2024-01-15 17:55:41 +08:00

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<Title>{{ `${seo["title"] || "面经"} - 寄托天下出国留学网` }}</Title>
<Meta name="keyword" :content="seo['keyword']" />
<Meta name="description" :content="seo['description']" />
<!-- <div @click="router.push(`/index.html`)">1111</div> -->
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<TopHead ref="topHeadRef"></TopHead>
<div class="content flexflex">
<div class="left" :style="{ height: contentRightHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="school-box flexcenter" :style="{ 'pointer-events': info['school']?.['url'] ? 'auto' : 'none' }">
<a class="school-box-icon" :href="info['school']?.['url']" target="_blank"><img class="school-icon" v-if="info['school']?.['image']" :src="info['school']?.['image']" /></a>
<a class="school-name" :href="info['school']?.['url']" target="_blank">{{ info["school"]?.["name"] }}</a>
<a class="school-en-name" :href="info['school']?.['url']" target="_blank">{{ info["school"]?.["enname"] }}</a>
<div class="mj-total flexacenter">
<div class="value">{{ relatedcount }}</div>
<div class="mj-list" @scroll="handleListScroll">
<template v-for="(item, index) in relatedlist" :key="index">
<a v-if="item['type']" class="mj-item flexflex recommend" :href="item?.url" target="_blank">
<div class="mj-header flexacenter">
<div class="label flexacenter">
<div class="label-text flexcenter">荐</div>
<div class="label-title">{{ labelObj[item["type"] || "offer"] }}</div>
<h1>{{ item["title"] }}</h1>
<div class="info-list flexflex" v-if="item['type'] == 'offer'">
<div class="info-item flexacenter">
<div class="info-name">专业</div>
<div class="info-value flex1 ellipsis">{{ item["professional"] }}</div>
<div class="info-item flexacenter">
<div class="info-name">学位</div>
<div class="info-value flex1 ellipsis">{{ item["degree"] }}</div>
<div class="info-item flexacenter">
<div class="info-name">结果</div>
<div class="info-value flex1 ellipsis">{{ item["apply_results"] }}</div>
<div class="thread-text ellipsis flexflex" v-if="item['type'] == 'thread' || item['type'] == 'ask'">
<div class="ask-label" v-if="item['type'] == 'ask'">回答:</div>
<div class="flex1 ellipsis">{{ item["message"] }}</div>
<div class="vote-list" v-if="item['type'] == 'vote'">
<div class="vote-item" v-for="(ite, i) in item['option'].slice(0, 2)" :key="i">{{ numberToEnclosed(i) }} &nbsp; {{ ite }}</div>
<div class="vote-item">{{ numberToEnclosed(3) }} &nbsp; …</div>
<a v-else class="mj-item flexflex" :class="{ pitch: pitchIndex == index }" @click.stop.prevent="handleItem(item['uniqid'])" :href="`./details/${item['uniqid']}`">
<div class="mj-header flexacenter">
<img class="mj-avatar" :src="item['avatar']" />
<div class="user-name">{{ item["username"] || "匿名用户" }}</div>
<div class="time">{{ handleDate(item["releasetime"]) }}发布</div>
<div class="info-list flexflex">
<div class="info-item flexacenter" v-if="item['profession']">
<div class="info-name">专业</div>
<div class="info-value flex1 ellipsis">{{ item["profession"] }}</div>
<div class="info-item flexacenter" v-if="item['project']">
<div class="info-name">项目</div>
<div class="info-value flex1 ellipsis">{{ item["project"] }}</div>
<div class="info-item flexacenter" v-if="item['interviewtime']">
<div class="info-name">面试</div>
<div class="info-value flex1 ellipsis">{{ item["interviewtime"] }}</div>
<!-- <div class="right flex1" @scroll="handleCommentsScroll" v-loading="detailsLoading"> -->
<div class="right flex1" ref="contentRightRef" v-loading="detailsLoading">
<!-- <div class="right-loading"></div> -->
<div class="header">
<div class="titletitle">{{ info["subject"] }}</div>
<div class="mj-header flexacenter">
<div class="mj-header-left flexacenter">
<el-popover placement="bottom-start" :width="140" trigger="click" popper-class="avatar-box-popper" :show-arrow="false">
<template #reference>
<img class="mj-avatar" :src="info['avatar']" />
<div class="avatar-box flexflex" v-if="info['uin']">
<!-- <div class="avatar-box flexflex"> -->
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="sendMessage(info['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/assets/img/send-messages-icon.png" />
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="TAHomePage(info['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/assets/img/homepage-icon.png" />
<div class="user-name">{{ info["nickname"] || "匿名用户" }}</div>
<div class="time">{{ handleDate(info["releasetime"]) }}发布</div>
