import { version, unref, inject, hasInjectionContext, getCurrentInstance, ref, computed, createApp, effectScope, reactive, useSSRContext, defineAsyncComponent, provide, onErrorCaptured, onServerPrefetch, createVNode, resolveDynamicComponent, toRef, shallowRef, shallowReactive, isReadonly, isRef, isShallow, isReactive, toRaw, resolveComponent, mergeProps, nextTick } from 'vue'; import { d as useRuntimeConfig$1, $ as $fetch, w as withQuery, l as hasProtocol, p as parseURL, m as isScriptProtocol, j as joinURL, h as createError$1, n as sanitizeStatusCode, o as createHooks } from '../nitro/node-server.mjs'; import { getActiveHead } from 'unhead'; import { defineHeadPlugin } from '@unhead/shared'; import { createMemoryHistory, createRouter, START_LOCATION } from 'vue-router'; import { ssrRenderSuspense, ssrRenderComponent, ssrRenderVNode } from 'vue/server-renderer'; import 'node:http'; import 'node:https'; import 'fs'; import 'path'; import 'node:fs'; import 'node:url'; function createContext$1(opts = {}) { let currentInstance; let isSingleton = false; const checkConflict = (instance) => { if (currentInstance && currentInstance !== instance) { throw new Error("Context conflict"); } }; let als; if (opts.asyncContext) { const _AsyncLocalStorage = opts.AsyncLocalStorage || globalThis.AsyncLocalStorage; if (_AsyncLocalStorage) { als = new _AsyncLocalStorage(); } else { console.warn("[unctx] `AsyncLocalStorage` is not provided."); } } const _getCurrentInstance = () => { if (als && currentInstance === void 0) { const instance = als.getStore(); if (instance !== void 0) { return instance; } } return currentInstance; }; return { use: () => { const _instance = _getCurrentInstance(); if (_instance === void 0) { throw new Error("Context is not available"); } return _instance; }, tryUse: () => { return _getCurrentInstance(); }, set: (instance, replace) => { if (!replace) { checkConflict(instance); } currentInstance = instance; isSingleton = true; }, unset: () => { currentInstance = void 0; isSingleton = false; }, call: (instance, callback) => { checkConflict(instance); currentInstance = instance; try { return als ?, callback) : callback(); } finally { if (!isSingleton) { currentInstance = void 0; } } }, async callAsync(instance, callback) { currentInstance = instance; const onRestore = () => { currentInstance = instance; }; const onLeave = () => currentInstance === instance ? onRestore : void 0; asyncHandlers$1.add(onLeave); try { const r = als ?, callback) : callback(); if (!isSingleton) { currentInstance = void 0; } return await r; } finally { asyncHandlers$1.delete(onLeave); } } }; } function createNamespace$1(defaultOpts = {}) { const contexts = {}; return { get(key, opts = {}) { if (!contexts[key]) { contexts[key] = createContext$1({ ...defaultOpts, ...opts }); } contexts[key]; return contexts[key]; } }; } const _globalThis$1 = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : {}; const globalKey$2 = "__unctx__"; const defaultNamespace$1 = _globalThis$1[globalKey$2] || (_globalThis$1[globalKey$2] = createNamespace$1()); const getContext = (key, opts = {}) => defaultNamespace$1.get(key, opts); const asyncHandlersKey$1 = "__unctx_async_handlers__"; const asyncHandlers$1 = _globalThis$1[asyncHandlersKey$1] || (_globalThis$1[asyncHandlersKey$1] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); const appConfig = useRuntimeConfig$1().app; const baseURL = () => appConfig.baseURL; if (!globalThis.$fetch) { globalThis.$fetch = $fetch.create({ baseURL: baseURL() }); } const nuxtAppCtx = /* @__PURE__ */ getContext("nuxt-app", { asyncContext: false }); const NuxtPluginIndicator = "__nuxt_plugin"; function createNuxtApp(options) { let hydratingCount = 0; const nuxtApp = { _scope: effectScope(), provide: void 0, globalName: "nuxt", versions: { get nuxt() { return "3.8.2"; }, get vue() { return nuxtApp.vueApp.version; } }, payload: reactive({ data: {}, state: {}, _errors: {}, ...