _callback ) {
return this ;
appendHeader ( name , value ) {
name = name . toLowerCase ( ) ;
const current = this . _headers [ name ] ;
const all = [
... Array . isArray ( current ) ? current : [ current ] ,
... Array . isArray ( value ) ? value : [ value ]
] . filter ( Boolean ) ;
this . _headers [ name ] = all . length > 1 ? all : all [ 0 ] ;
return this ;
setHeader ( name , value ) {
this . _headers [ name . toLowerCase ( ) ] = value ;
return this ;
getHeader ( name ) {
return this . _headers [ name . toLowerCase ( ) ] ;
getHeaders ( ) {
return this . _headers ;
getHeaderNames ( ) {
return Object . keys ( this . _headers ) ;
hasHeader ( name ) {
return name . toLowerCase ( ) in this . _headers ;
removeHeader ( name ) {
delete this . _headers [ name . toLowerCase ( ) ] ;
addTrailers ( _headers ) {
flushHeaders ( ) {
writeEarlyHints ( _headers , cb ) {
if ( typeof cb === "function" ) {
cb ( ) ;
function hasProp ( obj , prop ) {
try {
return prop in obj ;
} catch {
return false ;
var _ _defProp$1 = Object . defineProperty ;
var _ _defNormalProp$1 = ( obj , key , value ) => key in obj ? _ _defProp$1 ( obj , key , { enumerable : true , configurable : true , writable : true , value } ) : obj [ key ] = value ;
var _ _publicField$1 = ( obj , key , value ) => {
_ _defNormalProp$1 ( obj , typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key , value ) ;
return value ;
} ;
class H3Error extends Error {
constructor ( message , opts = { } ) {
super ( message , opts ) ;
_ _publicField$1 ( this , "statusCode" , 500 ) ;
_ _publicField$1 ( this , "fatal" , false ) ;
_ _publicField$1 ( this , "unhandled" , false ) ;
_ _publicField$1 ( this , "statusMessage" ) ;
_ _publicField$1 ( this , "data" ) ;
_ _publicField$1 ( this , "cause" ) ;
if ( opts . cause && ! this . cause ) {
this . cause = opts . cause ;
toJSON ( ) {
const obj = {
message : this . message ,
statusCode : sanitizeStatusCode ( this . statusCode , 500 )
} ;
if ( this . statusMessage ) {
obj . statusMessage = sanitizeStatusMessage ( this . statusMessage ) ;
if ( this . data !== void 0 ) {
obj . data = this . data ;
return obj ;
_ _publicField$1 ( H3Error , "__h3_error__" , true ) ;
function createError$1 ( input ) {
if ( typeof input === "string" ) {
return new H3Error ( input ) ;
if ( isError ( input ) ) {
return input ;
const err = new H3Error ( input . message ? ? input . statusMessage ? ? "" , {
cause : input . cause || input
} ) ;
if ( hasProp ( input , "stack" ) ) {
try {
Object . defineProperty ( err , "stack" , {
get ( ) {
return input . stack ;
} ) ;
} catch {
try {
err . stack = input . stack ;
} catch {
if ( input . data ) {
err . data = input . data ;
if ( input . statusCode ) {
err . statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode ( input . statusCode , err . statusCode ) ;
} else if ( input . status ) {
err . statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode ( input . status , err . statusCode ) ;
if ( input . statusMessage ) {
err . statusMessage = input . statusMessage ;
} else if ( input . statusText ) {
err . statusMessage = input . statusText ;
if ( err . statusMessage ) {
const originalMessage = err . statusMessage ;
const sanitizedMessage = sanitizeStatusMessage ( err . statusMessage ) ;
if ( sanitizedMessage !== originalMessage ) {
console . warn (
"[h3] Please prefer using `message` for longer error messages instead of `statusMessage`. In the future, `statusMessage` will be sanitized by default."
) ;
if ( input . fatal !== void 0 ) {
err . fatal = input . fatal ;
if ( input . unhandled !== void 0 ) {
err . unhandled = input . unhandled ;
return err ;
function sendError ( event , error , debug ) {
if ( event . handled ) {
return ;
const h3Error = isError ( error ) ? error : createError$1 ( error ) ;
const responseBody = {
statusCode : h3Error . statusCode ,
statusMessage : h3Error . statusMessage ,
stack : [ ] ,
data : h3Error . data
} ;
if ( debug ) {
responseBody . stack = ( h3Error . stack || "" ) . split ( "\n" ) . map ( ( l ) => l . trim ( ) ) ;
if ( event . handled ) {
return ;
const _code = Number . parseInt ( h3Error . statusCode ) ;
setResponseStatus ( event , _code , h3Error . statusMessage ) ;
event . node . res . setHeader ( "content-type" , MIMES . json ) ;
event . node . res . end ( JSON . stringify ( responseBody , void 0 , 2 ) ) ;
function isError ( input ) {
return input ? . constructor ? . _ _h3 _error _ _ === true ;
function getQuery ( event ) {
return getQuery$1 ( event . path || "" ) ;
function isMethod ( event , expected , allowHead ) {
if ( allowHead && event . method === "HEAD" ) {
return true ;
if ( typeof expected === "string" ) {
if ( event . method === expected ) {
return true ;
} else if ( expected . includes ( event . method ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
function assertMethod ( event , expected , allowHead ) {
if ( ! isMethod ( event , expected , allowHead ) ) {
throw createError$1 ( {
statusCode : 405 ,
statusMessage : "HTTP method is not allowed."
} ) ;
function getRequestHeaders ( event ) {
const _headers = { } ;
for ( const key in event . node . req . headers ) {
const val = event . node . req . headers [ key ] ;
_headers [ key ] = Array . isArray ( val ) ? val . filter ( Boolean ) . join ( ", " ) : val ;
return _headers ;
function getRequestHeader ( event , name ) {
const headers = getRequestHeaders ( event ) ;
const value = headers [ name . toLowerCase ( ) ] ;
return value ;
const RawBodySymbol = Symbol . for ( "h3RawBody" ) ;
const PayloadMethods$1 = [ "PATCH" , "POST" , "PUT" , "DELETE" ] ;
function readRawBody ( event , encoding = "utf8" ) {
assertMethod ( event , PayloadMethods$1 ) ;
const _rawBody = event . _requestBody || event . web ? . request ? . body || event . node . req [ RawBodySymbol ] || event . node . req . body ;
if ( _rawBody ) {
const promise2 = Promise . resolve ( _rawBody ) . then ( ( _resolved ) => {
if ( Buffer . isBuffer ( _resolved ) ) {
return _resolved ;
if ( typeof _resolved . pipeTo === "function" ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
const chunks = [ ] ;
_resolved . pipeTo (
new WritableStream ( {
write ( chunk ) {
chunks . push ( chunk ) ;
} ,
close ( ) {
resolve ( Buffer . concat ( chunks ) ) ;
} ,
abort ( reason ) {
reject ( reason ) ;
} )
) . catch ( reject ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( typeof _resolved . pipe === "function" ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
const chunks = [ ] ;
_resolved . on ( "data" , ( chunk ) => {
chunks . push ( chunk ) ;
} ) . on ( "end" , ( ) => {
resolve ( Buffer . concat ( chunks ) ) ;
} ) . on ( "error" , reject ) ;
} ) ;
if ( _resolved . constructor === Object ) {
return Buffer . from ( JSON . stringify ( _resolved ) ) ;
return Buffer . from ( _resolved ) ;
} ) ;
return encoding ? promise2 . then ( ( buff ) => buff . toString ( encoding ) ) : promise2 ;
if ( ! Number . parseInt ( event . node . req . headers [ "content-length" ] || "" ) ) {
return Promise . resolve ( void 0 ) ;
const promise = event . node . req [ RawBodySymbol ] = new Promise (
( resolve , reject ) => {
const bodyData = [ ] ;
event . node . req . on ( "error" , ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) . on ( "data" , ( chunk ) => {
bodyData . push ( chunk ) ;
} ) . on ( "end" , ( ) => {
resolve ( Buffer . concat ( bodyData ) ) ;
} ) ;
) ;
const result = encoding ? promise . then ( ( buff ) => buff . toString ( encoding ) ) : promise ;
return result ;
function getRequestWebStream ( event ) {
if ( ! PayloadMethods$1 . includes ( event . method ) ) {
return ;
return event . web ? . request ? . body || event . _requestBody || new ReadableStream ( {
start : ( controller ) => {
event . node . req . on ( "data" , ( chunk ) => {
controller . enqueue ( chunk ) ;
} ) ;
event . node . req . on ( "end" , ( ) => {
controller . close ( ) ;
} ) ;
event . node . req . on ( "error" , ( err ) => {
controller . error ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function handleCacheHeaders ( event , opts ) {
const cacheControls = [ "public" , ... opts . cacheControls || [ ] ] ;
let cacheMatched = false ;
if ( opts . maxAge !== void 0 ) {
cacheControls . push ( ` max-age= ${ + opts . maxAge } ` , ` s-maxage= ${ + opts . maxAge } ` ) ;
if ( opts . modifiedTime ) {
const modifiedTime = new Date ( opts . modifiedTime ) ;
const ifModifiedSince = event . node . req . headers [ "if-modified-since" ] ;
event . node . res . setHeader ( "last-modified" , modifiedTime . toUTCString ( ) ) ;
if ( ifModifiedSince && new Date ( ifModifiedSince ) >= opts . modifiedTime ) {
cacheMatched = true ;
if ( opts . etag ) {
event . node . res . setHeader ( "etag" , opts . etag ) ;
const ifNonMatch = event . node . req . headers [ "if-none-match" ] ;
if ( ifNonMatch === opts . etag ) {
cacheMatched = true ;
event . node . res . setHeader ( "cache-control" , cacheControls . join ( ", " ) ) ;
if ( cacheMatched ) {
event . node . res . statusCode = 304 ;
if ( ! event . handled ) {
event . node . res . end ( ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
const MIMES = {
html : "text/html" ,
json : "application/json"
} ;
const DISALLOWED _STATUS _CHARS = /[^\u0009\u0020-\u007E]/g ;
function sanitizeStatusMessage ( statusMessage = "" ) {
return statusMessage . replace ( DISALLOWED _STATUS _CHARS , "" ) ;
function sanitizeStatusCode ( statusCode , defaultStatusCode = 200 ) {
if ( ! statusCode ) {
return defaultStatusCode ;
if ( typeof statusCode === "string" ) {
statusCode = Number . parseInt ( statusCode , 10 ) ;
if ( statusCode < 100 || statusCode > 999 ) {
return defaultStatusCode ;
return statusCode ;
function splitCookiesString ( cookiesString ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( cookiesString ) ) {
return cookiesString . flatMap ( ( c ) => splitCookiesString ( c ) ) ;
if ( typeof cookiesString !== "string" ) {
return [ ] ;
const cookiesStrings = [ ] ;
let pos = 0 ;
let start ;
let ch ;
let lastComma ;
let nextStart ;
let cookiesSeparatorFound ;
const skipWhitespace = ( ) => {
while ( pos < cookiesString . length && /\s/ . test ( cookiesString . charAt ( pos ) ) ) {
pos += 1 ;
return pos < cookiesString . length ;
} ;
const notSpecialChar = ( ) => {
ch = cookiesString . charAt ( pos ) ;
return ch !== "=" && ch !== ";" && ch !== "," ;
} ;
while ( pos < cookiesString . length ) {
start = pos ;
cookiesSeparatorFound = false ;
while ( skipWhitespace ( ) ) {
ch = cookiesString . charAt ( pos ) ;
if ( ch === "," ) {
lastComma = pos ;
pos += 1 ;
skipWhitespace ( ) ;
nextStart = pos ;
while ( pos < cookiesString . length && notSpecialChar ( ) ) {
pos += 1 ;
if ( pos < cookiesString . length && cookiesString . charAt ( pos ) === "=" ) {
cookiesSeparatorFound = true ;
pos = nextStart ;
cookiesStrings . push ( cookiesString . slice ( start , lastComma ) ) ;
start = pos ;
} else {
pos = lastComma + 1 ;
} else {
pos += 1 ;
if ( ! cookiesSeparatorFound || pos >= cookiesString . length ) {
cookiesStrings . push ( cookiesString . slice ( start , cookiesString . length ) ) ;
return cookiesStrings ;
const defer = typeof setImmediate === "undefined" ? ( fn ) => fn ( ) : setImmediate ;
function send ( event , data , type ) {
if ( type ) {
defaultContentType ( event , type ) ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve ) => {
defer ( ( ) => {
if ( ! event . handled ) {
event . node . res . end ( data ) ;
resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function sendNoContent ( event , code ) {
if ( event . handled ) {
return ;
if ( ! code && event . node . res . statusCode !== 200 ) {
code = event . node . res . statusCode ;
const _code = sanitizeStatusCode ( code , 204 ) ;
if ( _code === 204 ) {
event . node . res . removeHeader ( "content-length" ) ;
event . node . res . writeHead ( _code ) ;
event . node . res . end ( ) ;
function setResponseStatus ( event , code , text ) {
if ( code ) {
event . node . res . statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode (
code ,
event . node . res . statusCode
) ;
if ( text ) {
event . node . res . statusMessage = sanitizeStatusMessage ( text ) ;
function getResponseStatus ( event ) {
return event . node . res . statusCode ;
function getResponseStatusText ( event ) {
return event . node . res . statusMessage ;
function defaultContentType ( event , type ) {
if ( type && ! event . node . res . getHeader ( "content-type" ) ) {
event . node . res . setHeader ( "content-type" , type ) ;
function sendRedirect ( event , location , code = 302 ) {
event . node . res . statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode (
code ,
event . node . res . statusCode
) ;
event . node . res . setHeader ( "location" , location ) ;
const encodedLoc = location . replace ( /"/g , "%22" ) ;
const html = ` <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url= ${ encodedLoc } "></head></html> ` ;
return send ( event , html , MIMES . html ) ;
function getResponseHeader ( event , name ) {
return event . node . res . getHeader ( name ) ;
function setResponseHeaders ( event , headers ) {
for ( const [ name , value ] of Object . entries ( headers ) ) {
event . node . res . setHeader ( name , value ) ;
const setHeaders = setResponseHeaders ;
function setResponseHeader ( event , name , value ) {
event . node . res . setHeader ( name , value ) ;
function removeResponseHeader ( event , name ) {
return event . node . res . removeHeader ( name ) ;
function isStream ( data ) {
if ( ! data || typeof data !== "object" ) {
return false ;
if ( typeof data . pipe === "function" ) {
if ( typeof data . _read === "function" ) {
return true ;
if ( typeof data . abort === "function" ) {
return true ;
if ( typeof data . pipeTo === "function" ) {
return true ;
return false ;
function isWebResponse ( data ) {
return typeof Response !== "undefined" && data instanceof Response ;
function sendStream ( event , stream ) {
if ( ! stream || typeof stream !== "object" ) {
throw new Error ( "[h3] Invalid stream provided." ) ;
event . node . res . _data = stream ;
if ( ! event . node . res . socket ) {
event . _handled = true ;
return Promise . resolve ( ) ;
if ( hasProp ( stream , "pipeTo" ) && typeof stream . pipeTo === "function" ) {
return stream . pipeTo (
new WritableStream ( {
write ( chunk ) {
event . node . res . write ( chunk ) ;
} )
) . then ( ( ) => {
event . node . res . end ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( hasProp ( stream , "pipe" ) && typeof stream . pipe === "function" ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
stream . pipe ( event . node . res ) ;
if ( stream . on ) {
stream . on ( "end" , ( ) => {
event . node . res . end ( ) ;
resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
stream . on ( "error" , ( error ) => {
reject ( error ) ;
} ) ;
event . node . res . on ( "close" , ( ) => {
if ( stream . abort ) {
stream . abort ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
throw new Error ( "[h3] Invalid or incompatible stream provided." ) ;
function sendWebResponse ( event , response ) {
for ( const [ key , value ] of response . headers ) {
if ( key === "set-cookie" ) {
event . node . res . appendHeader ( key , splitCookiesString ( value ) ) ;
} else {
event . node . res . setHeader ( key , value ) ;
if ( response . status ) {
event . node . res . statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode (
response . status ,
event . node . res . statusCode
) ;
if ( response . statusText ) {
event . node . res . statusMessage = sanitizeStatusMessage ( response . statusText ) ;
if ( response . redirected ) {
event . node . res . setHeader ( "location" , response . url ) ;
if ( ! response . body ) {
event . node . res . end ( ) ;
return ;
return sendStream ( event , response . body ) ;
const PayloadMethods = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( [ "PATCH" , "POST" , "PUT" , "DELETE" ] ) ;
const ignoredHeaders = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( [
"transfer-encoding" ,
"connection" ,
"keep-alive" ,
"upgrade" ,
"expect" ,
] ) ;
async function proxyRequest ( event , target , opts = { } ) {
let body ;
let duplex ;
if ( PayloadMethods . has ( event . method ) ) {
if ( opts . streamRequest ) {
body = getRequestWebStream ( event ) ;
duplex = "half" ;
} else {
body = await readRawBody ( event , false ) . catch ( ( ) => void 0 ) ;
const method = opts . fetchOptions ? . method || event . method ;
const fetchHeaders = mergeHeaders (
getProxyRequestHeaders ( event ) ,
opts . fetchOptions ? . headers ,
opts . headers
) ;
return sendProxy ( event , target , {
... opts ,
fetchOptions : {
method ,
body ,
duplex ,
... opts . fetchOptions ,
headers : fetchHeaders
} ) ;
async function sendProxy ( event , target , opts = { } ) {
const response = await _getFetch ( opts . fetch ) ( target , {
headers : opts . headers ,
ignoreResponseError : true ,
// make $ofetch.raw transparent
... opts . fetchOptions
} ) ;
event . node . res . statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode (
response . status ,
event . node . res . statusCode
) ;
event . node . res . statusMessage = sanitizeStatusMessage ( response . statusText ) ;
const cookies = [ ] ;
for ( const [ key , value ] of response . headers . entries ( ) ) {
if ( key === "content-encoding" ) {
continue ;
if ( key === "content-length" ) {
continue ;
if ( key === "set-cookie" ) {
cookies . push ( ... splitCookiesString ( value ) ) ;
continue ;
event . node . res . setHeader ( key , value ) ;
if ( cookies . length > 0 ) {
event . node . res . setHeader (
"set-cookie" ,
cookies . map ( ( cookie ) => {
if ( opts . cookieDomainRewrite ) {
cookie = rewriteCookieProperty (
cookie ,
opts . cookieDomainRewrite ,
) ;
if ( opts . cookiePathRewrite ) {
cookie = rewriteCookieProperty (
cookie ,
opts . cookiePathRewrite ,
) ;
return cookie ;
} )
) ;
if ( opts . onResponse ) {
await opts . onResponse ( event , response ) ;
if ( response . _data !== void 0 ) {
return response . _data ;
if ( event . handled ) {
return ;
if ( opts . sendStream === false ) {
const data = new Uint8Array ( await response . arrayBuffer ( ) ) ;
return event . node . res . end ( data ) ;
if ( response . body ) {
for await ( const chunk of response . body ) {
event . node . res . write ( chunk ) ;
return event . node . res . end ( ) ;
function getProxyRequestHeaders ( event ) {
const headers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object . create ( null ) ;
const reqHeaders = getRequestHeaders ( event ) ;
for ( const name in reqHeaders ) {
if ( ! ignoredHeaders . has ( name ) ) {
headers [ name ] = reqHeaders [ name ] ;
return headers ;
function fetchWithEvent ( event , req , init , options ) {
return _getFetch ( options ? . fetch ) ( req , {
... init ,
context : init ? . context || event . context ,
headers : {
... getProxyRequestHeaders ( event ) ,
... init ? . headers
} ) ;
function _getFetch ( _fetch ) {
if ( _fetch ) {
return _fetch ;
if ( globalThis . fetch ) {
return globalThis . fetch ;
throw new Error (
"fetch is not available. Try importing `node-fetch-native/polyfill` for Node.js."