<a class="mj-header-right flexacenter" target="_blank" :href="info['threadurl']">
<img class="original-icon" src="@/assets/img/original-icon.png" />
<!-- <img class="eye-icon" src="@/assets/img/eye-icon.svg" /> -->
<!-- {{ info["views"] }} -->
<div class="details-box">
<div class="details-item">
<div class="details-top">面试过程及内容</div>
<div class="details-list">
<div class="details-list-item flexacenter">
<div class="details-value describe" :class="{ 'unlock-unlock': !isdisplay }" v-if="info['message']">
<!-- {{ info["message"] }} -->
<div v-html="info['message']"></div>
<div class="unlock-mask flexflex" style="width: 693px;">
<div class="">作者设置了浏览限制</div>
<div class="flexacenter">
<div class="emphasis" @click="loginJudgment()">“回复/点赞”</div>
<div class="details-item">
<div class="details-top">申请信息</div>
<div class="details-list">
<div class="details-list-item flexacenter" v-if="info['school']">
<div class="details-name">学校</div>
<a class="details-value" target="_blank" :href="info['school']?.['url']">{{ info["school"]?.name }}</a>
<div class="details-list-item flexacenter" v-if="info['profession']">
<div class="details-name">专业</div>
<div class="details-value">{{ info["profession"] }}</div>
<div class="details-list-item flexacenter" v-if="info['project']">
<div class="details-name">项目</div>
<div class="details-value">{{ info["project"] }}</div>
<div class="details-item">
<div class="details-top">面试时间</div>
<div class="details-list">
<div class="details-list-item flexacenter">
<div class="details-name">日期</div>
<div class="details-value date" v-if="info['interviewtime']">{{ timestampToDate(info["interviewtime"]) }}</div>
<!-- 讨论 -->
<div class="comment-box" ref="commentBoxRef">
<div class="comment-title flexacenter">
<div class="value">{{ commentComments || "" }}</div>
<div class="post-comment flexacenter" @click="loginJudgment()">
<textarea class="post-input flex1" placeholder="说说你的想法或疑问…" v-model="commentInputTop"></textarea>
<div class="post-ok flexcenter" @click="submitAnswerComments()">发送</div>
<template v-if="isEmptyState">
<div class="empty-box">
<Empty hint="说说你的观点吧"></Empty>
<template v-else>
<div class="comment-list">
<div class="comment-item flexflex" v-for="(item, index) in commentList" :key="item.id">
<el-popover placement="bottom-start" :width="140" trigger="click" popper-class="avatar-box-popper" :show-arrow="false" v-model:visible="item['popoverState']">
<template #reference>
<img class="comment-avatar" :src="item['avatar']" />
<div class="avatar-box flexflex" v-if="item['uin']">
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="sendMessage(item['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/assets/img/send-messages-icon.png" />
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="TAHomePage(item['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/assets/img/homepage-icon.png" />
<div class="comment-content flex1">
<div class="comment-header flexacenter">
<div class="comment-header-left flexacenter">
<div class="comments-username" @click="openAvatarPopover(index)">{{ item["nickname"] }}</div>
<div class="comments-time">{{ handleDate(item["timestamp"]) }}</div>
<div class="comments-identity" v-if="item['isauthor']">作者</div>
<img class="comments-title" v-if="item['groupid'] == 14" src="@/assets/img/title.png" />
<div class="comment-header-right flexacenter">
<div class="menu-box flexacenter">
<img class="menu-icon" src="@/assets/img/menu-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="report-box flexcenter" @click="report(item['token'])">举报</div>
<img class="comment-icon" title="回复" @click="openAnswerCommentsChild(index)" src="@/assets/img/comment-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="flexacenter like-box" @click="commentLike(index)">
<img class="like-icon" v-if="item['islike'] == 1" src="@/assets/img/like-icon-colours.png" />
<img class="like-icon" v-else src="@/assets/img/like-icon-gray.png" />
<div class="like-quantity">{{ item["likenum"] || 0 }}</div>
<!-- <div class="comment-text" @click="openAnswerCommentsChild(index)">{{ item["content"] }}</div> -->
<div class="comment-text" @click="openAnswerCommentsChild(index)" v-html="item['content']"></div>
<!-- <div class="comments-input-box flexacenter" v-if="item['childState']"> -->
<div class="comments-input-box flexacenter" v-if="item['childState']">
<div class="comments-input flexflex">
<textarea class="flex1" placeholder="回复" v-model="commentInput"></textarea>