{ serverRendered: true } }), static: { data: {} }, runWithContext: (fn) => => callWithNuxt(nuxtApp, fn)), isHydrating: false, deferHydration() { if (!nuxtApp.isHydrating) { return () => { }; } hydratingCount++; let called = false; return () => { if (called) { return; } called = true; hydratingCount--; if (hydratingCount === 0) { nuxtApp.isHydrating = false; return nuxtApp.callHook("app:suspense:resolve"); } }; }, _asyncDataPromises: {}, _asyncData: {}, _payloadRevivers: {}, ...options }; nuxtApp.hooks = createHooks(); nuxtApp.hook = nuxtApp.hooks.hook; { const contextCaller = async function(hooks, args) { for (const hook of hooks) { await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => hook(...args)); } }; nuxtApp.hooks.callHook = (name, ...args) => nuxtApp.hooks.callHookWith(contextCaller, name, ...args); } nuxtApp.callHook = nuxtApp.hooks.callHook; nuxtApp.provide = (name, value) => { const $name = "$" + name; defineGetter(nuxtApp, $name, value); defineGetter(nuxtApp.vueApp.config.globalProperties, $name, value); }; defineGetter(nuxtApp.vueApp, "$nuxt", nuxtApp); defineGetter(nuxtApp.vueApp.config.globalProperties, "$nuxt", nuxtApp); { if (nuxtApp.ssrContext) { nuxtApp.ssrContext.nuxt = nuxtApp; nuxtApp.ssrContext._payloadReducers = {}; nuxtApp.payload.path = nuxtApp.ssrContext.url; } nuxtApp.ssrContext = nuxtApp.ssrContext || {}; if (nuxtApp.ssrContext.payload) { Object.assign(nuxtApp.payload, nuxtApp.ssrContext.payload); } nuxtApp.ssrContext.payload = nuxtApp.payload; nuxtApp.ssrContext.config = { public: options.ssrContext.runtimeConfig.public, app: }; } const runtimeConfig = options.ssrContext.runtimeConfig; nuxtApp.provide("config", runtimeConfig); return nuxtApp; } async function applyPlugin(nuxtApp, plugin2) { if (plugin2.hooks) { nuxtApp.hooks.addHooks(plugin2.hooks); } if (typeof plugin2 === "function") { const { provide: provide2 } = await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => plugin2(nuxtApp)) || {}; if (provide2 && typeof provide2 === "object") { for (const key in provide2) { nuxtApp.provide(key, provide2[key]); } } } } async function applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins2) { var _a, _b; const parallels = []; const errors = []; for (const plugin2 of plugins2) { if (((_a = nuxtApp.ssrContext) == null ? void 0 : _a.islandContext) && ((_b = plugin2.env) == null ? void 0 : _b.islands) === false) { continue; } const promise = applyPlugin(nuxtApp, plugin2); if (plugin2.parallel) { parallels.push(promise.catch((e) => errors.push(e))); } else { await promise; } } await Promise.all(parallels); if (errors.length) { throw errors[0]; } } /*! @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */ // @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ function defineNuxtPlugin(plugin2) { if (typeof plugin2 === "function") { return plugin2; } delete; return Object.assign(plugin2.setup || (() => { }), plugin2, { [NuxtPluginIndicator]: true }); } function callWithNuxt(nuxt, setup, args) { const fn = () => args ? setup(...args) : setup(); { return nuxt.vueApp.runWithContext(() => nuxtAppCtx.callAsync(nuxt, fn)); } } /*! @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */ // @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ function useNuxtApp() { var _a; let nuxtAppInstance; if (hasInjectionContext()) { nuxtAppInstance = (_a = getCurrentInstance()) == null ? void 0 :$nuxt; } nuxtAppInstance = nuxtAppInstance || nuxtAppCtx.tryUse(); if (!nuxtAppInstance) { { throw new Error("[nuxt] instance unavailable"); } } return nuxtAppInstance; } /*! @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */ // @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ function useRuntimeConfig() { return (/* @__PURE__ */ useNuxtApp()).$config; } function defineGetter(obj, key, val) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { get: () => val }); } version.startsWith("3"); function resolveUnref(r) { return typeof r === "function" ? r() : unref(r); } function resolveUnrefHeadInput(ref2, lastKey = "") { if (ref2 instanceof Promise) return ref2; const root = resolveUnref(ref2); if (!ref2 || !root) return root; if (Array.isArray(root)) return => resolveUnrefHeadInput(r, lastKey)); if (typeof root === "object") { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(root).map(([k, v]) => { if (k === "titleTemplate" || k.startsWith("on")) return [k, unref(v)]; return [k, resolveUnrefHeadInput(v, k)]; }) ); } return root; } defineHeadPlugin({ hooks: { "entries:resolve": function(ctx) { for (const entry2 of ctx.entries) entry2.resolvedInput = resolveUnrefHeadInput(entry2.input); } } }); const headSymbol = "usehead"; const _global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {}; const globalKey$1 = "__unhead_injection_handler__"; function setHeadInjectionHandler(handler) { _global[globalKey$1] = handler; } function injectHead() { if (globalKey$1 in _global) { return _global[globalKey$1](); } const head = inject(headSymbol); if (!head && "production" !