) ;
function rewriteCookieProperty ( header , map , property ) {
const _map = typeof map === "string" ? { "*" : map } : map ;
return header . replace (
new RegExp ( ` (; \\ s* ${ property } =)([^;]+) ` , "gi" ) ,
( match , prefix , previousValue ) => {
let newValue ;
if ( previousValue in _map ) {
newValue = _map [ previousValue ] ;
} else if ( "*" in _map ) {
newValue = _map [ "*" ] ;
} else {
return match ;
return newValue ? prefix + newValue : "" ;
) ;
function mergeHeaders ( defaults , ... inputs ) {
const _inputs = inputs . filter ( Boolean ) ;
if ( _inputs . length === 0 ) {
return defaults ;
const merged = new Headers ( defaults ) ;
for ( const input of _inputs ) {
for ( const [ key , value ] of Object . entries ( input ) ) {
if ( value !== void 0 ) {
merged . set ( key , value ) ;
return merged ;
var _ _defProp = Object . defineProperty ;
var _ _defNormalProp = ( obj , key , value ) => key in obj ? _ _defProp ( obj , key , { enumerable : true , configurable : true , writable : true , value } ) : obj [ key ] = value ;
var _ _publicField = ( obj , key , value ) => {
_ _defNormalProp ( obj , typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key , value ) ;
return value ;
} ;
class H3Event {
constructor ( req , res ) {
_ _publicField ( this , "__is_event__" , true ) ;
// Context
_ _publicField ( this , "node" ) ;
// Node
_ _publicField ( this , "web" ) ;
// Web
_ _publicField ( this , "context" , { } ) ;
// Shared
// Request
_ _publicField ( this , "_method" ) ;
_ _publicField ( this , "_path" ) ;
_ _publicField ( this , "_headers" ) ;
_ _publicField ( this , "_requestBody" ) ;
// Response
_ _publicField ( this , "_handled" , false ) ;
this . node = { req , res } ;
// --- Request ---
get method ( ) {
if ( ! this . _method ) {
this . _method = ( this . node . req . method || "GET" ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
return this . _method ;
get path ( ) {
return this . _path || this . node . req . url || "/" ;
get headers ( ) {
if ( ! this . _headers ) {
this . _headers = _normalizeNodeHeaders ( this . node . req . headers ) ;
return this . _headers ;
// --- Respoonse ---
get handled ( ) {
return this . _handled || this . node . res . writableEnded || this . node . res . headersSent ;
respondWith ( response ) {
return Promise . resolve ( response ) . then (
( _response ) => sendWebResponse ( this , _response )
) ;
// --- Utils ---
toString ( ) {
return ` [ ${ this . method } ] ${ this . path } ` ;
toJSON ( ) {
return this . toString ( ) ;
// --- Deprecated ---
/** @deprecated Please use `event.node.req` instead. **/
get req ( ) {
return this . node . req ;
/** @deprecated Please use `event.node.res` instead. **/
get res ( ) {
return this . node . res ;
function isEvent ( input ) {
return hasProp ( input , "__is_event__" ) ;
function createEvent ( req , res ) {
return new H3Event ( req , res ) ;
function _normalizeNodeHeaders ( nodeHeaders ) {
const headers = new Headers ( ) ;
for ( const [ name , value ] of Object . entries ( nodeHeaders ) ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( value ) ) {
for ( const item of value ) {
headers . append ( name , item ) ;
} else if ( value ) {
headers . set ( name , value ) ;
return headers ;
function defineEventHandler ( handler ) {
if ( typeof handler === "function" ) {
return Object . assign ( handler , { _ _is _handler _ _ : true } ) ;
const _hooks = {
onRequest : _normalizeArray ( handler . onRequest ) ,
onBeforeResponse : _normalizeArray ( handler . onBeforeResponse )
} ;
const _handler = ( event ) => {
return _callHandler ( event , handler . handler , _hooks ) ;
} ;
return Object . assign ( _handler , { _ _is _handler _ _ : true } ) ;
function _normalizeArray ( input ) {
return input ? Array . isArray ( input ) ? input : [ input ] : void 0 ;
async function _callHandler ( event , handler , hooks ) {
if ( hooks . onRequest ) {
for ( const hook of hooks . onRequest ) {
await hook ( event ) ;
if ( event . handled ) {
return ;
const body = await handler ( event ) ;
const response = { body } ;
if ( hooks . onBeforeResponse ) {
for ( const hook of hooks . onBeforeResponse ) {
await hook ( event , response ) ;
return response . body ;
const eventHandler = defineEventHandler ;
function isEventHandler ( input ) {
return hasProp ( input , "__is_handler__" ) ;
function toEventHandler ( input , _ , _route ) {
if ( ! isEventHandler ( input ) ) {
console . warn (
"[h3] Implicit event handler conversion is deprecated. Use `eventHandler()` or `fromNodeMiddleware()` to define event handlers." ,
_route && _route !== "/" ? `
Route : $ { _route } ` : "",
Handler : $ { input } `
) ;
return input ;
function defineLazyEventHandler ( factory ) {
let _promise ;
let _resolved ;
const resolveHandler = ( ) => {
if ( _resolved ) {
return Promise . resolve ( _resolved ) ;
if ( ! _promise ) {
_promise = Promise . resolve ( factory ( ) ) . then ( ( r ) => {
const handler = r . default || r ;
if ( typeof handler !== "function" ) {
throw new TypeError (
"Invalid lazy handler result. It should be a function:" ,
) ;
_resolved = toEventHandler ( r . default || r ) ;
return _resolved ;
} ) ;
return _promise ;
} ;
return eventHandler ( ( event ) => {
if ( _resolved ) {
return _resolved ( event ) ;
return resolveHandler ( ) . then ( ( handler ) => handler ( event ) ) ;
} ) ;
const lazyEventHandler = defineLazyEventHandler ;
function createApp ( options = { } ) {
const stack = [ ] ;
const handler = createAppEventHandler ( stack , options ) ;
const app = {
// @ts-ignore
use : ( arg1 , arg2 , arg3 ) => use ( app , arg1 , arg2 , arg3 ) ,
handler ,
stack ,
} ;
return app ;
function use ( app , arg1 , arg2 , arg3 ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( arg1 ) ) {
for ( const i of arg1 ) {
use ( app , i , arg2 , arg3 ) ;
} else if ( Array . isArray ( arg2 ) ) {
for ( const i of arg2 ) {
use ( app , arg1 , i , arg3 ) ;
} else if ( typeof arg1 === "string" ) {
app . stack . push (
normalizeLayer ( { ... arg3 , route : arg1 , handler : arg2 } )
) ;
} else if ( typeof arg1 === "function" ) {
app . stack . push (
normalizeLayer ( { ... arg2 , route : "/" , handler : arg1 } )
) ;
} else {
app . stack . push ( normalizeLayer ( { ... arg1 } ) ) ;
return app ;
function createAppEventHandler ( stack , options ) {
const spacing = options . debug ? 2 : void 0 ;
return eventHandler ( async ( event ) => {
event . node . req . originalUrl = event . node . req . originalUrl || event . node . req . url || "/" ;
const _reqPath = event . _path || event . node . req . url || "/" ;
let _layerPath ;
if ( options . onRequest ) {
await options . onRequest ( event ) ;
for ( const layer of stack ) {
if ( layer . route . length > 1 ) {
if ( ! _reqPath . startsWith ( layer . route ) ) {
continue ;
_layerPath = _reqPath . slice ( layer . route . length ) || "/" ;
} else {
_layerPath = _reqPath ;
if ( layer . match && ! layer . match ( _layerPath , event ) ) {
continue ;
event . _path = _layerPath ;
event . node . req . url = _layerPath ;
const val = await layer . handler ( event ) ;
const _body = val === void 0 ? void 0 : await val ;
if ( _body !== void 0 ) {
const _response = { body : _body } ;
if ( options . onBeforeResponse ) {
await options . onBeforeResponse ( event , _response ) ;
await handleHandlerResponse ( event , _response . body , spacing ) ;
if ( options . onAfterResponse ) {
await options . onAfterResponse ( event , _response ) ;
return ;
if ( event . handled ) {
if ( options . onAfterResponse ) {
await options . onAfterResponse ( event , void 0 ) ;
return ;
if ( ! event . handled ) {
throw createError$1 ( {
statusCode : 404 ,
statusMessage : ` Cannot find any path matching ${ event . path || "/" } . `
} ) ;
if ( options . onAfterResponse ) {
await options . onAfterResponse ( event , void 0 ) ;
} ) ;
function normalizeLayer ( input ) {
let handler = input . handler ;
if ( handler . handler ) {
handler = handler . handler ;
if ( input . lazy ) {
handler = lazyEventHandler ( handler ) ;
} else if ( ! isEventHandler ( handler ) ) {
handler = toEventHandler ( handler , void 0 , input . route ) ;
return {
route : withoutTrailingSlash ( input . route ) ,
match : input . match ,
} ;
function handleHandlerResponse ( event , val , jsonSpace ) {
if ( val === null ) {
return sendNoContent ( event ) ;
if ( val ) {
if ( isWebResponse ( val ) ) {
return sendWebResponse ( event , val ) ;
if ( isStream ( val ) ) {
return sendStream ( event , val ) ;
if ( val . buffer ) {
return send ( event , val ) ;
if ( val . arrayBuffer && typeof val . arrayBuffer === "function" ) {
return val . arrayBuffer ( ) . then ( ( arrayBuffer ) => {
return send ( event , Buffer . from ( arrayBuffer ) , val . type ) ;
} ) ;
if ( val instanceof Error ) {
throw createError$1 ( val ) ;
if ( typeof val . end === "function" ) {
return true ;
const valType = typeof val ;
if ( valType === "string" ) {
return send ( event , val , MIMES . html ) ;
if ( valType === "object" || valType === "boolean" || valType === "number" ) {
return send ( event , JSON . stringify ( val , void 0 , jsonSpace ) , MIMES . json ) ;
if ( valType === "bigint" ) {
return send ( event , val . toString ( ) , MIMES . json ) ;
throw createError$1 ( {
statusCode : 500 ,
statusMessage : ` [h3] Cannot send ${ valType } as response. `
} ) ;
const RouterMethods = [
"connect" ,
"delete" ,
"get" ,
"head" ,
"options" ,
"post" ,
"put" ,
"trace" ,
] ;
function createRouter ( opts = { } ) {
const _router = createRouter$1 ( { } ) ;
const routes = { } ;
let _matcher ;
const router = { } ;
const addRoute = ( path , handler , method ) => {
let route = routes [ path ] ;
if ( ! route ) {
routes [ path ] = route = { path , handlers : { } } ;
_router . insert ( path , route ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( method ) ) {
for ( const m of method ) {
addRoute ( path , handler , m ) ;
} else {
route . handlers [ method ] = toEventHandler ( handler , void 0 , path ) ;
return router ;
} ;
router . use = router . add = ( path , handler , method ) => addRoute ( path , handler , method || "all" ) ;
for ( const method of RouterMethods ) {
router [ method ] = ( path , handle ) => router . add ( path , handle , method ) ;
router . handler = eventHandler ( ( event ) => {
let path = event . path || "/" ;
const qIndex = path . indexOf ( "?" ) ;
if ( qIndex !== - 1 ) {
path = path . slice ( 0 , Math . max ( 0 , qIndex ) ) ;
const matched = _router . lookup ( path ) ;
if ( ! matched || ! matched . handlers ) {
if ( opts . preemptive || opts . preemtive ) {
throw createError$1 ( {
statusCode : 404 ,
name : "Not Found" ,
statusMessage : ` Cannot find any route matching ${ event . path || "/" } . `
} ) ;
} else {
return ;
const method = ( event . node . req . method || "get" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
let handler = matched . handlers [ method ] || matched . handlers . all ;
if ( ! handler ) {
if ( ! _matcher ) {
_matcher = toRouteMatcher ( _router ) ;
const _matches = _matcher . matchAll ( path ) . reverse ( ) ;
for ( const _match of _matches ) {
if ( _match . handlers [ method ] ) {
handler = _match . handlers [ method ] ;
matched . handlers [ method ] = matched . handlers [ method ] || handler ;
break ;
if ( _match . handlers . all ) {
handler = _match . handlers . all ;
matched . handlers . all = matched . handlers . all || handler ;
break ;
if ( ! handler ) {
if ( opts . preemptive || opts . preemtive ) {
throw createError$1 ( {
statusCode : 405 ,
name : "Method Not Allowed" ,
statusMessage : ` Method ${ method } is not allowed on this route. `
} ) ;
} else {
return ;
event . context . matchedRoute = matched ;
const params = matched . params || { } ;
event . context . params = params ;
return Promise . resolve ( handler ( event ) ) . then ( ( res ) => {
if ( res === void 0 && ( opts . preemptive || opts . preemtive ) ) {
return null ;
return res ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return router ;
function toNodeListener ( app ) {
const toNodeHandle = async function ( req , res ) {
const event = createEvent ( req , res ) ;
try {
await app . handler ( event ) ;
} catch ( _error ) {
const error = createError$1 ( _error ) ;
if ( ! isError ( _error ) ) {
error . unhandled = true ;
if ( app . options . onError ) {
await app . options . onError ( error , event ) ;
if ( event . handled ) {
return ;
if ( error . unhandled || error . fatal ) {
console . error ( "[h3]" , error . fatal ? "[fatal]" : "[unhandled]" , error ) ;
await sendError ( event , error , ! ! app . options . debug ) ;
} ;
return toNodeHandle ;
const s = globalThis . Headers , i = globalThis . AbortController , l = globalThis . fetch || ( ( ) => { throw new Error ( "[node-fetch-native] Failed to fetch: `globalThis.fetch` is not available!" ) } ) ;
class FetchError extends Error {
constructor ( message , opts ) {
super ( message , opts ) ;
this . name = "FetchError" ;
if ( opts ? . cause && ! this . cause ) {
this . cause = opts . cause ;
function createFetchError ( ctx ) {
const errorMessage = ctx . error ? . message || ctx . error ? . toString ( ) || "" ;
const method = ctx . request ? . method || ctx . options ? . method || "GET" ;
const url = ctx . request ? . url || String ( ctx . request ) || "/" ;
const requestStr = ` [ ${ method } ] ${ JSON . stringify ( url ) } ` ;
const statusStr = ctx . response ? ` ${ ctx . response . status } ${ ctx . response . statusText } ` : "<no response>" ;
const message = ` ${ requestStr } : ${ statusStr } ${ errorMessage ? ` ${ errorMessage } ` : "" } ` ;
const fetchError = new FetchError (
message ,
ctx . error ? { cause : ctx . error } : void 0
) ;
for ( const key of [ "request" , "options" , "response" ] ) {
Object . defineProperty ( fetchError , key , {
get ( ) {
return ctx [ key ] ;
} ) ;
for ( const [ key , refKey ] of [
[ "data" , "_data" ] ,
[ "status" , "status" ] ,
[ "statusCode" , "status" ] ,
[ "statusText" , "statusText" ] ,
[ "statusMessage" , "statusText" ]
] ) {
Object . defineProperty ( fetchError , key , {
get ( ) {
return ctx . response && ctx . response [ refKey ] ;
} ) ;
return fetchError ;
const payloadMethods = new Set (
Object . freeze ( [ "PATCH" , "POST" , "PUT" , "DELETE" ] )
) ;
function isPayloadMethod ( method = "GET" ) {
return payloadMethods . has ( method . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
function isJSONSerializable ( value ) {
if ( value === void 0 ) {
return false ;
const t = typeof value ;
if ( t === "string" || t === "number" || t === "boolean" || t === null ) {
return true ;
if ( t !== "object" ) {
return false ;
if ( Array . isArray ( value ) ) {
return true ;
if ( value . buffer ) {
return false ;
return value . constructor && value . constructor . name === "Object" || typeof value . toJSON === "function" ;
const textTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( [
"image/svg" ,