<div class="comments-btn flexcenter" @click="submitAnswerComments(index)">发送</div>
<img class="forkfork" @click="closeAnswerCommentsChild(index)" src="@/assets/img/cross-icon.png" />
<!-- 子评论 -->
<div class="child-comments" v-if="item['child'].length > 0">
<div class="comment-item flexflex" v-for="(ite, i) in item['child']" :key="ite.id">
<!-- <img class="comment-avatar" :src="ite['avatar']" /> -->
<el-popover placement="bottom-start" :width="140" trigger="click" popper-class="avatar-box-popper" :show-arrow="false" v-model:visible="ite['popoverState']">
<template #reference>
<img class="comment-avatar" :src="ite['avatar']" />
<div class="avatar-box flexflex" v-if="ite['uin']">
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="sendMessage(ite['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/assets/img/send-messages-icon.png" />
<a class="avatar-item flexcenter" target="_blank" @click.prevent="TAHomePage(ite['uin'])">
<img class="avatar-icon" src="@/assets/img/homepage-icon.png" />
<div class="comment-content flex1">
<div class="comment-header flexacenter">
<div class="comment-header-left flexacenter">
<div class="comments-username" @click="openAvatarPopover(index, i)">{{ ite["nickname"] }}</div>
<div class="comments-time">{{ handleDate(ite["timestamp"]) }}</div>
<div class="comments-identity" v-if="ite['isauthor']">作者</div>
<img class="comments-title" v-if="ite['groupid'] == 14" src="@/assets/img/title.png" />
<div class="comment-header-right flexacenter">
<div class="menu-box flexacenter">
<img class="menu-icon" src="@/assets/img/menu-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="report-box flexcenter" @click="report(ite['token'])">举报</div>
<img class="comment-icon" title="回复" @click="openAnswerCommentsChild(index, i)" src="@/assets/img/comment-icon-gray.svg" />
<div class="flexacenter like-box" @click="commentLike(index, i)">
<img class="like-icon" v-if="ite['islike'] == 1" src="@/assets/img/like-icon-colours.png" />
<img class="like-icon" v-else src="@/assets/img/like-icon-gray.png" />
<div class="like-quantity">{{ ite["likenum"] || 0 }}</div>
<div class="comment-text" @click="openAnswerCommentsChild(index, i)">
<div class="comments-reply" v-if="ite?.reply?.nickname">@{{ ite?.reply?.nickname }}</div>
{{ ite["content"] }}
<div class="comments-input-box flexacenter" v-if="ite['childState']">
<div class="comments-input flexflex">
<textarea class="flex1" placeholder="回复" v-model="commentInput"></textarea>
<div class="comments-btn flexcenter" @click="submitAnswerComments(index, i)">发送</div>
<img class="forkfork" @click="closeAnswerCommentsChild(index, i)" src="@/assets/img/cross-icon.png" />
<!-- 还有几个 -->
<div class="comments-also flexacenter" v-if="item['childnum'] > item['child'].length" @click="alsoCommentsData(index)">
<div class="">还有{{ item["childnum"] - item["child"].length }}条回复</div>
<img class="also-icon" src="@/assets/img/arrow-circular-gray.png" />
<div class="comment-end" v-if="commentPage == 0 && commentList.length != 0">· End ·</div>
<div class="floor-area flexacenter">
<div class="floor-content flexacenter">
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<template #reference>
<div class="QR-code-ball flexcenter">
<img class="" src="@/assets/img/QR-code-icon.svg" />
<img class="examine-code" :src="qrcode" />
<div class="floor-left flexacenter">
<div class="item flexacenter" v-if="isBrowser" style="cursor: auto;">
<img class="icon h8" src="@/assets/img/eye-icon-black.svg" />
{{ info["views"] }}
<div class="item flexacenter" @click="handleLike">
<img class="icon h16" v-if="islike == 1" src="@/assets/img/like-icon-colours.png" />
<img class="icon h16" v-else src="@/assets/img/like-icon.png" />
{{ info["likenum"] || "" }}
<div class="item flexacenter" @click="handleScrollComments()"><img class="icon h15" src="@/assets/img/comment-icon.png" />{{ commentComments }}</div>
<div class="item flexacenter" @click="handleCollect()">
<img class="icon h16" v-if="iscollection == 1" src="@/assets/img/collect-icon-colours.svg" />
<img class="icon h16" v-else src="@/assets/img/collect-icon.png" />
{{ info["favnum"] || "收藏" }}
<el-popover placement="bottom" width="628px" trigger="click" popper-style="padding: 0;border-radius: 10px;" v-model:visible="transmitBoxState">
<template #reference>
<div class="item flexacenter" @click="handleShare"><img class="icon h15" src="@/assets/img/transmit-icon.png" />转发</div>
<div class="transmit-box flexflex">