== "production") console.warn("Unhead is missing Vue context, falling back to shared context. This may have unexpected results."); return head || getActiveHead(); } const unhead_KgADcZ0jPj = /* @__PURE__ */ defineNuxtPlugin({ name: "nuxt:head", enforce: "pre", setup(nuxtApp) { const head = nuxtApp.ssrContext.head; setHeadInjectionHandler( // need a fresh instance of the nuxt app to avoid parallel requests interfering with each other () => (/* @__PURE__ */ useNuxtApp()).vueApp._context.provides.usehead ); nuxtApp.vueApp.use(head); } }); function createContext(opts = {}) { let currentInstance; let isSingleton = false; const checkConflict = (instance) => { if (currentInstance && currentInstance !== instance) { throw new Error("Context conflict"); } }; let als; if (opts.asyncContext) { const _AsyncLocalStorage = opts.AsyncLocalStorage || globalThis.AsyncLocalStorage; if (_AsyncLocalStorage) { als = new _AsyncLocalStorage(); } else { console.warn("[unctx] `AsyncLocalStorage` is not provided."); } } const _getCurrentInstance = () => { if (als && currentInstance === void 0) { const instance = als.getStore(); if (instance !== void 0) { return instance; } } return currentInstance; }; return { use: () => { const _instance = _getCurrentInstance(); if (_instance === void 0) { throw new Error("Context is not available"); } return _instance; }, tryUse: () => { return _getCurrentInstance(); }, set: (instance, replace) => { if (!replace) { checkConflict(instance); } currentInstance = instance; isSingleton = true; }, unset: () => { currentInstance = void 0; isSingleton = false; }, call: (instance, callback) => { checkConflict(instance); currentInstance = instance; try { return als ?, callback) : callback(); } finally { if (!isSingleton) { currentInstance = void 0; } } }, async callAsync(instance, callback) { currentInstance = instance; const onRestore = () => { currentInstance = instance; }; const onLeave = () => currentInstance === instance ? onRestore : void 0; asyncHandlers.add(onLeave); try { const r = als ?, callback) : callback(); if (!isSingleton) { currentInstance = void 0; } return await r; } finally { asyncHandlers.delete(onLeave); } } }; } function createNamespace(defaultOpts = {}) { const contexts = {}; return { get(key, opts = {}) { if (!contexts[key]) { contexts[key] = createContext({ ...defaultOpts, ...opts }); } contexts[key]; return contexts[key]; } }; } const _globalThis = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : {}; const globalKey = "__unctx__"; _globalThis[globalKey] || (_globalThis[globalKey] = createNamespace()); const asyncHandlersKey = "__unctx_async_handlers__"; const asyncHandlers = _globalThis[asyncHandlersKey] || (_globalThis[asyncHandlersKey] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); function executeAsync(function_) { const restores = []; for (const leaveHandler of asyncHandlers) { const restore2 = leaveHandler(); if (restore2) { restores.push(restore2); } } const restore = () => { for (const restore2 of restores) { restore2(); } }; let awaitable = function_(); if (awaitable && typeof awaitable === "object" && "catch" in awaitable) { awaitable = awaitable.catch((error) => { restore(); throw error; }); } return [awaitable, restore]; } const PageRouteSymbol = Symbol("route"); const useRouter = () => { var _a; return (_a = /* @__PURE__ */ useNuxtApp()) == null ? void 0 : _a.$router; }; const useRoute = () => { if (hasInjectionContext()) { return inject(PageRouteSymbol, (/* @__PURE__ */ useNuxtApp())._route); } return (/* @__PURE__ */ useNuxtApp())._route; }; /*! @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */ // @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ function defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(middleware) { return middleware; } const isProcessingMiddleware = () => { try { if ((/* @__PURE__ */ useNuxtApp())._processingMiddleware) { return true; } } catch { return true; } return false; }; const navigateTo = (to, options) => { if (!to) { to = "/"; } const toPath = typeof to === "string" ? to : withQuery(to.path || "/", to.query || {}) + (to.hash || ""); if (options == null ? void 0 : { return Promise.resolve(); } const isExternal = (options == null ? void 0 : options.external) || hasProtocol(toPath, { acceptRelative: true }); if (isExternal) { if (!