"application/xml" ,
"application/xhtml" ,
] ) ;
const JSON _RE = /^application\/(?:[\w!#$%&*.^`~-]*\+)?json(;.+)?$/i ;
function detectResponseType ( _contentType = "" ) {
if ( ! _contentType ) {
return "json" ;
const contentType = _contentType . split ( ";" ) . shift ( ) || "" ;
if ( JSON _RE . test ( contentType ) ) {
return "json" ;
if ( textTypes . has ( contentType ) || contentType . startsWith ( "text/" ) ) {
return "text" ;
return "blob" ;
function mergeFetchOptions ( input , defaults , Headers = globalThis . Headers ) {
const merged = {
... defaults ,
... input
} ;
if ( defaults ? . params && input ? . params ) {
merged . params = {
... defaults ? . params ,
... input ? . params
} ;
if ( defaults ? . query && input ? . query ) {
merged . query = {
... defaults ? . query ,
... input ? . query
} ;
if ( defaults ? . headers && input ? . headers ) {
merged . headers = new Headers ( defaults ? . headers || { } ) ;
for ( const [ key , value ] of new Headers ( input ? . headers || { } ) ) {
merged . headers . set ( key , value ) ;
return merged ;
const retryStatusCodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( [
408 ,
// Request Timeout
409 ,
// Conflict
425 ,
// Too Early
429 ,
// Too Many Requests
500 ,
// Internal Server Error
502 ,
// Bad Gateway
503 ,
// Service Unavailable
// Gateway Timeout
] ) ;
const nullBodyResponses$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( [ 101 , 204 , 205 , 304 ] ) ;
function createFetch$1 ( globalOptions = { } ) {
const {
fetch = globalThis . fetch ,
Headers = globalThis . Headers ,
AbortController = globalThis . AbortController
} = globalOptions ;
async function onError ( context ) {
const isAbort = context . error && context . error . name === "AbortError" && ! context . options . timeout || false ;
if ( context . options . retry !== false && ! isAbort ) {
let retries ;
if ( typeof context . options . retry === "number" ) {
retries = context . options . retry ;
} else {
retries = isPayloadMethod ( context . options . method ) ? 0 : 1 ;
const responseCode = context . response && context . response . status || 500 ;
if ( retries > 0 && ( Array . isArray ( context . options . retryStatusCodes ) ? context . options . retryStatusCodes . includes ( responseCode ) : retryStatusCodes . has ( responseCode ) ) ) {
const retryDelay = context . options . retryDelay || 0 ;
if ( retryDelay > 0 ) {
await new Promise ( ( resolve ) => setTimeout ( resolve , retryDelay ) ) ;
return $fetchRaw ( context . request , {
... context . options ,
retry : retries - 1 ,
timeout : context . options . timeout
} ) ;
const error = createFetchError ( context ) ;
if ( Error . captureStackTrace ) {
Error . captureStackTrace ( error , $fetchRaw ) ;
throw error ;
const $fetchRaw = async function $fetchRaw2 ( _request , _options = { } ) {
const context = {
request : _request ,
options : mergeFetchOptions ( _options , globalOptions . defaults , Headers ) ,
response : void 0 ,
error : void 0
} ;
context . options . method = context . options . method ? . toUpperCase ( ) ;
if ( context . options . onRequest ) {
await context . options . onRequest ( context ) ;
if ( typeof context . request === "string" ) {
if ( context . options . baseURL ) {
context . request = withBase ( context . request , context . options . baseURL ) ;
if ( context . options . query || context . options . params ) {
context . request = withQuery ( context . request , {
... context . options . params ,
... context . options . query
} ) ;
if ( context . options . body && isPayloadMethod ( context . options . method ) ) {
if ( isJSONSerializable ( context . options . body ) ) {
context . options . body = typeof context . options . body === "string" ? context . options . body : JSON . stringify ( context . options . body ) ;
context . options . headers = new Headers ( context . options . headers || { } ) ;
if ( ! context . options . headers . has ( "content-type" ) ) {
context . options . headers . set ( "content-type" , "application/json" ) ;
if ( ! context . options . headers . has ( "accept" ) ) {
context . options . headers . set ( "accept" , "application/json" ) ;
} else if (
// ReadableStream Body
"pipeTo" in context . options . body && typeof context . options . body . pipeTo === "function" || // Node.js Stream Body
typeof context . options . body . pipe === "function"
) {
if ( ! ( "duplex" in context . options ) ) {
context . options . duplex = "half" ;
if ( ! context . options . signal && context . options . timeout ) {
const controller = new AbortController ( ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => controller . abort ( ) , context . options . timeout ) ;
context . options . signal = controller . signal ;
try {
context . response = await fetch (
context . request ,
context . options
) ;
} catch ( error ) {
context . error = error ;
if ( context . options . onRequestError ) {
await context . options . onRequestError ( context ) ;
return await onError ( context ) ;
const hasBody = context . response . body && ! nullBodyResponses$1 . has ( context . response . status ) && context . options . method !== "HEAD" ;
if ( hasBody ) {
const responseType = ( context . options . parseResponse ? "json" : context . options . responseType ) || detectResponseType ( context . response . headers . get ( "content-type" ) || "" ) ;
switch ( responseType ) {
case "json" : {
const data = await context . response . text ( ) ;
const parseFunction = context . options . parseResponse || destr ;
context . response . _data = parseFunction ( data ) ;
break ;
case "stream" : {
context . response . _data = context . response . body ;
break ;
default : {
context . response . _data = await context . response [ responseType ] ( ) ;
if ( context . options . onResponse ) {
await context . options . onResponse ( context ) ;
if ( ! context . options . ignoreResponseError && context . response . status >= 400 && context . response . status < 600 ) {
if ( context . options . onResponseError ) {
await context . options . onResponseError ( context ) ;
return await onError ( context ) ;
return context . response ;
} ;
const $fetch = async function $fetch2 ( request , options ) {
const r = await $fetchRaw ( request , options ) ;
return r . _data ;
} ;
$fetch . raw = $fetchRaw ;
$fetch . native = ( ... args ) => fetch ( ... args ) ;
$fetch . create = ( defaultOptions = { } ) => createFetch$1 ( {
... globalOptions ,
defaults : {
... globalOptions . defaults ,
... defaultOptions
} ) ;
return $fetch ;
function createNodeFetch ( ) {
const useKeepAlive = JSON . parse ( process . env . FETCH _KEEP _ALIVE || "false" ) ;
if ( ! useKeepAlive ) {
return l ;
const agentOptions = { keepAlive : true } ;
const httpAgent = new http . Agent ( agentOptions ) ;
const httpsAgent = new https . Agent ( agentOptions ) ;
const nodeFetchOptions = {
agent ( parsedURL ) {
return parsedURL . protocol === "http:" ? httpAgent : httpsAgent ;
} ;
return function nodeFetchWithKeepAlive ( input , init ) {
return l ( input , { ... nodeFetchOptions , ... init } ) ;
} ;
const fetch = globalThis . fetch || createNodeFetch ( ) ;
const Headers$1 = globalThis . Headers || s ;
const AbortController = globalThis . AbortController || i ;
const ofetch = createFetch$1 ( { fetch , Headers : Headers$1 , AbortController } ) ;
const $fetch = ofetch ;
const nullBodyResponses = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( [ 101 , 204 , 205 , 304 ] ) ;
function createCall ( handle ) {
return function callHandle ( context ) {
const req = new IncomingMessage ( ) ;
const res = new ServerResponse ( req ) ;
req . url = context . url || "/" ;
req . method = context . method || "GET" ;
req . headers = { } ;
if ( context . headers ) {
const headerEntries = typeof context . headers . entries === "function" ? context . headers . entries ( ) : Object . entries ( context . headers ) ;
for ( const [ name , value ] of headerEntries ) {
if ( ! value ) {
continue ;
req . headers [ name . toLowerCase ( ) ] = value ;
req . headers . host = req . headers . host || context . host || "localhost" ;
req . connection . encrypted = // @ts-ignore
req . connection . encrypted || context . protocol === "https" ;
req . body = context . body || null ;
req . _ _unenv _ _ = context . context ;
return handle ( req , res ) . then ( ( ) => {
let body = res . _data ;
if ( nullBodyResponses . has ( res . statusCode ) || req . method . toUpperCase ( ) === "HEAD" ) {
body = null ;
delete res . _headers [ "content-length" ] ;
const r = {
body ,
headers : res . _headers ,
status : res . statusCode ,
statusText : res . statusMessage
} ;
req . destroy ( ) ;
res . destroy ( ) ;
return r ;
} ) ;
} ;
function createFetch ( call , _fetch = global . fetch ) {
return async function ufetch ( input , init ) {
const url = input . toString ( ) ;
if ( ! url . startsWith ( "/" ) ) {
return _fetch ( url , init ) ;
try {
const r = await call ( { url , ... init } ) ;
return new Response ( r . body , {
status : r . status ,
statusText : r . statusText ,
headers : Object . fromEntries (
Object . entries ( r . headers ) . map ( ( [ name , value ] ) => [
name ,
Array . isArray ( value ) ? value . join ( "," ) : String ( value ) || ""
] )
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
return new Response ( error . toString ( ) , {
status : Number . parseInt ( error . statusCode || error . code ) || 500 ,
statusText : error . statusText
} ) ;
} ;
function flatHooks ( configHooks , hooks = { } , parentName ) {
for ( const key in configHooks ) {
const subHook = configHooks [ key ] ;
const name = parentName ? ` ${ parentName } : ${ key } ` : key ;
if ( typeof subHook === "object" && subHook !== null ) {
flatHooks ( subHook , hooks , name ) ;
} else if ( typeof subHook === "function" ) {
hooks [ name ] = subHook ;
return hooks ;
const defaultTask = { run : ( function _ ) => function _ ( ) } ;
const _createTask = ( ) => defaultTask ;
const createTask = typeof console . createTask !== "undefined" ? console . createTask : _createTask ;
function serialTaskCaller ( hooks , args ) {
const name = args . shift ( ) ;
const task = createTask ( name ) ;
return hooks . reduce (
( promise , hookFunction ) => promise . then ( ( ) => task . run ( ( ) => hookFunction ( ... args ) ) ) ,
Promise . resolve ( )
) ;
function parallelTaskCaller ( hooks , args ) {
const name = args . shift ( ) ;
const task = createTask ( name ) ;
return Promise . all ( hooks . map ( ( hook ) => task . run ( ( ) => hook ( ... args ) ) ) ) ;
function callEachWith ( callbacks , arg0 ) {
for ( const callback of [ ... callbacks ] ) {
callback ( arg0 ) ;
class Hookable {
constructor ( ) {
this . _hooks = { } ;
this . _before = void 0 ;
this . _after = void 0 ;
this . _deprecatedMessages = void 0 ;
this . _deprecatedHooks = { } ;
this . hook = this . hook . bind ( this ) ;
this . callHook = this . callHook . bind ( this ) ;
this . callHookWith = this . callHookWith . bind ( this ) ;
hook ( name , function _ , options = { } ) {
if ( ! name || typeof function _ !== "function" ) {
return ( ) => {
} ;
const originalName = name ;
let dep ;
while ( this . _deprecatedHooks [ name ] ) {
dep = this . _deprecatedHooks [ name ] ;
name = dep . to ;
if ( dep && ! options . allowDeprecated ) {
let message = dep . message ;
if ( ! message ) {
message = ` ${ originalName } hook has been deprecated ` + ( dep . to ? ` , please use ${ dep . to } ` : "" ) ;
if ( ! this . _deprecatedMessages ) {
this . _deprecatedMessages = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( ) ;
if ( ! this . _deprecatedMessages . has ( message ) ) {
console . warn ( message ) ;
this . _deprecatedMessages . add ( message ) ;
if ( ! function _ . name ) {
try {
Object . defineProperty ( function _ , "name" , {
get : ( ) => "_" + name . replace ( /\W+/g , "_" ) + "_hook_cb" ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
} catch {
this . _hooks [ name ] = this . _hooks [ name ] || [ ] ;
this . _hooks [ name ] . push ( function _ ) ;
return ( ) => {
if ( function _ ) {
this . removeHook ( name , function _ ) ;
function _ = void 0 ;
} ;
hookOnce ( name , function _ ) {
let _unreg ;
let _function = ( ... arguments _ ) => {
if ( typeof _unreg === "function" ) {
_unreg ( ) ;
_unreg = void 0 ;
_function = void 0 ;
return function _ ( ... arguments _ ) ;
} ;
_unreg = this . hook ( name , _function ) ;
return _unreg ;
removeHook ( name , function _ ) {
if ( this . _hooks [ name ] ) {
const index = this . _hooks [ name ] . indexOf ( function _ ) ;
if ( index !== - 1 ) {
this . _hooks [ name ] . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
if ( this . _hooks [ name ] . length === 0 ) {
delete this . _hooks [ name ] ;
deprecateHook ( name , deprecated ) {
this . _deprecatedHooks [ name ] = typeof deprecated === "string" ? { to : deprecated } : deprecated ;
const _hooks = this . _hooks [ name ] || [ ] ;
delete this . _hooks [ name ] ;
for ( const hook of _hooks ) {
this . hook ( name , hook ) ;
deprecateHooks ( deprecatedHooks ) {
Object . assign ( this . _deprecatedHooks , deprecatedHooks ) ;
for ( const name in deprecatedHooks ) {
this . deprecateHook ( name , deprecatedHooks [ name ] ) ;
addHooks ( configHooks ) {
const hooks = flatHooks ( configHooks ) ;
const removeFns = Object . keys ( hooks ) . map (
( key ) => this . hook ( key , hooks [ key ] )
) ;
return ( ) => {
for ( const unreg of removeFns . splice ( 0 , removeFns . length ) ) {
unreg ( ) ;
} ;
removeHooks ( configHooks ) {
const hooks = flatHooks ( configHooks ) ;
for ( const key in hooks ) {
this . removeHook ( key , hooks [ key ] ) ;
removeAllHooks ( ) {
for ( const key in this . _hooks ) {
delete this . _hooks [ key ] ;
callHook ( name , ... arguments _ ) {
arguments _ . unshift ( name ) ;
return this . callHookWith ( serialTaskCaller , name , ... arguments _ ) ;
callHookParallel ( name , ... arguments _ ) {
arguments _ . unshift ( name ) ;
return this . callHookWith ( parallelTaskCaller , name , ... arguments _ ) ;
callHookWith ( caller , name , ... arguments _ ) {
const event = this . _before || this . _after ? { name , args : arguments _ , context : { } } : void 0 ;
if ( this . _before ) {
callEachWith ( this . _before , event ) ;
const result = caller (
name in this . _hooks ? [ ... this . _hooks [ name ] ] : [ ] ,
arguments _
) ;
if ( result instanceof Promise ) {
return result . finally ( ( ) => {
if ( this . _after && event ) {
callEachWith ( this . _after , event ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . _after && event ) {
callEachWith ( this . _after , event ) ;
return result ;
beforeEach ( function _ ) {
this . _before = this . _before || [ ] ;
this . _before . push ( function _ ) ;
return ( ) => {
if ( this . _before !== void 0 ) {
const index = this . _before . indexOf ( function _ ) ;
if ( index !== - 1 ) {
this . _before . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