<img class="cross-icon" @click="transmitBoxState = false" src="@/assets/img/cross-icon.png" />
<div class="transmit-left transmit-web">
<div class="transmit-title">转发网页版</div>
<div class="transmit-content">
<div class="transmit-headline">{{ info["subject"] }}</div>
<div class="transmit-url">{{ getFullUrl() }}</div>
<div class="transmit-web-btn flexcenter" @click="copyText(`${info['subject']} + ${getFullUrl()}`)">复制链接</div>
<div class="transmit-right transmit-mini">
<div class="transmit-title">转发小程序版</div>
<div class="transmit-content flexcenter">
<img class="transmit-mini-img" :src="qrcode" />
<div class="flexcenter">
<img class="give-sweep" src="@/assets/img/give-sweep.png" />
<div class="floor-middle flexacenter coin-box">
<div class="coin-content flexacenter flex1" @click="openCoinRankList" :style="{ cursor: info.coins != 0 ? 'pointer' : '' }">
<img class="coin-icon" src="@/assets/img/coin-icon.png" />
<div class="coin-text flex1 flexacenter">
<div class="coin-value">{{ info.coins }}</div>
<div class="coin-btn flexcenter" @click="openCoinOperation()">给TA投币</div>
<Report v-if="reportAlertShow" :reportToken="reportToken"></Report>
<!-- 投币操作 弹窗 -->
<div class="pop-masking flexcenter" v-if="isInsertCoinsOperationShow">
<div class="slit-pop-box" v-if="coinMybalance > 0" style="border-radius: 11px;">
<div class="slit-left" style="width: 50px;">
<img class="slit-left-icon" src="//app.gter.net/image/gter/offer/imgdetails/u620.png" style="margin-top: -8px;" />
<div class="slit-box">
<div class="slit-head" style="flex: 1; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start;">
<div class="slit-head-title flexflex" style="width: 100%; justify-content: space-between;">
<div class="in-all">
你共有 <span>{{ coinMybalance }}</span> 寄托币
<!-- <a target="_blank" :href="coinConfig.strategy.url" style="font-weight: 100; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: underline;">{{ coinConfig.strategy.button }}</a> -->
<div class="coin-quantity flexacenter">
<div class="coin-quantity-item" :class="{ 'coin-pitch': coinAmount == item }" v-for="(item, index) in coinConfig.list" :key="index" @click="coinSelectAmountDispose(item)">
{{ item }} <span>{{ coinConfig.unit }}</span>
<el-input class="slit-input" v-model="coinAmount" placeholder="自定义投币金额" show-word-limit="false"> </el-input>
<div class="message-box">
<div class="message-hint">顺便说点什么</div>
<el-input class="slit-input" style="font-size: 15px;" v-model="coinMessage" placeholder="请输入" maxlength="500" show-word-limit> </el-input>
<div class="operation">
<div class="operation-item flexcenter" @click="isInsertCoinsOperationShow = !isInsertCoinsOperationShow">取消</div>
<div class="operation-item flexcenter greenBj" @click="postCoinSbmit()">确定</div>
<div class="no-jituobi-pop-box" v-else>
<img class="no-jituobi-close" @click="isInsertCoinsOperationShow = !isInsertCoinsOperationShow" src="@/assets/img/cross-icon.png" />
<div class="no-jituobi-head flexacenter">
<img class="bi-icon" src="//app.gter.net/image/gter/offer/imgdetails/u620.png" style="margin-right: 12px;" />
<span style="margin-top: 10px;">
{{ coinConfig?.strategy?.tips }}
<a :href="coinConfig?.strategy?.url" target="_blank">
<div class="strategy-btn greenBj flexcenter">{{ coinConfig?.strategy?.button }}<img class="strategy-icon" src="@/assets/img/strategy-icon.svg" /></div>
<!-- 投币 排行榜 -->
<RankingBox v-if="coinrankingState" :coinrankingList="coinrankingList"></RankingBox>
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let detailsLoading = ref(false) // 详情加载中
const getDetails = () => {
if (detailsLoading.value) return
detailsLoading.value = true
detailsHttp({ uniqid }).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) {
setTimeout(() => goToURL("/index.html", false), 1000)
let data = res.data
token = data["token"]
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isdisplay.value = data.isdisplay
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qrcode.value = data["share"]["qrcode"]
// console.log(iscollection.value);
if (relatedlist.value.length == 0) getRelatedlistHttp()
else CalculateSelectedList()
if (JSON.stringify(coinConfig.value) == "{}") getCoinInfo()
detailsLoading.value = false
// 计算选中的列表
const CalculateSelectedList = () => {
let targetRelatedlist = [...relatedlist.value]
targetRelatedlist.forEach((element, index) => {
if (element["uniqid"] == uniqid) pitchIndex.value = index
if (pitchIndex.value == null) {
avatar: info.value["avatar"],
interviewtime: timestampToDate(info.value["interviewtime"]),