(options == null ? void 0 : options.external)) { throw new Error("Navigating to an external URL is not allowed by default. Use `navigateTo(url, { external: true })`."); } const protocol = parseURL(toPath).protocol; if (protocol && isScriptProtocol(protocol)) { throw new Error(`Cannot navigate to a URL with '${protocol}' protocol.`); } } const inMiddleware = isProcessingMiddleware(); const router = useRouter(); const nuxtApp = /* @__PURE__ */ useNuxtApp(); { if (nuxtApp.ssrContext) { const fullPath = typeof to === "string" || isExternal ? toPath : router.resolve(to).fullPath || "/"; const location2 = isExternal ? toPath : joinURL((/* @__PURE__ */ useRuntimeConfig()).app.baseURL, fullPath); const redirect = async function(response) { await nuxtApp.callHook("app:redirected"); const encodedLoc = location2.replace(/"/g, "%22"); nuxtApp.ssrContext._renderResponse = { statusCode: sanitizeStatusCode((options == null ? void 0 : options.redirectCode) || 302, 302), body: `
`, headers: { location: location2 } }; return response; }; if (!isExternal && inMiddleware) { router.afterEach((final) => final.fullPath === fullPath ? redirect(false) : void 0); return to; } return redirect(!inMiddleware ? void 0 : ( /* abort route navigation */ false )); } } if (isExternal) { nuxtApp._scope.stop(); if (options == null ? void 0 : options.replace) { location.replace(toPath); } else { location.href = toPath; } if (inMiddleware) { if (!nuxtApp.isHydrating) { return false; } return new Promise(() => { }); } return Promise.resolve(); } return (options == null ? void 0 : options.replace) ? router.replace(to) : router.push(to); }; const useError = () => toRef((/* @__PURE__ */ useNuxtApp()).payload, "error"); const showError = (_err) => { const err = createError(_err); try { const nuxtApp = /* @__PURE__ */ useNuxtApp(); const error = useError(); if (false) ; error.value = error.value || err; } catch { throw err; } return err; }; const isNuxtError = (err) => !!(err && typeof err === "object" && "__nuxt_error" in err); const createError = (err) => { const _err = createError$1(err); _err.__nuxt_error = true; return _err; }; const _routes = [ { name: "details-id", path: "/details/:id()", meta: {}, alias: [], redirect: void 0, component: () => import('./_nuxt/_id_-ebfea16c.mjs').then((m) => m.default || m) }, { name: "index.html", path: "/index.html", meta: {}, alias: [], redirect: void 0, component: () => import('./_nuxt/index-3b9fbe5f.mjs').then((m) => m.default || m) }, { name: "index", path: "/", meta: {}, alias: [], redirect: void 0, component: () => import('./_nuxt/index-09a76c59.mjs').then((m) => m.default || m) }, { name: "publish", path: "/publish", meta: {}, alias: [], redirect: void 0, component: () => import('./_nuxt/index-49ec7933.mjs').then((m) => m.default || m) } ]; function generateRouteKey(route) { const source = (route == null ? void 0 : route.meta.key) ?? route.path.replace(/(:\w+)\([^)]+\)/g, "$1").replace(/(:\w+)[?+*]/g, "$1").replace(/:\w+/g, (r) => { var _a; return ((_a = route.params[r.slice(1)]) == null ? void 0 : _a.toString()) || ""; }); return typeof source === "function" ? source(route) : source; } function isChangingPage(to, from) { if (to === from) { return false; } if (generateRouteKey(to) !== generateRouteKey(from)) { return true; } const areComponentsSame = to.matched.every( (comp, index) => { var _a, _b; return comp.components && comp.components.default === ((_b = (_a = from.matched[index]) == null ? void 0 : _a.components) == null ? void 0 : _b.default); } ); if (areComponentsSame) { return false; } return true; } const appPageTransition = false; const nuxtLinkDefaults = { "componentName": "NuxtLink" }; const routerOptions0 = { scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) { var _a; const nuxtApp = /* @__PURE__ */ useNuxtApp(); const behavior = ((_a = useRouter().options) == null ? void 0 : _a.scrollBehaviorType) ?? "auto"; let position = savedPosition || void 0; const routeAllowsScrollToTop = typeof to.meta.scrollToTop === "function" ? to.meta.scrollToTop(to, from) : to.meta.scrollToTop; if (!position && from && to && routeAllowsScrollToTop !