} ;
afterEach ( function _ ) {
this . _after = this . _after || [ ] ;
this . _after . push ( function _ ) ;
return ( ) => {
if ( this . _after !== void 0 ) {
const index = this . _after . indexOf ( function _ ) ;
if ( index !== - 1 ) {
this . _after . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
} ;
function createHooks ( ) {
return new Hookable ( ) ;
const NUMBER _CHAR _RE = /\d/ ;
const STR _SPLITTERS = [ "-" , "_" , "/" , "." ] ;
function isUppercase ( char = "" ) {
if ( NUMBER _CHAR _RE . test ( char ) ) {
return void 0 ;
return char . toUpperCase ( ) === char ;
function splitByCase ( str , separators ) {
const splitters = separators ? ? STR _SPLITTERS ;
const parts = [ ] ;
if ( ! str || typeof str !== "string" ) {
return parts ;
let buff = "" ;
let previousUpper ;
let previousSplitter ;
for ( const char of str ) {
const isSplitter = splitters . includes ( char ) ;
if ( isSplitter === true ) {
parts . push ( buff ) ;
buff = "" ;
previousUpper = void 0 ;
continue ;
const isUpper = isUppercase ( char ) ;
if ( previousSplitter === false ) {
if ( previousUpper === false && isUpper === true ) {
parts . push ( buff ) ;
buff = char ;
previousUpper = isUpper ;
continue ;
if ( previousUpper === true && isUpper === false && buff . length > 1 ) {
const lastChar = buff . at ( - 1 ) ;
parts . push ( buff . slice ( 0 , Math . max ( 0 , buff . length - 1 ) ) ) ;
buff = lastChar + char ;
previousUpper = isUpper ;
continue ;
buff += char ;
previousUpper = isUpper ;
previousSplitter = isSplitter ;
parts . push ( buff ) ;
return parts ;
function kebabCase ( str , joiner ) {
return str ? ( Array . isArray ( str ) ? str : splitByCase ( str ) ) . map ( ( p ) => p . toLowerCase ( ) ) . join ( joiner ? ? "-" ) : "" ;
function snakeCase ( str ) {
return kebabCase ( str || "" , "_" ) ;
function klona ( x ) {
if ( typeof x !== 'object' ) return x ;
var k , tmp , str = Object . prototype . toString . call ( x ) ;
if ( str === '[object Object]' ) {
if ( x . constructor !== Object && typeof x . constructor === 'function' ) {
tmp = new x . constructor ( ) ;
for ( k in x ) {
if ( x . hasOwnProperty ( k ) && tmp [ k ] !== x [ k ] ) {
tmp [ k ] = klona ( x [ k ] ) ;
} else {
tmp = { } ; // null
for ( k in x ) {
if ( k === '__proto__' ) {
Object . defineProperty ( tmp , k , {
value : klona ( x [ k ] ) ,
configurable : true ,
enumerable : true ,
writable : true ,
} ) ;
} else {
tmp [ k ] = klona ( x [ k ] ) ;
return tmp ;
if ( str === '[object Array]' ) {
k = x . length ;
for ( tmp = Array ( k ) ; k -- ; ) {
tmp [ k ] = klona ( x [ k ] ) ;
return tmp ;
if ( str === '[object Set]' ) {
tmp = new Set ;
x . forEach ( function ( val ) {
tmp . add ( klona ( val ) ) ;
} ) ;
return tmp ;
if ( str === '[object Map]' ) {
tmp = new Map ;
x . forEach ( function ( val , key ) {
tmp . set ( klona ( key ) , klona ( val ) ) ;
} ) ;
return tmp ;
if ( str === '[object Date]' ) {
return new Date ( + x ) ;
if ( str === '[object RegExp]' ) {
tmp = new RegExp ( x . source , x . flags ) ;
tmp . lastIndex = x . lastIndex ;
return tmp ;
if ( str === '[object DataView]' ) {
return new x . constructor ( klona ( x . buffer ) ) ;
if ( str === '[object ArrayBuffer]' ) {
return x . slice ( 0 ) ;
// ArrayBuffer.isView(x)
// ~> `new` bcuz `Buffer.slice` => ref
if ( str . slice ( - 6 ) === 'Array]' ) {
return new x . constructor ( x ) ;
return x ;
const inlineAppConfig = {
"nuxt" : {
2023-12-20 04:00:24 +00:00
"buildId" : "5519cfb7-3a67-4b2e-81a4-3fc0f57bf172"
2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
} ;
const appConfig = defuFn ( inlineAppConfig ) ;
const _inlineRuntimeConfig = {
"app" : {
"baseURL" : "/" ,
2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
"buildAssetsDir" : "/static/" ,
2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
"cdnURL" : ""
} ,
"nitro" : {
"envPrefix" : "NUXT_" ,
"routeRules" : {
"/__nuxt_error" : {
"cache" : false
} ,
2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
"/static/builds/meta/**" : {
2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
"headers" : {
"cache-control" : "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"
} ,
2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
"/static/builds/**" : {
2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
"headers" : {
"cache-control" : "public, max-age=1, immutable"
} ,
2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
"/static/**" : {
2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
"headers" : {
"cache-control" : "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"
} ,
"public" : { }
} ;
const ENV _PREFIX = "NITRO_" ;
const ENV _PREFIX _ALT = _inlineRuntimeConfig . nitro . envPrefix ? ? process . env . NITRO _ENV _PREFIX ? ? "_" ;
const _sharedRuntimeConfig = _deepFreeze (
_applyEnv ( klona ( _inlineRuntimeConfig ) )
) ;
function useRuntimeConfig ( event ) {
if ( ! event ) {
return _sharedRuntimeConfig ;
if ( event . context . nitro . runtimeConfig ) {
return event . context . nitro . runtimeConfig ;
const runtimeConfig = klona ( _inlineRuntimeConfig ) ;
_applyEnv ( runtimeConfig ) ;
event . context . nitro . runtimeConfig = runtimeConfig ;
return runtimeConfig ;
_deepFreeze ( klona ( appConfig ) ) ;
function _getEnv ( key ) {
const envKey = snakeCase ( key ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
return destr (
process . env [ ENV _PREFIX + envKey ] ? ? process . env [ ENV _PREFIX _ALT + envKey ]
) ;
function _isObject ( input ) {
return typeof input === "object" && ! Array . isArray ( input ) ;
function _applyEnv ( obj , parentKey = "" ) {
for ( const key in obj ) {
const subKey = parentKey ? ` ${ parentKey } _ ${ key } ` : key ;
const envValue = _getEnv ( subKey ) ;
if ( _isObject ( obj [ key ] ) ) {
if ( _isObject ( envValue ) ) {
obj [ key ] = { ... obj [ key ] , ... envValue } ;
_applyEnv ( obj [ key ] , subKey ) ;
} else {
obj [ key ] = envValue ? ? obj [ key ] ;
return obj ;
function _deepFreeze ( object ) {
const propNames = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( object ) ;
for ( const name of propNames ) {
const value = object [ name ] ;
if ( value && typeof value === "object" ) {
_deepFreeze ( value ) ;
return Object . freeze ( object ) ;
new Proxy ( /* @__PURE__ */ Object . create ( null ) , {
get : ( _ , prop ) => {
console . warn (
"Please use `useRuntimeConfig()` instead of accessing config directly."
) ;
const runtimeConfig = useRuntimeConfig ( ) ;
if ( prop in runtimeConfig ) {
return runtimeConfig [ prop ] ;
return void 0 ;
} ) ;
const defaults = Object . freeze ( {
ignoreUnknown : false ,
respectType : false ,
respectFunctionNames : false ,
respectFunctionProperties : false ,
unorderedObjects : true ,
unorderedArrays : false ,
unorderedSets : false ,
excludeKeys : void 0 ,
excludeValues : void 0 ,
replacer : void 0
} ) ;
function objectHash ( object , options ) {
if ( options ) {
options = { ... defaults , ... options } ;
} else {
options = defaults ;
const hasher = createHasher ( options ) ;
hasher . dispatch ( object ) ;
return hasher . toString ( ) ;
const defaultPrototypesKeys = Object . freeze ( [
"prototype" ,
"__proto__" ,
] ) ;
function createHasher ( options ) {
let buff = "" ;
let context = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map ( ) ;
const write = ( str ) => {
buff += str ;
} ;
return {
toString ( ) {
return buff ;
} ,
getContext ( ) {
return context ;
} ,
dispatch ( value ) {
if ( options . replacer ) {
value = options . replacer ( value ) ;
const type = value === null ? "null" : typeof value ;
return this [ type ] ( value ) ;
} ,
object ( object ) {
if ( object && typeof object . toJSON === "function" ) {
return this . object ( object . toJSON ( ) ) ;
const objString = Object . prototype . toString . call ( object ) ;
let objType = "" ;
const objectLength = objString . length ;
if ( objectLength < 10 ) {
objType = "unknown:[" + objString + "]" ;
} else {
objType = objString . slice ( 8 , objectLength - 1 ) ;
objType = objType . toLowerCase ( ) ;
let objectNumber = null ;
if ( ( objectNumber = context . get ( object ) ) === void 0 ) {
context . set ( object , context . size ) ;
} else {
return this . dispatch ( "[CIRCULAR:" + objectNumber + "]" ) ;
if ( typeof Buffer !== "undefined" && Buffer . isBuffer && Buffer . isBuffer ( object ) ) {
write ( "buffer:" ) ;
return write ( object . toString ( "utf8" ) ) ;
if ( objType !== "object" && objType !== "function" && objType !== "asyncfunction" ) {
if ( this [ objType ] ) {
this [ objType ] ( object ) ;
} else if ( ! options . ignoreUnknown ) {
this . unkown ( object , objType ) ;
} else {
let keys = Object . keys ( object ) ;
if ( options . unorderedObjects ) {
keys = keys . sort ( ) ;
let extraKeys = [ ] ;
if ( options . respectType !== false && ! isNativeFunction ( object ) ) {
extraKeys = defaultPrototypesKeys ;
if ( options . excludeKeys ) {
keys = keys . filter ( ( key ) => {
return ! options . excludeKeys ( key ) ;
} ) ;
extraKeys = extraKeys . filter ( ( key ) => {
return ! options . excludeKeys ( key ) ;
} ) ;
write ( "object:" + ( keys . length + extraKeys . length ) + ":" ) ;
const dispatchForKey = ( key ) => {
this . dispatch ( key ) ;
write ( ":" ) ;
if ( ! options . excludeValues ) {
this . dispatch ( object [ key ] ) ;
write ( "," ) ;
} ;
for ( const key of keys ) {
dispatchForKey ( key ) ;
for ( const key of extraKeys ) {
dispatchForKey ( key ) ;
} ,
array ( arr , unordered ) {
unordered = unordered === void 0 ? options . unorderedArrays !== false : unordered ;
write ( "array:" + arr . length + ":" ) ;
if ( ! unordered || arr . length <= 1 ) {
for ( const entry of arr ) {
this . dispatch ( entry ) ;
return ;
const contextAdditions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map ( ) ;
const entries = arr . map ( ( entry ) => {
const hasher = createHasher ( options ) ;
hasher . dispatch ( entry ) ;
for ( const [ key , value ] of hasher . getContext ( ) ) {
contextAdditions . set ( key , value ) ;
return hasher . toString ( ) ;
} ) ;
context = contextAdditions ;
entries . sort ( ) ;
return this . array ( entries , false ) ;
} ,
date ( date ) {
return write ( "date:" + date . toJSON ( ) ) ;
} ,
symbol ( sym ) {
return write ( "symbol:" + sym . toString ( ) ) ;
} ,
unkown ( value , type ) {
write ( type ) ;
if ( ! value ) {
return ;
write ( ":" ) ;
if ( value && typeof value . entries === "function" ) {
return this . array (
Array . from ( value . entries ( ) ) ,
/* ordered */
) ;
} ,
error ( err ) {
return write ( "error:" + err . toString ( ) ) ;
} ,
boolean ( bool ) {
return write ( "bool:" + bool ) ;
} ,
string ( string ) {
write ( "string:" + string . length + ":" ) ;
write ( string ) ;
} ,
function ( fn ) {
write ( "fn:" ) ;
if ( isNativeFunction ( fn ) ) {
this . dispatch ( "[native]" ) ;
} else {
this . dispatch ( fn . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( options . respectFunctionNames !== false ) {
this . dispatch ( "function-name:" + String ( fn . name ) ) ;
if ( options . respectFunctionProperties ) {
this . object ( fn ) ;
} ,
number ( number ) {
return write ( "number:" + number ) ;
} ,
xml ( xml ) {
return write ( "xml:" + xml . toString ( ) ) ;
} ,
null ( ) {
return write ( "Null" ) ;
} ,
undefined ( ) {
return write ( "Undefined" ) ;
} ,
regexp ( regex ) {
return write ( "regex:" + regex . toString ( ) ) ;
} ,
uint8array ( arr ) {
write ( "uint8array:" ) ;
return this . dispatch ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( arr ) ) ;
} ,
uint8clampedarray ( arr ) {
write ( "uint8clampedarray:" ) ;
return this . dispatch ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( arr ) ) ;
} ,
int8array ( arr ) {
write ( "int8array:" ) ;
return this . dispatch ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( arr ) ) ;
} ,
uint16array ( arr ) {
write ( "uint16array:" ) ;
return this . dispatch ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( arr ) ) ;
} ,
int16array ( arr ) {
write ( "int16array:" ) ;
return this . dispatch ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( arr ) ) ;
} ,
uint32array ( arr ) {
write ( "uint32array:" ) ;
return this . dispatch ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( arr ) ) ;
} ,
int32array ( arr ) {
write ( "int32array:" ) ;
return this . dispatch ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( arr ) ) ;
} ,
float32array ( arr ) {
write ( "float32array:" ) ;
return this . dispatch ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( arr ) ) ;
} ,
float64array ( arr ) {
write ( "float64array:" ) ;
return this . dispatch ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( arr ) ) ;
} ,
arraybuffer ( arr ) {
write ( "arraybuffer:" ) ;
return this . dispatch ( new Uint8Array ( arr ) ) ;
} ,
url ( url ) {
return write ( "url:" + url . toString ( ) ) ;
} ,
map ( map ) {
write ( "map:" ) ;
const arr = [ ... map ] ;
return this . array ( arr , options . unorderedSets !== false ) ;
} ,
set ( set ) {
write ( "set:" ) ;
const arr = [ ... set ] ;
return this . array ( arr , options . unorderedSets !== false ) ;
} ,
file ( file ) {
write ( "file:" ) ;
return this . dispatch ( [ file . name , file . size , file . type , file . lastModfied ] ) ;
} ,
blob ( ) {
if ( options . ignoreUnknown ) {
return write ( "[blob]" ) ;
throw new Error (
'Hashing Blob objects is currently not supported\nUse "options.replacer" or "options.ignoreUnknown"\n'
) ;
} ,
domwindow ( ) {
return write ( "domwindow" ) ;
} ,
bigint ( number ) {
return write ( "bigint:" + number . toString ( ) ) ;
} ,
/* Node.js standard native objects */
process ( ) {
return write ( "process" ) ;
} ,
timer ( ) {
return write ( "timer" ) ;
} ,
pipe ( ) {
return write ( "pipe" ) ;
} ,
tcp ( ) {
return write ( "tcp" ) ;
} ,
udp ( ) {
return write ( "udp" ) ;
} ,
tty ( ) {
return write ( "tty" ) ;
} ,
statwatcher ( ) {
return write ( "statwatcher" ) ;
} ,
securecontext ( ) {
return write ( "securecontext" ) ;
} ,
connection ( ) {
return write ( "connection" ) ;
} ,
zlib ( ) {
return write ( "zlib" ) ;
} ,
context ( ) {
return write ( "context" ) ;
} ,
nodescript ( ) {
return write ( "nodescript" ) ;
} ,
httpparser ( ) {
return write ( "httpparser" ) ;
} ,
dataview ( ) {
return write ( "dataview" ) ;
} ,
signal ( ) {
return write ( "signal" ) ;
} ,
fsevent ( ) {
return write ( "fsevent" ) ;
} ,
tlswrap ( ) {
return write ( "tlswrap" ) ;
} ;
const nativeFunc = "[native code] }" ;
const nativeFuncLength = nativeFunc . length ;
function isNativeFunction ( f ) {
if ( typeof f !== "function" ) {
return false ;
return Function . prototype . toString . call ( f ) . slice ( - nativeFuncLength ) === nativeFunc ;
class WordArray {
constructor ( words , sigBytes ) {
words = this . words = words || [ ] ;
this . sigBytes = sigBytes === void 0 ? words . length * 4 : sigBytes ;
toString ( encoder ) {
return ( encoder || Hex ) . stringify ( this ) ;