profession: info.value["profession"],
project: info.value["project"],
releasetime: info.value["releasetime"],
subject: info.value["subject"],
uniqid: uniqid,
username: info.value["nickname"],
relatedlist.value = targetRelatedlist
pitchIndex.value = 0
// 左侧列表数据
let relatedlist = ref([])
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const getRelatedlistHttp = () => {
if (relatedloading || relatedpage.value == 0 || !token) return
relatedloading = true
relatedlistHttp({ token, page: relatedpage.value })
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if (res.code != 200) return
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relatedlist.value = relatedlist.value.concat(data.data)
relatedcount.value = data.count
if (relatedlist.value.length >= data["count"]) relatedpage.value = 0
else relatedpage.value++
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let commentList = ref([])
let commentLoading = false
let token = ""
let isEmptyState = ref(false) // 评论是否为空
// 获取详情评论数据
const getCommentListHttp = () => {
if (commentPage.value == 0 || commentLoading || detailsLoading.value) return
commentLoading = true
if (commentPage.value != 1) getRelatedlistHttp()
page: commentPage.value,
childlimit: 1,
limit: 10,
.then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
commentCount.value = data["count"]
if (data["count"] == 0) isEmptyState.value = true
else isEmptyState.value = false
// console.log(data["data"])
// data["data"].forEach(element => {
// console.log("element", element["content"])
// element.content = element["content"].replace(/{:rose:}/g, `<img src="https://bbs.gter.net/static/image/smiley/lxh/rose.gif" />`)
// })
commentList.value = commentList.value.concat(data["data"])
commentComments.value = data["comments"]
if (commentList.value.length == data["count"]) commentPage.value = 0
else commentPage.value++
// https://bbs.gter.net/static/image/smiley/lxh/rose.gif
.finally(() => (commentLoading = false))
// 获取剩下的子评论
const alsoCommentsData = (index, ind) => {
let targetCommentItem = { ...commentList.value[index] }
// const token = targetCommentItem["token"]
const parentid = targetCommentItem["id"]
let page = targetCommentItem["childPage"] ?? 1
childlimit: 1,
limit: 10,
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
let childData = targetCommentItem.child.concat(data.data)
// 检查当前对象在数组中的第一个索引是否与当前索引相等
const filteredData = childData.filter((obj, index, self) => {
return self.findIndex(item => item.id == obj.id) == index
targetCommentItem.child = filteredData
targetCommentItem["childnum"] = data.count
if (targetCommentItem.child.length == data["count"]) page = 0
else page++
targetCommentItem["childPage"] = page
commentList.value[index] = targetCommentItem
// 全部的启动到底部
const handleCommentsScroll = e => {
const el = e.target
if (el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop >= el.clientHeight + 40) return
// 评论点赞
const commentLike = (index, i) => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
const targetCommentList = [...commentList.value]
let token = ""
if (i != null) token = targetCommentList[index]["child"][i].token
else token = targetCommentList[index].token
detailsLikeCommentHttp({ token }).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
if (i != null) {
targetCommentList[index]["child"][i].islike = data["status"]
targetCommentList[index]["child"][i].likenum = data["likenum"]
} else {
targetCommentList[index].islike = data["status"]
targetCommentList[index].likenum = data["likenum"]
let scrollTopValue = ref(0)
// 监听滚动到底部
const handleScroll = () => {
// return
const scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop
scrollTopValue.value = scrollTop
// return
const scrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight
const clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight
// 列表下 滑动到底部 获取新数据
if (scrollTop + clientHeight >= scrollHeight - 40) {
// 整个页面滚动到底部时 判断左边是否有滚动条 没有则需要加载左边数据的下一页
const mjList = document.querySelector(".content .left .mj-list")
if (!(mjList.scrollHeight > mjList.clientHeight || mjList.scrollWidth > mjList.clientWidth)) getRelatedlistHttp()
// 打开 回答-评论 的子评论
const openAnswerCommentsChild = (index, i) => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
if (i == null) commentList.value[index]["childState"] = true
else commentList.value[index]["child"][i]["childState"] = true
commentInput.value = ""
// 关闭 回答-评论 的子评论
const closeAnswerCommentsChild = () => {
commentInput.value = ""