== false && isChangingPage(to, from)) { position = { left: 0, top: 0 }; } if (to.path === from.path) { if (from.hash && !to.hash) { return { left: 0, top: 0 }; } if (to.hash) { return { el: to.hash, top: _getHashElementScrollMarginTop(to.hash), behavior }; } } const hasTransition = (route) => !!(route.meta.pageTransition ?? appPageTransition); const hookToWait = hasTransition(from) && hasTransition(to) ? "page:transition:finish" : "page:finish"; return new Promise((resolve) => { nuxtApp.hooks.hookOnce(hookToWait, async () => { await nextTick(); if (to.hash) { position = { el: to.hash, top: _getHashElementScrollMarginTop(to.hash), behavior }; } resolve(position); }); }); } }; function _getHashElementScrollMarginTop(selector) { try { const elem = document.querySelector(selector); if (elem) { return parseFloat(getComputedStyle(elem).scrollMarginTop); } } catch { } return 0; } const configRouterOptions = { hashMode: false, scrollBehaviorType: "auto" }; const routerOptions = { ...configRouterOptions, ...routerOptions0 }; const validate = /* @__PURE__ */ defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async (to) => { var _a; let __temp, __restore; if (!((_a = to.meta) == null ? void 0 : _a.validate)) { return; } useRouter(); const result = ([__temp, __restore] = executeAsync(() => Promise.resolve(to.meta.validate(to))), __temp = await __temp, __restore(), __temp); if (result === true) { return; } { return result; } }); const manifest_45route_45rule = /* @__PURE__ */ defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async (to) => { { return; } }); const globalMiddleware = [ validate, manifest_45route_45rule ]; const namedMiddleware = { "error-handler": () => import('./_nuxt/errorHandler-a798e3fb.mjs') }; const plugin = /* @__PURE__ */ defineNuxtPlugin({ name: "nuxt:router", enforce: "pre", async setup(nuxtApp) { var _a, _b; let __temp, __restore; let routerBase = (/* @__PURE__ */ useRuntimeConfig()).app.baseURL; if (routerOptions.hashMode && !routerBase.includes("#")) { routerBase += "#"; } const history = ((_a = routerOptions.history) == null ? void 0 :, routerBase)) ?? createMemoryHistory(routerBase); const routes = ((_b = routerOptions.routes) == null ? void 0 :, _routes)) ?? _routes; let startPosition; const initialURL = nuxtApp.ssrContext.url; const router = createRouter({ ...routerOptions, scrollBehavior: (to, from, savedPosition) => { var _a2; if (from === START_LOCATION) { startPosition = savedPosition; return; } router.options.scrollBehavior = routerOptions.scrollBehavior; return (_a2 = routerOptions.scrollBehavior) == null ? void 0 :, to, START_LOCATION, startPosition || savedPosition); }, history, routes }); nuxtApp.vueApp.use(router); const previousRoute = shallowRef(router.currentRoute.value); router.afterEach((_to, from) => { previousRoute.value = from; }); Object.defineProperty(nuxtApp.vueApp.config.globalProperties, "previousRoute", { get: () => previousRoute.value }); const _route = shallowRef(router.resolve(initialURL)); const syncCurrentRoute = () => { _route.value = router.currentRoute.value; }; nuxtApp.hook("page:finish", syncCurrentRoute); router.afterEach((to, from) => { var _a2, _b2, _c, _d; if (((_b2 = (_a2 = to.matched[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.components) == null ? void 0 : _b2.default) === ((_d = (_c = from.matched[0]) == null ? void 0 : _c.components) == null ? void 0 : _d.default)) { syncCurrentRoute(); } }); const route = {}; for (const key in _route.value) { Object.defineProperty(route, key, { get: () => _route.value[key] }); } nuxtApp._route = shallowReactive(route); nuxtApp._middleware = nuxtApp._middleware || { global: [], named: {} }; useError(); try { if (true) { ; [__temp, __restore] = executeAsync(() => router.push(initialURL)), await __temp, __restore(); ; } ; [__temp, __restore] = executeAsync(() => router.isReady()), await __temp, __restore(); ; } catch (error2) { [__temp, __restore] = executeAsync(() => nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => showError(error2))), await __temp, __restore(); } const initialLayout = nuxtApp.payload.state._layout; router.beforeEach(async (to, from) => { var _a2, _b2; to.meta = reactive(to.meta); if (nuxtApp.isHydrating && initialLayout && !isReadonly(to.meta.layout)) { to.meta.layout = initialLayout; } nuxtApp._processingMiddleware = true; if (!