concat ( wordArray ) {
this . clamp ( ) ;
if ( this . sigBytes % 4 ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < wordArray . sigBytes ; i ++ ) {
const thatByte = wordArray . words [ i >>> 2 ] >>> 24 - i % 4 * 8 & 255 ;
this . words [ this . sigBytes + i >>> 2 ] |= thatByte << 24 - ( this . sigBytes + i ) % 4 * 8 ;
} else {
for ( let j = 0 ; j < wordArray . sigBytes ; j += 4 ) {
this . words [ this . sigBytes + j >>> 2 ] = wordArray . words [ j >>> 2 ] ;
this . sigBytes += wordArray . sigBytes ;
return this ;
clamp ( ) {
this . words [ this . sigBytes >>> 2 ] &= 4294967295 << 32 - this . sigBytes % 4 * 8 ;
this . words . length = Math . ceil ( this . sigBytes / 4 ) ;
clone ( ) {
return new WordArray ( [ ... this . words ] ) ;
const Hex = {
stringify ( wordArray ) {
const hexChars = [ ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < wordArray . sigBytes ; i ++ ) {
const bite = wordArray . words [ i >>> 2 ] >>> 24 - i % 4 * 8 & 255 ;
hexChars . push ( ( bite >>> 4 ) . toString ( 16 ) , ( bite & 15 ) . toString ( 16 ) ) ;
return hexChars . join ( "" ) ;
} ;
const Base64 = {
stringify ( wordArray ) {
const keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" ;
const base64Chars = [ ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < wordArray . sigBytes ; i += 3 ) {
const byte1 = wordArray . words [ i >>> 2 ] >>> 24 - i % 4 * 8 & 255 ;
const byte2 = wordArray . words [ i + 1 >>> 2 ] >>> 24 - ( i + 1 ) % 4 * 8 & 255 ;
const byte3 = wordArray . words [ i + 2 >>> 2 ] >>> 24 - ( i + 2 ) % 4 * 8 & 255 ;
const triplet = byte1 << 16 | byte2 << 8 | byte3 ;
for ( let j = 0 ; j < 4 && i * 8 + j * 6 < wordArray . sigBytes * 8 ; j ++ ) {
base64Chars . push ( keyStr . charAt ( triplet >>> 6 * ( 3 - j ) & 63 ) ) ;
return base64Chars . join ( "" ) ;
} ;
const Latin1 = {
parse ( latin1Str ) {
const latin1StrLength = latin1Str . length ;
const words = [ ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < latin1StrLength ; i ++ ) {
words [ i >>> 2 ] |= ( latin1Str . charCodeAt ( i ) & 255 ) << 24 - i % 4 * 8 ;
return new WordArray ( words , latin1StrLength ) ;
} ;
const Utf8 = {
parse ( utf8Str ) {
return Latin1 . parse ( unescape ( encodeURIComponent ( utf8Str ) ) ) ;
} ;
class BufferedBlockAlgorithm {
constructor ( ) {
this . _data = new WordArray ( ) ;
this . _nDataBytes = 0 ;
this . _minBufferSize = 0 ;
this . blockSize = 512 / 32 ;
reset ( ) {
this . _data = new WordArray ( ) ;
this . _nDataBytes = 0 ;
_append ( data ) {
if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
data = Utf8 . parse ( data ) ;
this . _data . concat ( data ) ;
this . _nDataBytes += data . sigBytes ;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
_doProcessBlock ( _dataWords , _offset ) {
_process ( doFlush ) {
let processedWords ;
let nBlocksReady = this . _data . sigBytes / ( this . blockSize * 4 ) ;
if ( doFlush ) {
nBlocksReady = Math . ceil ( nBlocksReady ) ;
} else {
nBlocksReady = Math . max ( ( nBlocksReady | 0 ) - this . _minBufferSize , 0 ) ;
const nWordsReady = nBlocksReady * this . blockSize ;
const nBytesReady = Math . min ( nWordsReady * 4 , this . _data . sigBytes ) ;
if ( nWordsReady ) {
for ( let offset = 0 ; offset < nWordsReady ; offset += this . blockSize ) {
this . _doProcessBlock ( this . _data . words , offset ) ;
processedWords = this . _data . words . splice ( 0 , nWordsReady ) ;
this . _data . sigBytes -= nBytesReady ;
return new WordArray ( processedWords , nBytesReady ) ;
class Hasher extends BufferedBlockAlgorithm {
update ( messageUpdate ) {
this . _append ( messageUpdate ) ;
this . _process ( ) ;
return this ;
finalize ( messageUpdate ) {
if ( messageUpdate ) {
this . _append ( messageUpdate ) ;
const H = [
1779033703 ,
- 1150833019 ,
1013904242 ,
- 1521486534 ,
1359893119 ,
- 1694144372 ,
528734635 ,
] ;
const K = [
1116352408 ,
1899447441 ,
- 1245643825 ,
- 373957723 ,
961987163 ,
1508970993 ,
- 1841331548 ,
- 1424204075 ,
- 670586216 ,
310598401 ,
607225278 ,
1426881987 ,
1925078388 ,
- 2132889090 ,
- 1680079193 ,
- 1046744716 ,
- 459576895 ,
- 272742522 ,
264347078 ,
604807628 ,
770255983 ,
1249150122 ,
1555081692 ,
1996064986 ,
- 1740746414 ,
- 1473132947 ,
- 1341970488 ,
- 1084653625 ,
- 958395405 ,
- 710438585 ,
113926993 ,
338241895 ,
666307205 ,
773529912 ,
1294757372 ,
1396182291 ,
1695183700 ,
1986661051 ,
- 2117940946 ,
- 1838011259 ,
- 1564481375 ,
- 1474664885 ,
- 1035236496 ,
- 949202525 ,
- 778901479 ,
- 694614492 ,
- 200395387 ,
275423344 ,
430227734 ,
506948616 ,
659060556 ,
883997877 ,
958139571 ,
1322822218 ,
1537002063 ,
1747873779 ,
1955562222 ,
2024104815 ,
- 2067236844 ,
- 1933114872 ,
- 1866530822 ,
- 1538233109 ,
- 1090935817 ,
- 965641998
] ;
const W = [ ] ;
class SHA256 extends Hasher {
constructor ( ) {
super ( ... arguments ) ;
this . _hash = new WordArray ( [ ... H ] ) ;
reset ( ) {
super . reset ( ) ;
this . _hash = new WordArray ( [ ... H ] ) ;
_doProcessBlock ( M , offset ) {
const H2 = this . _hash . words ;
let a = H2 [ 0 ] ;
let b = H2 [ 1 ] ;
let c = H2 [ 2 ] ;
let d = H2 [ 3 ] ;
let e = H2 [ 4 ] ;
let f = H2 [ 5 ] ;
let g = H2 [ 6 ] ;
let h = H2 [ 7 ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i ++ ) {
if ( i < 16 ) {
W [ i ] = M [ offset + i ] | 0 ;
} else {
const gamma0x = W [ i - 15 ] ;
const gamma0 = ( gamma0x << 25 | gamma0x >>> 7 ) ^ ( gamma0x << 14 | gamma0x >>> 18 ) ^ gamma0x >>> 3 ;
const gamma1x = W [ i - 2 ] ;
const gamma1 = ( gamma1x << 15 | gamma1x >>> 17 ) ^ ( gamma1x << 13 | gamma1x >>> 19 ) ^ gamma1x >>> 10 ;
W [ i ] = gamma0 + W [ i - 7 ] + gamma1 + W [ i - 16 ] ;
const ch = e & f ^ ~ e & g ;
const maj = a & b ^ a & c ^ b & c ;
const sigma0 = ( a << 30 | a >>> 2 ) ^ ( a << 19 | a >>> 13 ) ^ ( a << 10 | a >>> 22 ) ;
const sigma1 = ( e << 26 | e >>> 6 ) ^ ( e << 21 | e >>> 11 ) ^ ( e << 7 | e >>> 25 ) ;
const t1 = h + sigma1 + ch + K [ i ] + W [ i ] ;
const t2 = sigma0 + maj ;
h = g ;
g = f ;
f = e ;
e = d + t1 | 0 ;
d = c ;
c = b ;
b = a ;
a = t1 + t2 | 0 ;
H2 [ 0 ] = H2 [ 0 ] + a | 0 ;
H2 [ 1 ] = H2 [ 1 ] + b | 0 ;
H2 [ 2 ] = H2 [ 2 ] + c | 0 ;
H2 [ 3 ] = H2 [ 3 ] + d | 0 ;
H2 [ 4 ] = H2 [ 4 ] + e | 0 ;
H2 [ 5 ] = H2 [ 5 ] + f | 0 ;
H2 [ 6 ] = H2 [ 6 ] + g | 0 ;
H2 [ 7 ] = H2 [ 7 ] + h | 0 ;
finalize ( messageUpdate ) {
super . finalize ( messageUpdate ) ;
const nBitsTotal = this . _nDataBytes * 8 ;
const nBitsLeft = this . _data . sigBytes * 8 ;
this . _data . words [ nBitsLeft >>> 5 ] |= 128 << 24 - nBitsLeft % 32 ;
this . _data . words [ ( nBitsLeft + 64 >>> 9 << 4 ) + 14 ] = Math . floor (
nBitsTotal / 4294967296
) ;
this . _data . words [ ( nBitsLeft + 64 >>> 9 << 4 ) + 15 ] = nBitsTotal ;
this . _data . sigBytes = this . _data . words . length * 4 ;
this . _process ( ) ;
return this . _hash ;
function sha256base64 ( message ) {
return new SHA256 ( ) . finalize ( message ) . toString ( Base64 ) ;
function hash ( object , options = { } ) {
const hashed = typeof object === "string" ? object : objectHash ( object , options ) ;
return sha256base64 ( hashed ) . slice ( 0 , 10 ) ;
function wrapToPromise ( value ) {
if ( ! value || typeof value . then !== "function" ) {
return Promise . resolve ( value ) ;
return value ;
function asyncCall ( function _ , ... arguments _ ) {
try {
return wrapToPromise ( function _ ( ... arguments _ ) ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
return Promise . reject ( error ) ;
function isPrimitive ( value ) {
const type = typeof value ;
return value === null || type !== "object" && type !== "function" ;
function isPureObject ( value ) {
const proto = Object . getPrototypeOf ( value ) ;
return ! proto || proto . isPrototypeOf ( Object ) ;
function stringify ( value ) {
if ( isPrimitive ( value ) ) {
return String ( value ) ;
if ( isPureObject ( value ) || Array . isArray ( value ) ) {
return JSON . stringify ( value ) ;
if ( typeof value . toJSON === "function" ) {
return stringify ( value . toJSON ( ) ) ;
throw new Error ( "[unstorage] Cannot stringify value!" ) ;
function checkBufferSupport ( ) {
if ( typeof Buffer === void 0 ) {
throw new TypeError ( "[unstorage] Buffer is not supported!" ) ;
const BASE64 _PREFIX = "base64:" ;
function serializeRaw ( value ) {
if ( typeof value === "string" ) {
return value ;
checkBufferSupport ( ) ;
const base64 = Buffer . from ( value ) . toString ( "base64" ) ;
return BASE64 _PREFIX + base64 ;
function deserializeRaw ( value ) {
if ( typeof value !== "string" ) {
return value ;
if ( ! value . startsWith ( BASE64 _PREFIX ) ) {
return value ;
checkBufferSupport ( ) ;
return Buffer . from ( value . slice ( BASE64 _PREFIX . length ) , "base64" ) ;
const storageKeyProperties = [
"hasItem" ,
"getItem" ,
"getItemRaw" ,
"setItem" ,
"setItemRaw" ,
"removeItem" ,
"getMeta" ,
"setMeta" ,
"removeMeta" ,
"getKeys" ,
"clear" ,
"mount" ,
] ;
function prefixStorage ( storage , base ) {
base = normalizeBaseKey ( base ) ;
if ( ! base ) {
return storage ;
const nsStorage = { ... storage } ;
for ( const property of storageKeyProperties ) {
nsStorage [ property ] = ( key = "" , ... args ) => (
// @ts-ignore
storage [ property ] ( base + key , ... args )
) ;
nsStorage . getKeys = ( key = "" , ... arguments _ ) => storage . getKeys ( base + key , ... arguments _ ) . then ( ( keys ) => keys . map ( ( key2 ) => key2 . slice ( base . length ) ) ) ;
return nsStorage ;
function normalizeKey$1 ( key ) {
if ( ! key ) {
return "" ;
return key . split ( "?" ) [ 0 ] . replace ( /[/\\]/g , ":" ) . replace ( /:+/g , ":" ) . replace ( /^:|:$/g , "" ) ;
function joinKeys ( ... keys ) {
return normalizeKey$1 ( keys . join ( ":" ) ) ;
function normalizeBaseKey ( base ) {
base = normalizeKey$1 ( base ) ;
return base ? base + ":" : "" ;
function defineDriver$1 ( factory ) {
return factory ;
const DRIVER _NAME$1 = "memory" ;
const memory = defineDriver$1 ( ( ) => {
const data = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map ( ) ;
return {
name : DRIVER _NAME$1 ,
options : { } ,
hasItem ( key ) {
return data . has ( key ) ;
} ,
getItem ( key ) {
return data . get ( key ) ? ? null ;
} ,
getItemRaw ( key ) {
return data . get ( key ) ? ? null ;
} ,
setItem ( key , value ) {
data . set ( key , value ) ;
} ,
setItemRaw ( key , value ) {
data . set ( key , value ) ;
} ,
removeItem ( key ) {
data . delete ( key ) ;
} ,
getKeys ( ) {
return Array . from ( data . keys ( ) ) ;
} ,
clear ( ) {
data . clear ( ) ;
} ,
dispose ( ) {
data . clear ( ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
function createStorage ( options = { } ) {
const context = {
mounts : { "" : options . driver || memory ( ) } ,
mountpoints : [ "" ] ,
watching : false ,
watchListeners : [ ] ,
unwatch : { }
} ;
const getMount = ( key ) => {
for ( const base of context . mountpoints ) {
if ( key . startsWith ( base ) ) {
return {
base ,
relativeKey : key . slice ( base . length ) ,
driver : context . mounts [ base ]
} ;
return {
base : "" ,
relativeKey : key ,
driver : context . mounts [ "" ]
} ;
} ;
const getMounts = ( base , includeParent ) => {
return context . mountpoints . filter (
( mountpoint ) => mountpoint . startsWith ( base ) || includeParent && base . startsWith ( mountpoint )
) . map ( ( mountpoint ) => ( {
relativeBase : base . length > mountpoint . length ? base . slice ( mountpoint . length ) : void 0 ,
mountpoint ,
driver : context . mounts [ mountpoint ]
} ) ) ;
} ;
const onChange = ( event , key ) => {
if ( ! context . watching ) {
return ;
key = normalizeKey$1 ( key ) ;
for ( const listener of context . watchListeners ) {
listener ( event , key ) ;
} ;
const startWatch = async ( ) => {
if ( context . watching ) {
return ;
context . watching = true ;
for ( const mountpoint in context . mounts ) {
context . unwatch [ mountpoint ] = await watch (
context . mounts [ mountpoint ] ,
onChange ,
) ;
} ;
const stopWatch = async ( ) => {
if ( ! context . watching ) {
return ;
for ( const mountpoint in context . unwatch ) {
await context . unwatch [ mountpoint ] ( ) ;
context . unwatch = { } ;
context . watching = false ;
} ;
const runBatch = ( items , commonOptions , cb ) => {
const batches = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map ( ) ;
const getBatch = ( mount ) => {
let batch = batches . get ( mount . base ) ;
if ( ! batch ) {
batch = {
driver : mount . driver ,
base : mount . base ,
items : [ ]
} ;
batches . set ( mount . base , batch ) ;
return batch ;
} ;
for ( const item of items ) {
const isStringItem = typeof item === "string" ;
const key = normalizeKey$1 ( isStringItem ? item : item . key ) ;
const value = isStringItem ? void 0 : item . value ;
const options2 = isStringItem || ! item . options ? commonOptions : { ... commonOptions , ... item . options } ;
const mount = getMount ( key ) ;
getBatch ( mount ) . items . push ( {
key ,
value ,
relativeKey : mount . relativeKey ,
options : options2
} ) ;
return Promise . all ( [ ... batches . values ( ) ] . map ( ( batch ) => cb ( batch ) ) ) . then (
( r ) => r . flat ( )
) ;
} ;
const storage = {
// Item
hasItem ( key , opts = { } ) {
key = normalizeKey$1 ( key ) ;
const { relativeKey , driver } = getMount ( key ) ;
return asyncCall ( driver . hasItem , relativeKey , opts ) ;
} ,
getItem ( key , opts = { } ) {
key = normalizeKey$1 ( key ) ;
const { relativeKey , driver } = getMount ( key ) ;
return asyncCall ( driver . getItem , relativeKey , opts ) . then (
( value ) => destr ( value )
) ;
} ,
getItems ( items , commonOptions ) {
return runBatch ( items , commonOptions , ( batch ) => {
if ( batch . driver . getItems ) {
return asyncCall (
batch . driver . getItems ,
batch . items . map ( ( item ) => ( {
key : item . relativeKey ,
options : item . options
} ) ) ,
) . then (
( r ) => r . map ( ( item ) => ( {
key : joinKeys ( batch . base , item . key ) ,
value : destr ( item . value )
} ) )
) ;
return Promise . all (
batch . items . map ( ( item ) => {
return asyncCall (
batch . driver . getItem ,
item . relativeKey ,
item . options
) . then ( ( value ) => ( {
key : item . key ,
value : destr ( value )
} ) ) ;
} )
) ;
} ) ;
} ,
getItemRaw ( key , opts = { } ) {
key = normalizeKey$1 ( key ) ;
const { relativeKey , driver } = getMount ( key ) ;
if ( driver . getItemRaw ) {
return asyncCall ( driver . getItemRaw , relativeKey , opts ) ;
return asyncCall ( driver . getItem , relativeKey , opts ) . then (
( value ) => deserializeRaw ( value )
) ;
} ,
async setItem ( key , value , opts = { } ) {
if ( value === void 0 ) {
return storage . removeItem ( key ) ;
key = normalizeKey$1 ( key ) ;
const { relativeKey , driver } = getMount ( key ) ;
if ( ! driver . setItem ) {
return ;
await asyncCall ( driver . setItem , relativeKey , stringify ( value ) , opts ) ;
if ( ! driver . watch ) {
onChange ( "update" , key ) ;
} ,
async setItems ( items , commonOptions ) {
await runBatch ( items , commonOptions , async ( batch ) => {
if ( batch . driver . setItems ) {