commentList.value.forEach(ele => {
ele["childState"] = false
if (ele["child"] && ele["child"].length != 0) ele["child"].forEach(el => (el["childState"] = false))
// 讨论的输入框
let commentInputTop = ref("")
let commentInput = ref("")
// 提交回答-评论
const submitAnswerComments = (index, i) => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
const targetCommentList = [...commentList.value]
let content = ""
let parentid = null
if (index == null) content = commentInputTop.value
else content = commentInput.value
if (i != null) parentid = targetCommentList[index]["child"][i]["id"]
else if (index != null) parentid = targetCommentList[index]["id"]
}).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) {
let data = res.data
isdisplay.value = true
if (i != null) {
let targetData = {
id: data["commentid"],
isauthor: 1,
islike: 0,
likenum: 0,
reply: {
nickname: targetCommentList[index]["child"][i]["nickname"],
} else {
let targetData = {
id: data["commentid"],
isauthor: 1,
islike: 0,
likenum: 0,
child: [],
if (index != null) {
} else {
commentList.value = targetCommentList
// 请求 输入框的数据
commentInputTop.value = ""
commentInput.value = ""
isEmptyState.value = false // 取消有可能的 没有评论
message: res.message,
type: "success",
// 处理时间戳数据
const timestampToDate = timestamp => {
const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000) // 如果你的时间戳是秒级的需要乘以1000
const year = date.getFullYear()
const month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0") // getMonth() 返回的月份是从0开始计数的
const day = date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, "0")
return `${year}-${month}-${day}`
onUnmounted(() => window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll))
// 获取完整 url
const getFullUrl = () => {
if (typeof window === "undefined") return
return window.location.href
// 复制
let copyText = text => {
if (navigator.clipboard) {
copyText = () => {
message: "复制成功",
type: "success",
} else {
copyText = () => {
var tempInput = document.createElement("input")
tempInput.value = text
message: "复制成功",
type: "success",
// 点击点赞
const handleLike = () => {
if (islike.value) {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
operateLikeHttp({ token }).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
info.value["likenum"] = data["count"]
islike.value = data["status"]
isdisplay.value = true
let topHeadRef = ref(null)
// 点击 收藏
const handleCollect = () => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
topHeadRef.value.count = {}
operateCollectHttp({ token }).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) {
let data = res.data
info.value["favnum"] = data["count"]
iscollection.value = data["status"]
const router = useRouter()
// 处理点击列表
const handleItem = uni => {
if (uni == route?.params?.id) return
uniqid = uni
// info.value = {}
info.value["message"] = ""
info.value["subject"] = ""
info.value["profession"] = ""
qrcode.value = ""
iscollection.value = 0
isdisplay.value = true
islike.value = 0
ismyself.value = 0
commentCount.value = 0
commentPage.value = 1
commentList.value = []
commentLoading = false
token = ""
// clearAllData()
nextTick(() => getDetails())
top: 0,
behavior: "smooth",
// 修改 url
const replaceState = uni => {
if (typeof window === "undefined") return
// 替换当前URL但不刷新页面
window.history.pushState({}, "", `${window.location.origin}/details/${uni}`)
let reportAlertShow = ref(false)
let reportToken = ref("")
// 点击打开举报
const report = token => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
reportToken.value = token
reportAlertShow.value = true
provide("reportAlertShow", reportAlertShow)
provide("clearAllData", clearAllData)
provide("getDetails", getDetails)
// seo的
if (process.server) {
try {
await detailsHttp({ uniqid }).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) {
let data = res.data
token = data["token"]
info.value = data["info"]
seo.value = data.seo
iscollection.value = data.iscollection
isdisplay.value = data.isdisplay
islike.value = data.islike
ismyself.value = data.ismyself
qrcode.value = data["share"]["qrcode"]
if (relatedlist.value.length == 0) getRelatedlistHttp()
else CalculateSelectedList()
detailsLoading.value = false
await relatedlistHttp({ token, page: 1 }).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
relatedlist.value = data.data
relatedcount.value = data.count
} catch (error) {}
const isBrowser = computed(() => {
return process.client // 使用 process.client 判断是否在浏览器环境下
// 点击发送信息
const sendMessage = uin => {
// 点击ta的主页
const TAHomePage = uin => {
// 跳转 url