((_a2 = nuxtApp.ssrContext) == null ? void 0 : _a2.islandContext)) { const middlewareEntries = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...globalMiddleware,]); for (const component of to.matched) { const componentMiddleware = component.meta.middleware; if (!componentMiddleware) { continue; } if (Array.isArray(componentMiddleware)) { for (const entry2 of componentMiddleware) { middlewareEntries.add(entry2); } } else { middlewareEntries.add(componentMiddleware); } } for (const entry2 of middlewareEntries) { const middleware = typeof entry2 === "string" ? nuxtApp._middleware.named[entry2] || await ((_b2 = namedMiddleware[entry2]) == null ? void 0 : => r.default || r)) : entry2; if (!middleware) { throw new Error(`Unknown route middleware: '${entry2}'.`); } const result = await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => middleware(to, from)); { if (result === false || result instanceof Error) { const error2 = result || createError$1({ statusCode: 404, statusMessage: `Page Not Found: ${initialURL}` }); await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => showError(error2)); return false; } } if (result === true) { continue; } if (result || result === false) { return result; } } } }); router.onError(() => { delete nuxtApp._processingMiddleware; }); router.afterEach(async (to, _from, failure) => { var _a2; delete nuxtApp._processingMiddleware; if ((failure == null ? void 0 : failure.type) === 4) { return; } if (to.matched.length === 0 && !((_a2 = nuxtApp.ssrContext) == null ? void 0 : _a2.islandContext)) { await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => showError(createError$1({ statusCode: 404, fatal: false, statusMessage: `Page not found: ${to.fullPath}` }))); } else if (to.redirectedFrom && to.fullPath !== initialURL) { await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => navigateTo(to.fullPath || "/")); } }); nuxtApp.hooks.hookOnce("app:created", async () => { try { await router.replace({ ...router.resolve(initialURL), name: void 0, // #4920, #4982 force: true }); router.options.scrollBehavior = routerOptions.scrollBehavior; } catch (error2) { await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => showError(error2)); } }); return { provide: { router } }; } }); function definePayloadReducer(name, reduce) { { (/* @__PURE__ */ useNuxtApp()).ssrContext._payloadReducers[name] = reduce; } } const reducers = { NuxtError: (data) => isNuxtError(data) && data.toJSON(), EmptyShallowRef: (data) => isRef(data) && isShallow(data) && !data.value && (typeof data.value === "bigint" ? "0n" : JSON.stringify(data.value) || "_"), EmptyRef: (data) => isRef(data) && !data.value && (typeof data.value === "bigint" ? "0n" : JSON.stringify(data.value) || "_"), ShallowRef: (data) => isRef(data) && isShallow(data) && data.value, ShallowReactive: (data) => isReactive(data) && isShallow(data) && toRaw(data), Ref: (data) => isRef(data) && data.value, Reactive: (data) => isReactive(data) && toRaw(data) }; const revive_payload_server_eJ33V7gbc6 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineNuxtPlugin({ name: "nuxt:revive-payload:server", setup() { for (const reducer in reducers) { definePayloadReducer(reducer, reducers[reducer]); } } }); const components_plugin_KR1HBZs4kY = /* @__PURE__ */ defineNuxtPlugin({ name: "nuxt:global-components" }); const element_plus_teleports_plugin_h4Dmekbj62 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => { nuxtApp.hook("app:rendered", (ctx) => { var _a; if ((_a = ctx.ssrContext) == null ? void 0 : _a.teleports) { ctx.ssrContext.teleports = renderTeleports(ctx.ssrContext.teleports); } }); }); function renderTeleports(teleports) { const body = Object.entries(teleports).reduce((all, [key, value]) => { if (key.startsWith("#el-popper-container-") || [].includes(key)) { return `${all}