await asyncCall (
batch . driver . setItems ,
batch . items . map ( ( item ) => ( {
key : item . relativeKey ,
value : stringify ( item . value ) ,
options : item . options
} ) ) ,
) ;
if ( ! batch . driver . setItem ) {
return ;
await Promise . all (
batch . items . map ( ( item ) => {
return asyncCall (
batch . driver . setItem ,
item . relativeKey ,
stringify ( item . value ) ,
item . options
) ;
} )
) ;
} ) ;
} ,
async setItemRaw ( key , value , opts = { } ) {
if ( value === void 0 ) {
return storage . removeItem ( key , opts ) ;
key = normalizeKey$1 ( key ) ;
const { relativeKey , driver } = getMount ( key ) ;
if ( driver . setItemRaw ) {
await asyncCall ( driver . setItemRaw , relativeKey , value , opts ) ;
} else if ( driver . setItem ) {
await asyncCall ( driver . setItem , relativeKey , serializeRaw ( value ) , opts ) ;
} else {
return ;
if ( ! driver . watch ) {
onChange ( "update" , key ) ;
} ,
async removeItem ( key , opts = { } ) {
if ( typeof opts === "boolean" ) {
opts = { removeMeta : opts } ;
key = normalizeKey$1 ( key ) ;
const { relativeKey , driver } = getMount ( key ) ;
if ( ! driver . removeItem ) {
return ;
await asyncCall ( driver . removeItem , relativeKey , opts ) ;
if ( opts . removeMeta || opts . removeMata ) {
await asyncCall ( driver . removeItem , relativeKey + "$" , opts ) ;
if ( ! driver . watch ) {
onChange ( "remove" , key ) ;
} ,
// Meta
async getMeta ( key , opts = { } ) {
if ( typeof opts === "boolean" ) {
opts = { nativeOnly : opts } ;
key = normalizeKey$1 ( key ) ;
const { relativeKey , driver } = getMount ( key ) ;
const meta = /* @__PURE__ */ Object . create ( null ) ;
if ( driver . getMeta ) {
Object . assign ( meta , await asyncCall ( driver . getMeta , relativeKey , opts ) ) ;
if ( ! opts . nativeOnly ) {
const value = await asyncCall (
driver . getItem ,
relativeKey + "$" ,
) . then ( ( value _ ) => destr ( value _ ) ) ;
if ( value && typeof value === "object" ) {
if ( typeof value . atime === "string" ) {
value . atime = new Date ( value . atime ) ;
if ( typeof value . mtime === "string" ) {
value . mtime = new Date ( value . mtime ) ;
Object . assign ( meta , value ) ;
return meta ;
} ,
setMeta ( key , value , opts = { } ) {
return this . setItem ( key + "$" , value , opts ) ;
} ,
removeMeta ( key , opts = { } ) {
return this . removeItem ( key + "$" , opts ) ;
} ,
// Keys
async getKeys ( base , opts = { } ) {
base = normalizeBaseKey ( base ) ;
const mounts = getMounts ( base , true ) ;
let maskedMounts = [ ] ;
const allKeys = [ ] ;
for ( const mount of mounts ) {
const rawKeys = await asyncCall (
mount . driver . getKeys ,
mount . relativeBase ,
) ;
const keys = rawKeys . map ( ( key ) => mount . mountpoint + normalizeKey$1 ( key ) ) . filter ( ( key ) => ! maskedMounts . some ( ( p ) => key . startsWith ( p ) ) ) ;
allKeys . push ( ... keys ) ;
maskedMounts = [
mount . mountpoint ,
... maskedMounts . filter ( ( p ) => ! p . startsWith ( mount . mountpoint ) )
] ;
return base ? allKeys . filter ( ( key ) => key . startsWith ( base ) && ! key . endsWith ( "$" ) ) : allKeys . filter ( ( key ) => ! key . endsWith ( "$" ) ) ;
} ,
// Utils
async clear ( base , opts = { } ) {
base = normalizeBaseKey ( base ) ;
await Promise . all (
getMounts ( base , false ) . map ( async ( m ) => {
if ( m . driver . clear ) {
return asyncCall ( m . driver . clear , m . relativeBase , opts ) ;
if ( m . driver . removeItem ) {
const keys = await m . driver . getKeys ( m . relativeBase || "" , opts ) ;
return Promise . all (
keys . map ( ( key ) => m . driver . removeItem ( key , opts ) )
) ;
} )
) ;
} ,
async dispose ( ) {
await Promise . all (
Object . values ( context . mounts ) . map ( ( driver ) => dispose ( driver ) )
) ;
} ,
async watch ( callback ) {
await startWatch ( ) ;
context . watchListeners . push ( callback ) ;
return async ( ) => {
context . watchListeners = context . watchListeners . filter (
( listener ) => listener !== callback
) ;
if ( context . watchListeners . length === 0 ) {
await stopWatch ( ) ;
} ;
} ,
async unwatch ( ) {
context . watchListeners = [ ] ;
await stopWatch ( ) ;
} ,
// Mount
mount ( base , driver ) {
base = normalizeBaseKey ( base ) ;
if ( base && context . mounts [ base ] ) {
throw new Error ( ` already mounted at ${ base } ` ) ;
if ( base ) {
context . mountpoints . push ( base ) ;
context . mountpoints . sort ( ( a , b ) => b . length - a . length ) ;
context . mounts [ base ] = driver ;
if ( context . watching ) {
Promise . resolve ( watch ( driver , onChange , base ) ) . then ( ( unwatcher ) => {
context . unwatch [ base ] = unwatcher ;
} ) . catch ( console . error ) ;
return storage ;
} ,
async unmount ( base , _dispose = true ) {
base = normalizeBaseKey ( base ) ;
if ( ! base || ! context . mounts [ base ] ) {
return ;
if ( context . watching && base in context . unwatch ) {
context . unwatch [ base ] ( ) ;
delete context . unwatch [ base ] ;
if ( _dispose ) {
await dispose ( context . mounts [ base ] ) ;
context . mountpoints = context . mountpoints . filter ( ( key ) => key !== base ) ;
delete context . mounts [ base ] ;
} ,
getMount ( key = "" ) {
key = normalizeKey$1 ( key ) + ":" ;
const m = getMount ( key ) ;
return {
driver : m . driver ,
base : m . base
} ;
} ,
getMounts ( base = "" , opts = { } ) {
base = normalizeKey$1 ( base ) ;
const mounts = getMounts ( base , opts . parents ) ;
return mounts . map ( ( m ) => ( {
driver : m . driver ,
base : m . mountpoint
} ) ) ;
} ;
return storage ;
function watch ( driver , onChange , base ) {
return driver . watch ? driver . watch ( ( event , key ) => onChange ( event , base + key ) ) : ( ) => {
} ;
async function dispose ( driver ) {
if ( typeof driver . dispose === "function" ) {
await asyncCall ( driver . dispose ) ;
const _assets = {
} ;
const normalizeKey = function normalizeKey ( key ) {
if ( ! key ) {
return "" ;
return key . split ( "?" ) [ 0 ] . replace ( /[/\\]/g , ":" ) . replace ( /:+/g , ":" ) . replace ( /^:|:$/g , "" ) ;
} ;
const assets$1 = {
getKeys ( ) {
return Promise . resolve ( Object . keys ( _assets ) )
} ,
hasItem ( id ) {
id = normalizeKey ( id ) ;
return Promise . resolve ( id in _assets )
} ,
getItem ( id ) {
id = normalizeKey ( id ) ;
return Promise . resolve ( _assets [ id ] ? _assets [ id ] . import ( ) : null )
} ,
getMeta ( id ) {
id = normalizeKey ( id ) ;
return Promise . resolve ( _assets [ id ] ? _assets [ id ] . meta : { } )
} ;
function defineDriver ( factory ) {
return factory ;
function createError ( driver , message , opts ) {
const err = new Error ( ` [unstorage] [ ${ driver } ] ${ message } ` , opts ) ;
return err ;
function createRequiredError ( driver , name ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( name ) ) {
return createError (
driver ,
` Missing some of the required options ${ name . map ( ( n ) => "`" + n + "`" ) . join ( ", " ) } `
) ;
return createError ( driver , ` Missing required option \` ${ name } \` . ` ) ;
function ignoreNotfound ( err ) {
return err . code === "ENOENT" || err . code === "EISDIR" ? null : err ;
function ignoreExists ( err ) {
return err . code === "EEXIST" ? null : err ;
async function writeFile ( path , data , encoding ) {
await ensuredir ( dirname$1 ( path ) ) ;
return promises . writeFile ( path , data , encoding ) ;
function readFile ( path , encoding ) {
return promises . readFile ( path , encoding ) . catch ( ignoreNotfound ) ;
function unlink ( path ) {
return promises . unlink ( path ) . catch ( ignoreNotfound ) ;
function readdir ( dir ) {
return promises . readdir ( dir , { withFileTypes : true } ) . catch ( ignoreNotfound ) . then ( ( r ) => r || [ ] ) ;
async function ensuredir ( dir ) {
if ( existsSync ( dir ) ) {
return ;
await ensuredir ( dirname$1 ( dir ) ) . catch ( ignoreExists ) ;
await promises . mkdir ( dir ) . catch ( ignoreExists ) ;
async function readdirRecursive ( dir , ignore ) {
if ( ignore && ignore ( dir ) ) {
return [ ] ;
const entries = await readdir ( dir ) ;
const files = [ ] ;
await Promise . all (
entries . map ( async ( entry ) => {
const entryPath = resolve$1 ( dir , entry . name ) ;
if ( entry . isDirectory ( ) ) {
const dirFiles = await readdirRecursive ( entryPath , ignore ) ;
files . push ( ... dirFiles . map ( ( f ) => entry . name + "/" + f ) ) ;
} else {
if ( ! ( ignore && ignore ( entry . name ) ) ) {
files . push ( entry . name ) ;
} )
) ;
return files ;
async function rmRecursive ( dir ) {
const entries = await readdir ( dir ) ;
await Promise . all (
entries . map ( ( entry ) => {
const entryPath = resolve$1 ( dir , entry . name ) ;
if ( entry . isDirectory ( ) ) {
return rmRecursive ( entryPath ) . then ( ( ) => promises . rmdir ( entryPath ) ) ;
} else {
return promises . unlink ( entryPath ) ;
} )
) ;
const PATH _TRAVERSE _RE = /\.\.\:|\.\.$/ ;
const DRIVER _NAME = "fs-lite" ;
const unstorage _47drivers _47fs _45lite = defineDriver ( ( opts = { } ) => {
if ( ! opts . base ) {
throw createRequiredError ( DRIVER _NAME , "base" ) ;
opts . base = resolve$1 ( opts . base ) ;
const r = ( key ) => {
if ( PATH _TRAVERSE _RE . test ( key ) ) {
throw createError (
` Invalid key: ${ JSON . stringify ( key ) } . It should not contain .. segments `
) ;
const resolved = join ( opts . base , key . replace ( /:/g , "/" ) ) ;
return resolved ;
} ;
return {
name : DRIVER _NAME ,
options : opts ,
hasItem ( key ) {
return existsSync ( r ( key ) ) ;
} ,
getItem ( key ) {
return readFile ( r ( key ) , "utf8" ) ;
} ,
getItemRaw ( key ) {
return readFile ( r ( key ) ) ;
} ,
async getMeta ( key ) {
const { atime , mtime , size , birthtime , ctime } = await promises . stat ( r ( key ) ) . catch ( ( ) => ( { } ) ) ;
return { atime , mtime , size , birthtime , ctime } ;
} ,
setItem ( key , value ) {
if ( opts . readOnly ) {
return ;
return writeFile ( r ( key ) , value , "utf8" ) ;
} ,
setItemRaw ( key , value ) {
if ( opts . readOnly ) {
return ;
return writeFile ( r ( key ) , value ) ;
} ,
removeItem ( key ) {
if ( opts . readOnly ) {
return ;
return unlink ( r ( key ) ) ;
} ,
getKeys ( ) {
return readdirRecursive ( r ( "." ) , opts . ignore ) ;
} ,
async clear ( ) {
if ( opts . readOnly || opts . noClear ) {
return ;
await rmRecursive ( r ( "." ) ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
const storage = createStorage ( { } ) ;
storage . mount ( '/assets' , assets$1 ) ;
storage . mount ( 'data' , unstorage _47drivers _47fs _45lite ( { "driver" : "fsLite" , "base" : "E:\\工作文件\\寄托\\SynologyDrive\\寄托\\PC问答打包\\questions-answers\\.data\\kv" } ) ) ;
function useStorage ( base = "" ) {
return base ? prefixStorage ( storage , base ) : storage ;
const defaultCacheOptions = {
name : "_" ,
base : "/cache" ,
swr : true ,
maxAge : 1
} ;
function defineCachedFunction ( fn , opts = { } ) {
opts = { ... defaultCacheOptions , ... opts } ;
const pending = { } ;
const group = opts . group || "nitro/functions" ;
const name = opts . name || fn . name || "_" ;
const integrity = opts . integrity || hash ( [ fn , opts ] ) ;
const validate = opts . validate || ( ( entry ) => entry . value !== void 0 ) ;
async function get ( key , resolver , shouldInvalidateCache , event ) {
const cacheKey = [ opts . base , group , name , key + ".json" ] . filter ( Boolean ) . join ( ":" ) . replace ( /:\/$/ , ":index" ) ;
const entry = await useStorage ( ) . getItem ( cacheKey ) || { } ;
const ttl = ( opts . maxAge ? ? opts . maxAge ? ? 0 ) * 1e3 ;
if ( ttl ) {
entry . expires = Date . now ( ) + ttl ;
const expired = shouldInvalidateCache || entry . integrity !== integrity || ttl && Date . now ( ) - ( entry . mtime || 0 ) > ttl || validate ( entry ) === false ;
const _resolve = async ( ) => {
const isPending = pending [ key ] ;
if ( ! isPending ) {
if ( entry . value !== void 0 && ( opts . staleMaxAge || 0 ) >= 0 && opts . swr === false ) {
entry . value = void 0 ;
entry . integrity = void 0 ;
entry . mtime = void 0 ;
entry . expires = void 0 ;
pending [ key ] = Promise . resolve ( resolver ( ) ) ;
try {
entry . value = await pending [ key ] ;
} catch ( error ) {
if ( ! isPending ) {
delete pending [ key ] ;
throw error ;
if ( ! isPending ) {
entry . mtime = Date . now ( ) ;
entry . integrity = integrity ;
delete pending [ key ] ;
if ( validate ( entry ) !== false ) {
const promise = useStorage ( ) . setItem ( cacheKey , entry ) . catch ( ( error ) => {
console . error ( ` [nitro] [cache] Cache write error. ` , error ) ;
useNitroApp ( ) . captureError ( error , { event , tags : [ "cache" ] } ) ;
} ) ;
if ( event && event . waitUntil ) {
event . waitUntil ( promise ) ;
} ;
const _resolvePromise = expired ? _resolve ( ) : Promise . resolve ( ) ;
if ( entry . value === void 0 ) {
await _resolvePromise ;
} else if ( expired && event && event . waitUntil ) {
event . waitUntil ( _resolvePromise ) ;
if ( opts . swr && validate ( entry ) !== false ) {
_resolvePromise . catch ( ( error ) => {
console . error ( ` [nitro] [cache] SWR handler error. ` , error ) ;
useNitroApp ( ) . captureError ( error , { event , tags : [ "cache" ] } ) ;
} ) ;
return entry ;
return _resolvePromise . then ( ( ) => entry ) ;
return async ( ... args ) => {
const shouldBypassCache = opts . shouldBypassCache ? . ( ... args ) ;
if ( shouldBypassCache ) {
return fn ( ... args ) ;
const key = await ( opts . getKey || getKey ) ( ... args ) ;
const shouldInvalidateCache = opts . shouldInvalidateCache ? . ( ... args ) ;
const entry = await get (
key ,
( ) => fn ( ... args ) ,
shouldInvalidateCache ,
args [ 0 ] && isEvent ( args [ 0 ] ) ? args [ 0 ] : void 0
) ;
let value = entry . value ;
if ( opts . transform ) {
value = await opts . transform ( entry , ... args ) || value ;
return value ;
} ;
const cachedFunction = defineCachedFunction ;
function getKey ( ... args ) {
return args . length > 0 ? hash ( args , { } ) : "" ;
function escapeKey ( key ) {
return String ( key ) . replace ( /\W/g , "" ) ;
function defineCachedEventHandler ( handler , opts = defaultCacheOptions ) {
const variableHeaderNames = ( opts . varies || [ ] ) . filter ( Boolean ) . map ( ( h ) => h . toLowerCase ( ) ) . sort ( ) ;
const _opts = {
... opts ,
getKey : async ( event ) => {
const customKey = await opts . getKey ? . ( event ) ;
if ( customKey ) {
return escapeKey ( customKey ) ;
const _path = event . node . req . originalUrl || event . node . req . url || event . path ;
const _pathname = escapeKey ( decodeURI ( parseURL ( _path ) . pathname ) ) . slice ( 0 , 16 ) || "index" ;
const _hashedPath = ` ${ _pathname } . ${ hash ( _path ) } ` ;
const _headers = variableHeaderNames . map ( ( header ) => [ header , event . node . req . headers [ header ] ] ) . map ( ( [ name , value ] ) => ` ${ escapeKey ( name ) } . ${ hash ( value ) } ` ) ;
return [ _hashedPath , ... _headers ] . join ( ":" ) ;
} ,
validate : ( entry ) => {
if ( ! entry . value ) {
return false ;
if ( entry . value . code >= 400 ) {