const redirectToExternalWebsite = url => {
const link = document.createElement("a")
link.href = url
link.target = "_blank"
// 全部的启动到底部
const handleListScroll = e => {
const el = e.target
if (el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop >= el.clientHeight + 40) return
const commentBoxRef = ref(null)
// 点进滚动到评论
const handleScrollComments = () => {
const element = commentBoxRef.value
if (!element) return
top: element.offsetTop - 85 || 0,
behavior: "smooth",
const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect()
let elementTop = 0
elementTop = rect.top - window.innerHeight / 2
if (rect.top > window.innerHeight) {
elementTop = rect.top - window.innerHeight / 2
top: elementTop || 0,
behavior: "smooth",
} else {
elementTop = window.innerHeight / 2 + rect.top / 2
top: elementTop || 0,
behavior: "smooth",
// window.scrollTo({
// top: elementTop,
// behavior: "smooth",
// })
// 打开评论的 信息框
const openAvatarPopover = (index, i) => {
if (i != null) commentList.value[index]["child"][i]["popoverState"] = true
else commentList.value[index]["popoverState"] = true
let isInsertCoinsOperationShow = ref(false) // 投票弹窗
let coinMybalance = ref({}) // 我的寄托币数量
let coinConfig = ref({}) // 投币的配置
let coinConnum = ref(0) // 寄托币数量
let coinRanklist = ref({}) // 投币排行榜
let coinAmount = ref(null) // 投币选择的金额
let coinCustomAmount = ref(null) // 投币自定义的金额
let defaultcoinnum = ref(0) // 投币金额默认寄托币数
let coinMessage = ref("") // 投币时的说点什么
let postCoinSbmitState = false // 投币中
// 获取寄托币
const getCoinInfo = () => {
coinHttp({ token }).then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
let data = res.data
coinConfig.value = data.config
coinMybalance.value = data.mybalance
coinRanklist.value = data.ranklist
defaultcoinnum.value = data.defaultcoinnum
// 打开寄托币弹窗
const openCoinOperation = () => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) {
isInsertCoinsOperationShow.value = true
// 处理投币的选择选项
const coinSelectAmountDispose = amount => {
coinAmount.value = amount
// 提交寄托币
const postCoinSbmit = () => {
if (postCoinSbmitState) return
postCoinSbmitState = true
coinnum: coinAmount.value,
message: coinMessage.value,
.then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) {
let data = res.data
info.value.coins = info.value.coins + data["coinnum"]
coinMybalance.value = coinMybalance.value - data["coinnum"]
coinAmount.value = null
isInsertCoinsOperationShow.value = false
if (data.comment) {
const userInfoWin = window.userInfoWin || {}
commentComments.value = data.comment.count
let newComment = {
avatar: userInfoWin["avatar"],
child: [],
childnum: 0,
content: coinMessage.value,
id: parseInt(data.comment.commentid),
islike: 0,
likenum: 0,
nickname: userInfoWin["nickname"] || "匿名用户",
parentid: 0,
reply: [],
timestamp: generateTime(),
coinMessage.value = ""
coinrankingList.value = []
.finally(() => (postCoinSbmitState = false))
let coinrankingList = ref([]) // 投币排行榜数据
let coinrankingState = ref(false) // 投币排行榜 弹窗状态
let coinrankingLoading = false // 投币排行榜加载中
const getCoinranking = () => {
if (coinrankingLoading) return
coinrankingLoading = true
coinrankingHttp({ token })
.then(res => {
if (res.code != 200) return
const data = res.data
coinrankingList.value = data
coinrankingState.value = true
.finally(() => (coinrankingLoading = false))
// 打开寄托币排行榜
const openCoinRankList = () => {
if (info.value.coins == 0) return
if (coinrankingList.value.length == 0) getCoinranking()
else coinrankingState.value = true
// 生成时间
const generateTime = () => {
let date = new Date()
let Y = date.getFullYear() + "-"
let M = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? "0" + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1) + "-"
let D = (date.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + date.getDate() : date.getDate()) + " "
let h = (date.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + date.getHours() : date.getHours()) + ":"
let m = date.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes()
return "" + Y + M + D + h + m
provide("coinrankingState", coinrankingState)
provide("openCoinOperation", openCoinOperation)
// 处理点击转发统计
const handleShare = () => shareHttp({ token })
// 登录判断
const loginJudgment = () => {
if (isNeedLogin.value) goLogin()
// 取消了同页面的收藏
const unbookmarkSamePage = () => {
iscollection.value = 0
provide("unbookmarkSamePage", unbookmarkSamePage)
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font-size: 13px;
&:not(:last-of-type) {
margin-right: 40px;
