import { M as MetaTagsArrayable } from './unhead.yem5I2v_.mjs'; const NAMESPACES = { META: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["twitter"]), OG: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["og", "book", "article", "profile", "fb"]), MEDIA: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["ogImage", "ogVideo", "ogAudio", "twitterImage"]), HTTP_EQUIV: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["contentType", "defaultStyle", "xUaCompatible"]) }; const META_ALIASES = { articleExpirationTime: "article:expiration_time", articleModifiedTime: "article:modified_time", articlePublishedTime: "article:published_time", bookReleaseDate: "book:release_date", fbAppId: "fb:app_id", ogAudioSecureUrl: "og:audio:secure_url", ogAudioUrl: "og:audio", ogImageSecureUrl: "og:image:secure_url", ogImageUrl: "og:image", ogSiteName: "og:site_name", ogVideoSecureUrl: "og:video:secure_url", ogVideoUrl: "og:video", profileFirstName: "profile:first_name", profileLastName: "profile:last_name", profileUsername: "profile:username", msapplicationConfig: "msapplication-Config", msapplicationTileColor: "msapplication-TileColor", msapplicationTileImage: "msapplication-TileImage" }; const MetaPackingSchema = { appleItunesApp: { unpack: { entrySeparator: ", ", // @ts-expect-error untyped resolve: ({ key, value }) => `${fixKeyCase(key)}=${value}` } }, refresh: { metaKey: "http-equiv", unpack: { entrySeparator: ";", // @ts-expect-error untyped resolve: ({ key, value }) => key === "seconds" ? `${value}` : void 0 } }, robots: { unpack: { entrySeparator: ", ", // @ts-expect-error untyped resolve: ({ key, value }) => typeof value === "boolean" ? fixKeyCase(key) : `${fixKeyCase(key)}:${value}` } }, contentSecurityPolicy: { metaKey: "http-equiv", unpack: { entrySeparator: "; ", // @ts-expect-error untyped resolve: ({ key, value }) => `${fixKeyCase(key)} ${value}` } }, charset: {} }; function fixKeyCase(key) { const updated = key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase(); const prefixIndex = updated.indexOf("-"); return prefixIndex === -1 ? updated : NAMESPACES.META.has(updated.slice(0, prefixIndex)) || NAMESPACES.OG.has(updated.slice(0, prefixIndex)) ? key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ":$1").toLowerCase() : updated; } function sanitizeObject(input) { return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(input).filter(([k, v]) => String(v) !== "false" && k)); } function transformObject(obj) { return Array.isArray(obj) ? : !obj || typeof obj !== "object" ? obj : Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(([k, v]) => [fixKeyCase(k), transformObject(v)])); } function unpackToString(value, options = {}) { const { entrySeparator = "", keyValueSeparator = "", wrapValue, resolve } = options; return Object.entries(value).map(([key, val]) => { if (resolve) { const resolved = resolve({ key, value: val }); if (resolved !== void 0) return resolved; } const processedVal = typeof val === "object" ? unpackToString(val, options) : typeof val === "number" ? val.toString() : typeof val === "string" && wrapValue ? `${wrapValue}${val.replace(new RegExp(wrapValue, "g"), `\\${wrapValue}`)}${wrapValue}` : val; return `${key}${keyValueSeparator}${processedVal}`; }).join(entrySeparator); } function handleObjectEntry(key, value) { const sanitizedValue = sanitizeObject(value); const fixedKey = fixKeyCase(key); const attr = resolveMetaKeyType(fixedKey); if (!MetaTagsArrayable.has(fixedKey)) { return [{ [attr]: fixedKey, ...sanitizedValue }]; } const input = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(sanitizedValue).map(([k, v]) => [`${key}${k === "url" ? "" : `${k[0].toUpperCase()}${k.slice(1)}`}`, v]) ); return unpackMeta(input || {}).sort((a, b) => (a[attr]?.length || 0) - (b[attr]?.length || 0)); } function resolveMetaKeyType(key) { if (MetaPackingSchema[key]?.metaKey === "http-equiv" || NAMESPACES.HTTP_EQUIV.has(key)) { return "http-equiv"; } const fixed = fixKeyCase(key); const colonIndex = fixed.indexOf(":"); return colonIndex === -1 ? "name" : NAMESPACES.OG.has(fixed.slice(0, colonIndex)) ? "property" : "name"; } function resolveMetaKeyValue(key) { return META_ALIASES[key] || fixKeyCase(key); } function resolvePackedMetaObjectValue(value, key) { if (key === "refresh") return `${value.seconds};url=${value.url}`; return unpackToString(transformObject(value), { keyValueSeparator: "=", entrySeparator: ", ", resolve: ({ value: value2, key: key2 }) => value2 === null ? "" : typeof value2 === "boolean" ? key2 : void 0, // @ts-expect-error untyped ...MetaPackingSchema[key]?.unpack }); } function unpackMeta(input) { const extras = []; const primitives = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(input)) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (key === "themeColor") { value.forEach((v) => { if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) { extras.push({ name: "theme-color", ...v }); } }); continue; } for (const v of value) { if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null) { const urlProps = []; const otherProps = []; for (const [propKey, propValue] of Object.entries(v)) { const metaKey = `${key}${propKey === "url" ? "" : `:${propKey}`}`; const meta2 = unpackMeta({ [metaKey]: propValue }); (propKey === "url" ? urlProps : otherProps).push(...meta2); } extras.push(...urlProps, ...otherProps); } else { extras.push(...typeof v === "string" ? unpackMeta({ [key]: v }) : handleObjectEntry(key, v)); } } continue; } if (typeof value === "object" && value) { if (NAMESPACES.MEDIA.has(key)) { const prefix = key.startsWith("twitter") ? "twitter" : "og"; const type = key.replace(/^(og|twitter)/, "").toLowerCase(); const metaKey = prefix === "twitter" ? "name" : "property"; if (value.url) { extras.push({ [metaKey]: `${prefix}:${type}`, content: value.url }); } if (value.secureUrl) { extras.push({ [metaKey]: `${prefix}:${type}:secure_url`, content: value.secureUrl }); } for (const [propKey, propValue] of Object.entries(value)) { if (propKey !== "url" && propKey !== "secureUrl") { extras.push({ [metaKey]: `${prefix}:${type}:${propKey}`, // @ts-expect-error untyped content: propValue }); } } } else if (MetaTagsArrayable.has(fixKeyCase(key))) { extras.push(...handleObjectEntry(key, value)); } else { primitives[key] = sanitizeObject(value); } } else { primitives[key] = value; } } const meta = Object.entries(primitives).map(([key, value]) => { if (key === "charset") return { charset: value === null ? "_null" : value }; const metaKey = resolveMetaKeyType(key); const keyValue = resolveMetaKeyValue(key); const processedValue = value === null ? "_null" : typeof value === "object" ? resolvePackedMetaObjectValue(value, key) : typeof value === "number" ? value.toString() : value; return metaKey === "http-equiv" ? { "http-equiv": keyValue, "content": processedValue } : { [metaKey]: keyValue, content: processedValue }; }); return [...extras, ...meta].map( (m) => !("content" in m) ? m : m.content === "_null" ? { ...m, content: null } : m ); } export { resolveMetaKeyValue as a, resolvePackedMetaObjectValue as b, resolveMetaKeyType as r, unpackMeta as u };