return false ;
if ( entry . value . body === void 0 ) {
return false ;
if ( entry . value . headers . etag === "undefined" || entry . value . headers [ "last-modified" ] === "undefined" ) {
return false ;
return true ;
} ,
group : opts . group || "nitro/handlers" ,
integrity : opts . integrity || hash ( [ handler , opts ] )
} ;
const _cachedHandler = cachedFunction (
async ( incomingEvent ) => {
const variableHeaders = { } ;
for ( const header of variableHeaderNames ) {
variableHeaders [ header ] = incomingEvent . node . req . headers [ header ] ;
const reqProxy = cloneWithProxy ( incomingEvent . node . req , {
headers : variableHeaders
} ) ;
const resHeaders = { } ;
let _resSendBody ;
const resProxy = cloneWithProxy ( incomingEvent . node . res , {
statusCode : 200 ,
writableEnded : false ,
writableFinished : false ,
headersSent : false ,
closed : false ,
getHeader ( name ) {
return resHeaders [ name ] ;
} ,
setHeader ( name , value ) {
resHeaders [ name ] = value ;
return this ;
} ,
getHeaderNames ( ) {
return Object . keys ( resHeaders ) ;
} ,
hasHeader ( name ) {
return name in resHeaders ;
} ,
removeHeader ( name ) {
delete resHeaders [ name ] ;
} ,
getHeaders ( ) {
return resHeaders ;
} ,
end ( chunk , arg2 , arg3 ) {
if ( typeof chunk === "string" ) {
_resSendBody = chunk ;
if ( typeof arg2 === "function" ) {
arg2 ( ) ;
if ( typeof arg3 === "function" ) {
arg3 ( ) ;
return this ;
} ,
write ( chunk , arg2 , arg3 ) {
if ( typeof chunk === "string" ) {
_resSendBody = chunk ;
if ( typeof arg2 === "function" ) {
arg2 ( ) ;
if ( typeof arg3 === "function" ) {
arg3 ( ) ;
return this ;
} ,
writeHead ( statusCode , headers2 ) {
this . statusCode = statusCode ;
if ( headers2 ) {
for ( const header in headers2 ) {
this . setHeader ( header , headers2 [ header ] ) ;
return this ;
} ) ;
const event = createEvent ( reqProxy , resProxy ) ;
event . context = incomingEvent . context ;
const body = await handler ( event ) || _resSendBody ;
const headers = event . node . res . getHeaders ( ) ;
headers . etag = String (
headers . Etag || headers . etag || ` W/" ${ hash ( body ) } " `
) ;
headers [ "last-modified" ] = String (
headers [ "Last-Modified" ] || headers [ "last-modified" ] || ( /* @__PURE__ */ new Date ( ) ) . toUTCString ( )
) ;
const cacheControl = [ ] ;
if ( opts . swr ) {
if ( opts . maxAge ) {
cacheControl . push ( ` s-maxage= ${ opts . maxAge } ` ) ;
if ( opts . staleMaxAge ) {
cacheControl . push ( ` stale-while-revalidate= ${ opts . staleMaxAge } ` ) ;
} else {
cacheControl . push ( "stale-while-revalidate" ) ;
} else if ( opts . maxAge ) {
cacheControl . push ( ` max-age= ${ opts . maxAge } ` ) ;
if ( cacheControl . length > 0 ) {
headers [ "cache-control" ] = cacheControl . join ( ", " ) ;
const cacheEntry = {
code : event . node . res . statusCode ,
headers ,
} ;
return cacheEntry ;
} ,
) ;
return defineEventHandler ( async ( event ) => {
if ( opts . headersOnly ) {
if ( handleCacheHeaders ( event , { maxAge : opts . maxAge } ) ) {
return ;
return handler ( event ) ;
const response = await _cachedHandler ( event ) ;
if ( event . node . res . headersSent || event . node . res . writableEnded ) {
return response . body ;
if ( handleCacheHeaders ( event , {
modifiedTime : new Date ( response . headers [ "last-modified" ] ) ,
etag : response . headers . etag ,
maxAge : opts . maxAge
} ) ) {
return ;
event . node . res . statusCode = response . code ;
for ( const name in response . headers ) {
const value = response . headers [ name ] ;
if ( name === "set-cookie" ) {
event . node . res . appendHeader (
name ,
splitCookiesString ( value )
) ;
} else {
event . node . res . setHeader ( name , value ) ;
return response . body ;
} ) ;
function cloneWithProxy ( obj , overrides ) {
return new Proxy ( obj , {
get ( target , property , receiver ) {
if ( property in overrides ) {
return overrides [ property ] ;
return Reflect . get ( target , property , receiver ) ;
} ,
set ( target , property , value , receiver ) {
if ( property in overrides ) {
overrides [ property ] = value ;
return true ;
return Reflect . set ( target , property , value , receiver ) ;
} ) ;
const cachedEventHandler = defineCachedEventHandler ;
function hasReqHeader ( event , name , includes ) {
const value = getRequestHeader ( event , name ) ;
return value && typeof value === "string" && value . toLowerCase ( ) . includes ( includes ) ;
function isJsonRequest ( event ) {
if ( hasReqHeader ( event , "accept" , "text/html" ) ) {
return false ;
return hasReqHeader ( event , "accept" , "application/json" ) || hasReqHeader ( event , "user-agent" , "curl/" ) || hasReqHeader ( event , "user-agent" , "httpie/" ) || hasReqHeader ( event , "sec-fetch-mode" , "cors" ) || event . path . startsWith ( "/api/" ) || event . path . endsWith ( ".json" ) ;
function normalizeError ( error ) {
const cwd = typeof process . cwd === "function" ? process . cwd ( ) : "/" ;
const stack = ( error . stack || "" ) . split ( "\n" ) . splice ( 1 ) . filter ( ( line ) => line . includes ( "at " ) ) . map ( ( line ) => {
const text = line . replace ( cwd + "/" , "./" ) . replace ( "webpack:/" , "" ) . replace ( "file://" , "" ) . trim ( ) ;
return {
text ,
internal : line . includes ( "node_modules" ) && ! line . includes ( ".cache" ) || line . includes ( "internal" ) || line . includes ( "new Promise" )
} ;
} ) ;
const statusCode = error . statusCode || 500 ;
const statusMessage = error . statusMessage ? ? ( statusCode === 404 ? "Not Found" : "" ) ;
const message = error . message || error . toString ( ) ;
return {
stack ,
statusCode ,
statusMessage ,
} ;
function _captureError ( error , type ) {
console . error ( ` [nitro] [ ${ type } ] ` , error ) ;
useNitroApp ( ) . captureError ( error , { tags : [ type ] } ) ;
function trapUnhandledNodeErrors ( ) {
process . on (
"unhandledRejection" ,
( error ) => _captureError ( error , "unhandledRejection" )
) ;
process . on (
"uncaughtException" ,
( error ) => _captureError ( error , "uncaughtException" )
) ;
function joinHeaders ( value ) {
return Array . isArray ( value ) ? value . join ( ", " ) : String ( value ) ;
function normalizeFetchResponse ( response ) {
if ( ! response . headers . has ( "set-cookie" ) ) {
return response ;
return new Response ( response . body , {
status : response . status ,
statusText : response . statusText ,
headers : normalizeCookieHeaders ( response . headers )
} ) ;
function normalizeCookieHeader ( header = "" ) {
return splitCookiesString ( joinHeaders ( header ) ) ;
function normalizeCookieHeaders ( headers ) {
const outgoingHeaders = new Headers ( ) ;
for ( const [ name , header ] of headers ) {
if ( name === "set-cookie" ) {
for ( const cookie of normalizeCookieHeader ( header ) ) {
outgoingHeaders . append ( "set-cookie" , cookie ) ;
} else {
outgoingHeaders . set ( name , joinHeaders ( header ) ) ;
return outgoingHeaders ;
const config = useRuntimeConfig ( ) ;
const _routeRulesMatcher = toRouteMatcher (
createRouter$1 ( { routes : config . nitro . routeRules } )
) ;
function createRouteRulesHandler ( ctx ) {
return eventHandler ( ( event ) => {
const routeRules = getRouteRules ( event ) ;
if ( routeRules . headers ) {
setHeaders ( event , routeRules . headers ) ;
if ( routeRules . redirect ) {
return sendRedirect (
event ,
routeRules . redirect . to ,
routeRules . redirect . statusCode
) ;
if ( routeRules . proxy ) {
let target = routeRules . proxy . to ;
if ( target . endsWith ( "/**" ) ) {
let targetPath = event . path ;
const strpBase = routeRules . proxy . _proxyStripBase ;
if ( strpBase ) {
targetPath = withoutBase ( targetPath , strpBase ) ;
target = joinURL ( target . slice ( 0 , - 3 ) , targetPath ) ;
} else if ( event . path . includes ( "?" ) ) {
const query = getQuery$1 ( event . path ) ;
target = withQuery ( target , query ) ;
return proxyRequest ( event , target , {
fetch : ctx . localFetch ,
... routeRules . proxy
} ) ;
} ) ;
function getRouteRules ( event ) {
event . context . _nitro = event . context . _nitro || { } ;
if ( ! event . context . _nitro . routeRules ) {
event . context . _nitro . routeRules = getRouteRulesForPath (
withoutBase ( event . path . split ( "?" ) [ 0 ] , useRuntimeConfig ( ) . app . baseURL )
) ;
return event . context . _nitro . routeRules ;
function getRouteRulesForPath ( path ) {
return defu ( { } , ... _routeRulesMatcher . matchAll ( path ) . reverse ( ) ) ;
const plugins = [
] ;
const errorHandler = ( async function errorhandler ( error , event ) {
const { stack , statusCode , statusMessage , message } = normalizeError ( error ) ;
const errorObject = {
url : event . path ,
statusCode ,
statusMessage ,
message ,
stack : "" ,
data : error . data
} ;
if ( error . unhandled || error . fatal ) {
const tags = [
"[nuxt]" ,
"[request error]" ,
error . unhandled && "[unhandled]" ,
error . fatal && "[fatal]" ,
Number ( errorObject . statusCode ) !== 200 && ` [ ${ errorObject . statusCode } ] `
] . filter ( Boolean ) . join ( " " ) ;
console . error ( tags , errorObject . message + "\n" + stack . map ( ( l ) => " " + l . text ) . join ( " \n" ) ) ;
if ( event . handled ) {
return ;
setResponseStatus ( event , errorObject . statusCode !== 200 && errorObject . statusCode || 500 , errorObject . statusMessage ) ;
if ( isJsonRequest ( event ) ) {
setResponseHeader ( event , "Content-Type" , "application/json" ) ;
return send ( event , JSON . stringify ( errorObject ) ) ;
const isErrorPage = event . path . startsWith ( "/__nuxt_error" ) ;
const res = ! isErrorPage ? await useNitroApp ( ) . localFetch ( withQuery ( joinURL ( useRuntimeConfig ( ) . app . baseURL , "/__nuxt_error" ) , errorObject ) , {
headers : getRequestHeaders ( event ) ,
redirect : "manual"
} ) . catch ( ( ) => null ) : null ;
if ( ! res ) {
const { template } = await import ( '../error-500.mjs' ) ;
if ( event . handled ) {
return ;
setResponseHeader ( event , "Content-Type" , "text/html;charset=UTF-8" ) ;
return send ( event , template ( errorObject ) ) ;
const html = await res . text ( ) ;
if ( event . handled ) {
return ;
for ( const [ header , value ] of res . headers . entries ( ) ) {
setResponseHeader ( event , header , value ) ;
setResponseStatus ( event , res . status && res . status !== 200 ? res . status : void 0 , res . statusText ) ;
return send ( event , html ) ;
} ) ;
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-20 04:00:24 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-15 03:28:35 +00:00
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2023-12-15 03:28:35 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
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2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
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2023-12-20 04:00:24 +00:00
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2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
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2023-12-20 04:00:24 +00:00
"path" : "../public/static/builds/meta/5519cfb7-3a67-4b2e-81a4-3fc0f57bf172.json"
2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
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function normalizeWindowsPath ( input = "" ) {
if ( ! input || ! input . includes ( "\\" ) ) {
return input ;
return input . replace ( /\\/g , "/" ) ;
const _IS _ABSOLUTE _RE = /^[/\\](?![/\\])|^[/\\]{2}(?!\.)|^[A-Za-z]:[/\\]/ ;
const _DRIVE _LETTER _RE = /^[A-Za-z]:$/ ;
function cwd ( ) {
if ( typeof process !== "undefined" ) {
return process . cwd ( ) . replace ( /\\/g , "/" ) ;
return "/" ;
const resolve = function ( ... arguments _ ) {
arguments _ = arguments _ . map ( ( argument ) => normalizeWindowsPath ( argument ) ) ;
let resolvedPath = "" ;
let resolvedAbsolute = false ;
for ( let index = arguments _ . length - 1 ; index >= - 1 && ! resolvedAbsolute ; index -- ) {
const path = index >= 0 ? arguments _ [ index ] : cwd ( ) ;
if ( ! path || path . length === 0 ) {
continue ;
resolvedPath = ` ${ path } / ${ resolvedPath } ` ;
resolvedAbsolute = isAbsolute ( path ) ;
resolvedPath = normalizeString ( resolvedPath , ! resolvedAbsolute ) ;
if ( resolvedAbsolute && ! isAbsolute ( resolvedPath ) ) {
return ` / ${ resolvedPath } ` ;
return resolvedPath . length > 0 ? resolvedPath : "." ;
} ;
function normalizeString ( path , allowAboveRoot ) {
let res = "" ;
let lastSegmentLength = 0 ;
let lastSlash = - 1 ;
let dots = 0 ;
let char = null ;
for ( let index = 0 ; index <= path . length ; ++ index ) {
if ( index < path . length ) {
char = path [ index ] ;
} else if ( char === "/" ) {
break ;
} else {
char = "/" ;
if ( char === "/" ) {
if ( lastSlash === index - 1 || dots === 1 ) ; else if ( dots === 2 ) {
if ( res . length < 2 || lastSegmentLength !== 2 || res [ res . length - 1 ] !== "." || res [ res . length - 2 ] !== "." ) {
if ( res . length > 2 ) {
const lastSlashIndex = res . lastIndexOf ( "/" ) ;
if ( lastSlashIndex === - 1 ) {
res = "" ;
lastSegmentLength = 0 ;
} else {
res = res . slice ( 0 , lastSlashIndex ) ;
lastSegmentLength = res . length - 1 - res . lastIndexOf ( "/" ) ;
lastSlash = index ;
dots = 0 ;
continue ;
} else if ( res . length > 0 ) {
res = "" ;
lastSegmentLength = 0 ;
lastSlash = index ;
dots = 0 ;
continue ;
if ( allowAboveRoot ) {
res += res . length > 0 ? "/.." : ".." ;
lastSegmentLength = 2 ;
} else {
if ( res . length > 0 ) {
res += ` / ${ path . slice ( lastSlash + 1 , index ) } ` ;
} else {
res = path . slice ( lastSlash + 1 , index ) ;
lastSegmentLength = index - lastSlash - 1 ;
lastSlash = index ;
dots = 0 ;
} else if ( char === "." && dots !== - 1 ) {
++ dots ;
} else {
dots = - 1 ;
return res ;
const isAbsolute = function ( p ) {
return _IS _ABSOLUTE _RE . test ( p ) ;
} ;
const dirname = function ( p ) {
const segments = normalizeWindowsPath ( p ) . replace ( /\/$/ , "" ) . split ( "/" ) . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) ;
if ( segments . length === 1 && _DRIVE _LETTER _RE . test ( segments [ 0 ] ) ) {
segments [ 0 ] += "/" ;
return segments . join ( "/" ) || ( isAbsolute ( p ) ? "/" : "." ) ;
} ;
function readAsset ( id ) {
const serverDir = dirname ( fileURLToPath ( globalThis . _importMeta _ . url ) ) ;
return promises$1 . readFile ( resolve ( serverDir , assets [ id ] . path ) )
2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
const publicAssetBases = { "/static/builds/meta" : { "maxAge" : 31536000 } , "/static/builds" : { "maxAge" : 1 } , "/static" : { "maxAge" : 31536000 } } ;
2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
function isPublicAssetURL ( id = '' ) {
if ( assets [ id ] ) {
return true
for ( const base in publicAssetBases ) {
if ( id . startsWith ( base ) ) { return true }
return false
function getAsset ( id ) {
return assets [ id ]
const METHODS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( [ "HEAD" , "GET" ] ) ;