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// width: 16px;
&.h16 {
height: 16px;
&.h15 {
height: 15px;
&.h8 {
height: 8px;
margin-right: 5px;
&.operate-item {
position: relative;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
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background-color: rgba(246, 246, 246, 1);
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height: 24px;
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margin-top: -2px;
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font-weight: 900;
margin: 0 5px;
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background-color: rgba(114, 219, 134, 1);
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color: #ffffff;
font-size: 13px;
cursor: pointer;
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color: #7f7f7f;
font-size: 13px;
cursor: pointer;
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width: 12px;
height: 12px;
margin: 0 10px;
.QR-code-ball {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
background-color: rgba(246, 246, 246, 1);
border-radius: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
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right: 6px;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 6px;
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color: #555555;
// line-height: 22px;
font-size: 13px;
.give-sweep {
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
margin-right: 8px;
.examine-code {
width: 113px;
height: 113px;
.pop-masking {
* {
box-sizing: content-box;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
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flex: 1;
margin-left: 15px;
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justify-content: space-between;
height: 54px;
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font-size: 20px;
color: #333;
.in-all {
font-size: 13px;
color: #7f7f7f;
font-weight: 400;
& > span {
color: #000;
font-weight: 650;
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display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 27px;
margin-top: 20px;
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width: 78px;
height: 46px;
border: 1px solid #d7d7d7;
background-color: #f0f2f5;
border-radius: 5px;
font-size: 20px;
color: #000;
font-weight: 650;
line-height: 46px;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
user-select: none;
& > span {
color: #555;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 14px;
&:not(:last-of-type) {
margin-right: 16px;
&.coin-pitch {
background-color: #333333;
border-color: #333333;
color: #fff;
& > span {
color: #fff;
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height: 38px;
padding-left: 8px;
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border-radius: 8px;
/* 去掉number类型自带的加减按钮 */
overflow: hidden;
&::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
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&[type="number"] {
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display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
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color: #000;
font-size: 14px;
margin-top: 29px;
margin-bottom: 12px;
.operation {
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
margin-top: 48px;
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height: 41px;
margin-left: 16px;
font-size: 16px;
color: #000;
border: 1px solid #797979;
border-radius: 45px;
cursor: pointer;
&.greenBj {
color: #fff;
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border: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
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box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21);
padding-bottom: 55px;
position: relative;
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width: 16px;
height: 16px;
cursor: pointer;
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
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font-size: 15px;
color: #333;
margin: 38px auto 44px;
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width: 50px;
height: 60px;
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height: 43px;
color: #fff;
font-size: 16px;
border-radius: 100px;
margin: 0 auto;
cursor: pointer;
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width: 16px;
height: 16px;
margin-left: 8px;
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background-color: rgba(114, 219, 134, 1);
border-color: rgba(114, 219, 134, 1) !important;