const EncodingMap = { gzip : ".gz" , br : ".br" } ;
const _f4b49z = eventHandler ( ( event ) => {
if ( event . method && ! METHODS . has ( event . method ) ) {
return ;
let id = decodePath (
withLeadingSlash ( withoutTrailingSlash ( parseURL ( event . path ) . pathname ) )
) ;
let asset ;
const encodingHeader = String (
getRequestHeader ( event , "accept-encoding" ) || ""
) ;
const encodings = [
... encodingHeader . split ( "," ) . map ( ( e ) => EncodingMap [ e . trim ( ) ] ) . filter ( Boolean ) . sort ( ) ,
] ;
if ( encodings . length > 1 ) {
setResponseHeader ( event , "Vary" , "Accept-Encoding" ) ;
for ( const encoding of encodings ) {
for ( const _id of [ id + encoding , joinURL ( id , "index.html" + encoding ) ] ) {
const _asset = getAsset ( _id ) ;
if ( _asset ) {
asset = _asset ;
id = _id ;
break ;
if ( ! asset ) {
if ( isPublicAssetURL ( id ) ) {
removeResponseHeader ( event , "Cache-Control" ) ;
throw createError$1 ( {
statusMessage : "Cannot find static asset " + id ,
statusCode : 404
} ) ;
return ;
const ifNotMatch = getRequestHeader ( event , "if-none-match" ) === asset . etag ;
if ( ifNotMatch ) {
setResponseStatus ( event , 304 , "Not Modified" ) ;
return "" ;
const ifModifiedSinceH = getRequestHeader ( event , "if-modified-since" ) ;
const mtimeDate = new Date ( asset . mtime ) ;
if ( ifModifiedSinceH && asset . mtime && new Date ( ifModifiedSinceH ) >= mtimeDate ) {
setResponseStatus ( event , 304 , "Not Modified" ) ;
return "" ;
if ( asset . type && ! getResponseHeader ( event , "Content-Type" ) ) {
setResponseHeader ( event , "Content-Type" , asset . type ) ;
if ( asset . etag && ! getResponseHeader ( event , "ETag" ) ) {
setResponseHeader ( event , "ETag" , asset . etag ) ;
if ( asset . mtime && ! getResponseHeader ( event , "Last-Modified" ) ) {
setResponseHeader ( event , "Last-Modified" , mtimeDate . toUTCString ( ) ) ;
if ( asset . encoding && ! getResponseHeader ( event , "Content-Encoding" ) ) {
setResponseHeader ( event , "Content-Encoding" , asset . encoding ) ;
if ( asset . size > 0 && ! getResponseHeader ( event , "Content-Length" ) ) {
setResponseHeader ( event , "Content-Length" , asset . size ) ;
return readAsset ( id ) ;
} ) ;
2023-12-08 11:08:55 +00:00
const _lazy _cLgNnx = ( ) => import ( '../handlers/renderer.mjs' ) . then ( function ( n ) { return n . r ; } ) ;
2023-12-07 03:12:12 +00:00
const handlers = [
{ route : '' , handler : _f4b49z , lazy : false , middleware : true , method : undefined } ,
{ route : '/__nuxt_error' , handler : _lazy _cLgNnx , lazy : true , middleware : false , method : undefined } ,
{ route : '/**' , handler : _lazy _cLgNnx , lazy : true , middleware : false , method : undefined }
] ;
function createNitroApp ( ) {
const config = useRuntimeConfig ( ) ;
const hooks = createHooks ( ) ;
const captureError = ( error , context = { } ) => {
const promise = hooks . callHookParallel ( "error" , error , context ) . catch ( ( _err ) => {
console . error ( "Error while capturing another error" , _err ) ;
} ) ;
if ( context . event && isEvent ( context . event ) ) {
const errors = context . event . context . nitro ? . errors ;
if ( errors ) {
errors . push ( { error , context } ) ;
if ( context . event . waitUntil ) {
context . event . waitUntil ( promise ) ;
} ;
const h3App = createApp ( {
debug : destr ( false ) ,
onError : ( error , event ) => {
captureError ( error , { event , tags : [ "request" ] } ) ;
return errorHandler ( error , event ) ;
} ,
onRequest : async ( event ) => {
await nitroApp . hooks . callHook ( "request" , event ) . catch ( ( error ) => {
captureError ( error , { event , tags : [ "request" ] } ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
onBeforeResponse : async ( event , response ) => {
await nitroApp . hooks . callHook ( "beforeResponse" , event , response ) . catch ( ( error ) => {
captureError ( error , { event , tags : [ "request" , "response" ] } ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
onAfterResponse : async ( event , response ) => {
await nitroApp . hooks . callHook ( "afterResponse" , event , response ) . catch ( ( error ) => {
captureError ( error , { event , tags : [ "request" , "response" ] } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
const router = createRouter ( {
preemptive : true
} ) ;
const localCall = createCall ( toNodeListener ( h3App ) ) ;
const _localFetch = createFetch ( localCall , globalThis . fetch ) ;
const localFetch = ( input , init ) => _localFetch ( input , init ) . then (
( response ) => normalizeFetchResponse ( response )
) ;
const $fetch = createFetch$1 ( {
fetch : localFetch ,
Headers : Headers$1 ,
defaults : { baseURL : config . app . baseURL }
} ) ;
globalThis . $fetch = $fetch ;
h3App . use ( createRouteRulesHandler ( { localFetch } ) ) ;
h3App . use (
eventHandler ( ( event ) => {
event . context . nitro = event . context . nitro || { errors : [ ] } ;
const envContext = event . node . req ? . _ _unenv _ _ ;
if ( envContext ) {
Object . assign ( event . context , envContext ) ;
event . fetch = ( req , init ) => fetchWithEvent ( event , req , init , { fetch : localFetch } ) ;
event . $fetch = ( req , init ) => fetchWithEvent ( event , req , init , {
fetch : $fetch
} ) ;
event . waitUntil = ( promise ) => {
if ( ! event . context . nitro . _waitUntilPromises ) {
event . context . nitro . _waitUntilPromises = [ ] ;
event . context . nitro . _waitUntilPromises . push ( promise ) ;
if ( envContext ? . waitUntil ) {
envContext . waitUntil ( promise ) ;
} ;
event . captureError = ( error , context ) => {
captureError ( error , { event , ... context } ) ;
} ;
} )
) ;
for ( const h of handlers ) {
let handler = h . lazy ? lazyEventHandler ( h . handler ) : h . handler ;
if ( h . middleware || ! h . route ) {
const middlewareBase = ( config . app . baseURL + ( h . route || "/" ) ) . replace (
/\/+/g ,
) ;
h3App . use ( middlewareBase , handler ) ;
} else {
const routeRules = getRouteRulesForPath (
h . route . replace ( /:\w+|\*\*/g , "_" )
) ;
if ( routeRules . cache ) {
handler = cachedEventHandler ( handler , {
group : "nitro/routes" ,
... routeRules . cache
} ) ;
router . use ( h . route , handler , h . method ) ;
h3App . use ( config . app . baseURL , router . handler ) ;
const app = {
hooks ,
h3App ,
router ,
localCall ,
localFetch ,
} ;
for ( const plugin of plugins ) {
try {
plugin ( app ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
captureError ( err , { tags : [ "plugin" ] } ) ;
throw err ;
return app ;
const nitroApp = createNitroApp ( ) ;
const useNitroApp = ( ) => nitroApp ;
const debug = ( ... args ) => {
} ;
function GracefulShutdown ( server , opts ) {
opts = opts || { } ;
const options = Object . assign (
signals : "SIGINT SIGTERM" ,
timeout : 3e4 ,
development : false ,
forceExit : true ,
onShutdown : ( signal ) => Promise . resolve ( signal ) ,
preShutdown : ( signal ) => Promise . resolve ( signal )
} ,
) ;
let isShuttingDown = false ;
const connections = { } ;
let connectionCounter = 0 ;
const secureConnections = { } ;
let secureConnectionCounter = 0 ;
let failed = false ;
let finalRun = false ;
function onceFactory ( ) {
let called = false ;
return ( emitter , events , callback ) => {
function call ( ) {
if ( ! called ) {
called = true ;
return Reflect . apply ( callback , this , arguments ) ;
for ( const e of events ) {
emitter . on ( e , call ) ;
} ;
const signals = options . signals . split ( " " ) . map ( ( s ) => s . trim ( ) ) . filter ( ( s ) => s . length > 0 ) ;
const once = onceFactory ( ) ;
once ( process , signals , ( signal ) => {
shutdown ( signal ) . then ( ( ) => {
if ( options . forceExit ) {
process . exit ( failed ? 1 : 0 ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function isFunction ( functionToCheck ) {
const getType = Object . prototype . toString . call ( functionToCheck ) ;
return /^\[object\s([A-Za-z]+)?Function]$/ . test ( getType ) ;
function destroy ( socket , force = false ) {
if ( socket . _isIdle && isShuttingDown || force ) {
socket . destroy ( ) ;
if ( socket . server instanceof http . Server ) {
delete connections [ socket . _connectionId ] ;
} else {
delete secureConnections [ socket . _connectionId ] ;
function destroyAllConnections ( force = false ) {
for ( const key of Object . keys ( connections ) ) {
const socket = connections [ key ] ;
const serverResponse = socket . _httpMessage ;
if ( serverResponse && ! force ) {
if ( ! serverResponse . headersSent ) {
serverResponse . setHeader ( "connection" , "close" ) ;
} else {
destroy ( socket ) ;
for ( const key of Object . keys ( secureConnections ) ) {
const socket = secureConnections [ key ] ;
const serverResponse = socket . _httpMessage ;
if ( serverResponse && ! force ) {
if ( ! serverResponse . headersSent ) {
serverResponse . setHeader ( "connection" , "close" ) ;
} else {
destroy ( socket ) ;
server . on ( "request" , function ( req , res ) {
req . socket . _isIdle = false ;
if ( isShuttingDown && ! res . headersSent ) {
res . setHeader ( "connection" , "close" ) ;
res . on ( "finish" , function ( ) {
req . socket . _isIdle = true ;
destroy ( req . socket ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
server . on ( "connection" , function ( socket ) {
if ( isShuttingDown ) {
socket . destroy ( ) ;
} else {
const id = connectionCounter ++ ;
socket . _isIdle = true ;
socket . _connectionId = id ;
connections [ id ] = socket ;
socket . once ( "close" , ( ) => {
delete connections [ socket . _connectionId ] ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
server . on ( "secureConnection" , ( socket ) => {
if ( isShuttingDown ) {
socket . destroy ( ) ;
} else {
const id = secureConnectionCounter ++ ;
socket . _isIdle = true ;
socket . _connectionId = id ;
secureConnections [ id ] = socket ;
socket . once ( "close" , ( ) => {
delete secureConnections [ socket . _connectionId ] ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
process . on ( "close" , function ( ) {
} ) ;
function shutdown ( sig ) {
function cleanupHttp ( ) {
destroyAllConnections ( ) ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
server . close ( ( err ) => {
if ( err ) {
return reject ( err ) ;
return resolve ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( options . development ) {
return process . exit ( 0 ) ;
function finalHandler ( ) {
if ( ! finalRun ) {
finalRun = true ;
if ( options . finally && isFunction ( options . finally ) ) {
options . finally ( ) ;
return Promise . resolve ( ) ;
function waitForReadyToShutDown ( totalNumInterval ) {
if ( totalNumInterval === 0 ) {
debug (
` Could not close connections in time ( ${ options . timeout } ms), will forcefully shut down `
) ;
return Promise . resolve ( true ) ;
const allConnectionsClosed = Object . keys ( connections ) . length === 0 && Object . keys ( secureConnections ) . length === 0 ;
if ( allConnectionsClosed ) {
return Promise . resolve ( false ) ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve ) => {
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
resolve ( waitForReadyToShutDown ( totalNumInterval - 1 ) ) ;
} , 250 ) ;
} ) ;
if ( isShuttingDown ) {
return Promise . resolve ( ) ;
return options . preShutdown ( sig ) . then ( ( ) => {
isShuttingDown = true ;
cleanupHttp ( ) ;
} ) . then ( ( ) => {
const pollIterations = options . timeout ? Math . round ( options . timeout / 250 ) : 0 ;
return waitForReadyToShutDown ( pollIterations ) ;
} ) . then ( ( force ) => {
if ( force ) {
destroyAllConnections ( force ) ;
return options . onShutdown ( sig ) ;
} ) . then ( finalHandler ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
const errString = typeof err === "string" ? err : JSON . stringify ( err ) ;
failed = true ;
throw errString ;
} ) ;
function shutdownManual ( ) {
return shutdown ( "manual" ) ;
return shutdownManual ;
function getGracefulShutdownConfig ( ) {
return {
disabled : ! ! process . env . NITRO _SHUTDOWN _DISABLED ,
signals : ( process . env . NITRO _SHUTDOWN _SIGNALS || "SIGTERM SIGINT" ) . split ( " " ) . map ( ( s ) => s . trim ( ) ) ,
timeout : Number . parseInt ( process . env . NITRO _SHUTDOWN _TIMEOUT , 10 ) || 3e4 ,
forceExit : ! process . env . NITRO _SHUTDOWN _NO _FORCE _EXIT
} ;
function setupGracefulShutdown ( listener , nitroApp ) {
const shutdownConfig = getGracefulShutdownConfig ( ) ;
if ( shutdownConfig . disabled ) {
return ;
GracefulShutdown ( listener , {
signals : shutdownConfig . signals . join ( " " ) ,
timeout : shutdownConfig . timeout ,
forceExit : shutdownConfig . forceExit ,
onShutdown : async ( ) => {
await new Promise ( ( resolve ) => {
const timeout = setTimeout ( ( ) => {
console . warn ( "Graceful shutdown timeout, force exiting..." ) ;
resolve ( ) ;
} , shutdownConfig . timeout ) ;
nitroApp . hooks . callHook ( "close" ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
console . error ( err ) ;
} ) . finally ( ( ) => {
clearTimeout ( timeout ) ;
resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
const cert = process . env . NITRO _SSL _CERT ;
const key = process . env . NITRO _SSL _KEY ;
const server = cert && key ? new Server ( { key , cert } , toNodeListener ( nitroApp . h3App ) ) : new Server$1 ( toNodeListener ( nitroApp . h3App ) ) ;
const port = destr ( process . env . NITRO _PORT || process . env . PORT ) || 3e3 ;
const host = process . env . NITRO _HOST || process . env . HOST ;
const path = process . env . NITRO _UNIX _SOCKET ;
const listener = server . listen ( path ? { path } : { port , host } , ( err ) => {
if ( err ) {
console . error ( err ) ;
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
const protocol = cert && key ? "https" : "http" ;
const addressInfo = listener . address ( ) ;
if ( typeof addressInfo === "string" ) {
console . log ( ` Listening on unix socket ${ addressInfo } ` ) ;
return ;
const baseURL = ( useRuntimeConfig ( ) . app . baseURL || "" ) . replace ( /\/$/ , "" ) ;
const url = ` ${ protocol } :// ${ addressInfo . family === "IPv6" ? ` [ ${ addressInfo . address } ] ` : addressInfo . address } : ${ addressInfo . port } ${ baseURL } ` ;
console . log ( ` Listening on ${ url } ` ) ;
} ) ;
trapUnhandledNodeErrors ( ) ;
setupGracefulShutdown ( listener , nitroApp ) ;
const nodeServer = { } ;
export { $fetch as $ , send as a , setResponseStatus as b , setResponseHeaders as c , useRuntimeConfig as d , eventHandler as e , getQuery as f , getResponseStatus as g , createError$1 as h , getRouteRules as i , joinURL as j , getResponseStatusText as k , hasProtocol as l , isScriptProtocol as m , sanitizeStatusCode as n , createHooks as o , parseURL as p , isEqual as q , stringifyParsedURL as r , setResponseHeader as s , stringifyQuery as t , useNitroApp as u , parseQuery as v , withQuery as w , withTrailingSlash as x , withoutTrailingSlash as y , nodeServer as z } ;
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